PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) Implementation Course Overview

PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) Implementation Course Overview

The PCI-DSS Implementation course is an in-depth program designed to educate learners on the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This standard is crucial for any organization that handles credit card transactions to ensure the security of cardholder data. The course is structured into modules that cover the entire payment ecosystem, compliance standards, and specific requirements of PCI DSS version 3.2.

Beginning with an Introduction to the Payment Ecosystem, learners will gain foundational knowledge necessary for understanding the context in which PCI DSS operates. Moving into PCI Compliance Standards, the course delves into the specific rules and regulations that govern cardholder data security.

In subsequent modules, learners will explore PCI DSS V3.2 Requirements Implementation Technique to understand how to put the standards into practice effectively. The course also examines Assessment/Compliance Process and Compensating Controls, offering insights into conducting assessments and managing controls that may be used when certain standard requirements cannot be met.

By the end of this course, participants will be well-equipped with the knowledge to achieve payment card industry certification and will benefit from PCI SSC training. This will not only enhance their professional skill set but also contribute to the security and compliance posture of their organizations.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 16 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 16 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

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Course Prerequisites

To successfully undertake training in the PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) Implementation course, the minimum prerequisites include:

  • Basic understanding of information security concepts and terminologies.
  • Familiarity with the payment card industry and how payment processing works.
  • Knowledge of IT infrastructure components, including network architecture, software systems, and databases.
  • Awareness of cybersecurity threats and Risk Management principles.
  • Some experience in IT or security policy development and implementation is helpful but not mandatory.

Please note that the course is designed to be accessible for professionals with a foundational understanding of IT and security practices. A willingness to learn and engage with the course material is the most critical requirement.

Target Audience for PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) Implementation

The PCI-DSS Implementation course offers in-depth training on payment security standards, essential for professionals managing cardholder data.

  • IT Security Officers
  • Compliance Managers
  • Risk Management Professionals
  • Payment Systems Managers
  • Network Security Administrators
  • IT Support Engineers
  • E-commerce Managers
  • Data Protection Officers
  • Financial Officers responsible for payment processing
  • Cybersecurity Consultants
  • Internal Auditors
  • Software Developers working on payment systems
  • Systems and Network Administrators handling cardholder data environments

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) Implementation?

  1. This PCI-DSS Implementation course offers comprehensive training on securing payment card data, understanding compliance standards, and mastering the implementation techniques for PCI DSS V3.x requirements.

  2. Learning objectives and outcomes:

  • Understand the payment card industry ecosystem and the importance of PCI-DSS in safeguarding payment card information.
  • Gain knowledge of the PCI compliance standards and the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders.
  • Learn about the PCI DSS V3.x requirements and how to effectively implement them within an organization.
  • Master the assessment and compliance process to ensure ongoing adherence to PCI standards.
  • Identify and apply compensating controls when standard PCI DSS requirements cannot be met.
  • Explore the nuances of PCI DSS V3.0 and V3.2, recognizing the differences and updates in the versions.
  • Develop the ability to create a successful PCI Compliance Program with key success points.
  • Understand the importance of maintaining continuous compliance and the impact of non-compliance.
  • Gain insights into best practices for securing payment card data and reducing the risk of data breaches.
  • Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to pass any related certification exams and to provide advisory services on PCI-DSS compliance.