Certified Application Security Engineer Java (CASE Java) Course Overview

Certified Application Security Engineer Java (CASE Java) Course Overview

The Certified Application security Engineer (CASE) Java course is a comprehensive certification program designed to equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to secure Java applications. It addresses the need for security in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and focuses on the importance of implementing Secure methodologies and practices in today's insecure operating environment.

Module 1 introduces the fundamentals of application security, threats, and attacks, providing a strong foundation for understanding the risks involved in software development. Module 2 emphasizes the importance of gathering security requirements before coding begins. Module 3 covers Secure application design and architecture, ensuring that security is integrated from the very start of the design process.

As learners progress through the course, they will engage with secure coding practices across various domains: Module 4 deals with Input validation, Module 5 with Authentication and authorization, Module 6 with Cryptography, Module 7 with Session management, and Module 8 with Error handling. Module 9 delves into the tools and methodologies for both static and dynamic application security testing (SAST & DAST), and Module 10 wraps up with Secure deployment and Maintenance strategies.

The CASE Java certification provides a clear roadmap for professionals to understand and implement security measures in Java applications, thereby enhancing their credentials and meeting industry demands for secure software development.


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  • Live Training (Duration : 24 Hours)
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Course Prerequisites

To successfully undertake training in the Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) Java course, participants should ideally possess the following minimum prerequisites:


  • Basic understanding of Java programming: Familiarity with Java syntax and concepts is essential as the course will cover Java-specific security practices.
  • Fundamental knowledge of web application architecture: Knowledge of how web applications work, including client-server communication, HTTP protocol, and web services.
  • Awareness of general cybersecurity concepts: A basic grasp of cybersecurity principles, threats, and best practices will be beneficial.
  • Familiarity with software development lifecycle (SDLC): Understanding the stages of developing and deploying applications can help in comprehending the security aspects at each phase.
  • Basic knowledge of database interactions: An understanding of how applications interact with databases, including SQL language, is useful for learning about potential vulnerabilities.


These prerequisites are designed to ensure that you have a solid foundation upon which to build your application security skills. The training will guide you through more advanced topics, building on this foundational knowledge.


Certified Application Security Engineer Java (CASE Java)

Target Audience for Certified Application Security Engineer JAVA

The Certified Application Security Engineer JAVA course equips IT professionals with skills to implement secure coding practices and application security measures.

  • Java Developers
  • Application Security Engineers
  • Software Engineers/Developers working with Java
  • Security Analysts with a focus on application security
  • Security Architects involved in Java-based projects
  • Penetration Testers who specialize in web applications
  • Quality Assurance specialists aiming to integrate security into the SDLC
  • IT Professionals seeking to transition into secure coding roles
  • DevOps Engineers with a responsibility for secure deployment practices
  • Technical Project Managers overseeing Java development projects
  • Cybersecurity Consultants providing advice on Java application security
  • Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) aiming to understand application security risks and defenses
  • Information Security Officers responsible for securing Java applications within an organization

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Certified Application Security Engineer JAVA?

Introduction to Course Learning Outcomes and Concepts Covered:

The Certified Application Security Engineer JAVA course equips learners with the skills to design, develop, and maintain secure Java applications, focusing on best practices and proactive measures to mitigate security risks.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the fundamentals of application security, including common threats and attacks, to build a strong foundation in security principles.
  • Learn to gather and interpret security requirements effectively to ensure that applications meet the necessary security standards from inception.
  • Master the principles of secure application design and architecture, leading to the development of inherently secure applications.
  • Acquire secure coding practices for input validation to prevent common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Implement robust authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect against unauthorized access and ensure proper user identity management.
  • Gain knowledge of the appropriate use of cryptography to safeguard sensitive data in transit and at rest within Java applications.
  • Understand the best practices for secure session management to protect user sessions from hijacking and other session-based attacks.
  • Develop the ability to handle errors securely, avoiding leakage of sensitive information and preventing error-based exploitation.
  • Become proficient in using Static and Dynamic Application Security Testing (SAST & DAST) tools to identify and remediate vulnerabilities during the development lifecycle.
  • Learn the essentials of secure deployment and maintenance to ensure that applications remain secure throughout their operational life.

Technical Topic Explanation

Secure application design and architecture

Secure application design and architecture involve creating software with a strong focus on security from the start. It sets up rules and methods that help in reducing vulnerabilities and risks within applications. Essentially, this practice embeds security measures and considerations into the application’s design, rather than adding them later. This proactive approach includes identifying potential security threats early, designing components to resist attacks, and implementing strong security controls and procedures throughout the lifecycle of the software. The goal is to create resilient and robust applications that safeguard data and provide secure services to users.

Input validation

Input validation is a crucial process in developing secure applications. It involves checking the data provided by users before processing it to ensure that it is correct and safe. This step helps to prevent malicious data from causing harm to the application or to other users. By implementing robust input validation, developers can safeguard their systems against common threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). Certification programs such as Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) for Java and .NET enhance a developer's skills in ensuring these security measures are effectively applied in software applications.

Authentication and authorization

Authentication is the process where systems verify the identity of users by checking if the credentials they provide (like passwords, biometrics) match the ones in their database. Once confirmed, users are granted access. Authorization follows and determines what resources a user can access. This ensures that users have permissions appropriate to their roles. For instance, while everyone at a company could authenticate themselves, only certain individuals might be authorized to access sensitive financial data or the certified application security engineer (CASE) resources for Java or .NET applications.


Cryptography is the practice of secure communication in the presence of adversaries. It uses mathematical principles and algorithms to convert information into a secure format that only intended recipients can access and interpret. This protects data from unauthorized access, modification, and theft. Key elements include encryption (scrambling data into a secret code), decryption (turning the code back into readable information), and the use of cryptographic keys (secret values that dictate how the encryption and decryption are performed). Cryptography is essential for secure communications, online transactions, and protecting sensitive information in digital forms.

Session management

Session management is a way to track a user's activity across sessions of interaction with a web application. It helps maintain the state and data of a user's activities so that information can be persisted between web requests on the same website. This process involves creating unique sessions or IDs for users when they log in or access a web application, ensuring that their actions and decisions remain consistent throughout their visit. Effective session management is crucial for security and user experience, as it prevents unauthorized access and ensures smooth transitions across various parts of the application.

Error handling

Error handling is a programming approach used to manage and respond to errors that arise during the execution of software. It involves writing code to detect potential errors, handle them gracefully by issuing user-friendly alerts or taking corrective actions, and logging them for future analysis. Proper error handling improves an application's reliability and user experience by preventing the program from crashing and providing meaningful feedback during failures. In software development, robust error handling is essential for security and efficiency, especially in complex environments like Java and .NET, where certified application security engineers play crucial roles.

Application security

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) are two methods used to find security vulnerabilities in software applications. SAST, often performed early in the development process, analyzes source code to detect flaws that could lead to security breaches. It examines the code without running the program. DAST, on the other hand, tests the application during runtime, simulating attacks to identify vulnerabilities that are only visible while the application is running. Both SAST and DAST are crucial for ensuring software security and are typically used together to provide comprehensive protection.

Secure deployment

Secure deployment ensures that software or applications are released in a way that minimizes the risk of vulnerabilities and security breaches. This process involves multiple best practices, including setting up secure configurations, using encryption to protect data, ongoing monitoring for unusual activities, and executing vulnerability assessments regularly. The goal is to guarantee that the application remains secure from development through to deployment and beyond, safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining user trust. This approach is crucial for maintaining the integrity and reliability of software in a world where security threats are continually evolving.

Maintenance strategies

Maintenance strategies involve various approaches to ensure that machinery, equipment, and systems are operating efficiently and reliably. These strategies include reactive maintenance, which fixes equipment after a failure; preventive maintenance, which schedules regular checks and repairs to prevent failures; predictive maintenance, which utilizes data and analytics to predict failures before they occur; and condition-based maintenance, which monitors the actual condition of equipment to perform repairs as needed. Implementing the right maintenance strategy can reduce downtime, increase safety, and optimize operational costs.

Application security

Application security involves protecting apps from threats by identifying and fixing security weaknesses. Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) certifications, such as CASE Java or CASE .NET, focus on equipping professionals with skills specifically for securing applications built in Java or on the .NET framework. These certifications provide expertise in critical security areas, ensuring that applications are developed with robust security measures from the start, safeguarding data and systems from malicious attacks.

Secure methodologies and practices

Secure methodologies and practices focus on protecting applications from threats and vulnerabilities throughout their development lifecycle. This involves defining security requirements, utilizing secure coding techniques, and conducting thorough testing and assessments. Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) credentials, including CASE Java and CASE .NET certifications, validate the expertise of professionals in securing applications developed with specific technologies like Java and .NET. These certifications ensure that practitioners are proficient in the latest security practices, capable of designing and implementing robust security solutions within software applications.

Target Audience for Certified Application Security Engineer JAVA

The Certified Application Security Engineer JAVA course equips IT professionals with skills to implement secure coding practices and application security measures.

  • Java Developers
  • Application Security Engineers
  • Software Engineers/Developers working with Java
  • Security Analysts with a focus on application security
  • Security Architects involved in Java-based projects
  • Penetration Testers who specialize in web applications
  • Quality Assurance specialists aiming to integrate security into the SDLC
  • IT Professionals seeking to transition into secure coding roles
  • DevOps Engineers with a responsibility for secure deployment practices
  • Technical Project Managers overseeing Java development projects
  • Cybersecurity Consultants providing advice on Java application security
  • Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) aiming to understand application security risks and defenses
  • Information Security Officers responsible for securing Java applications within an organization

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Certified Application Security Engineer JAVA?

Introduction to Course Learning Outcomes and Concepts Covered:

The Certified Application Security Engineer JAVA course equips learners with the skills to design, develop, and maintain secure Java applications, focusing on best practices and proactive measures to mitigate security risks.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the fundamentals of application security, including common threats and attacks, to build a strong foundation in security principles.
  • Learn to gather and interpret security requirements effectively to ensure that applications meet the necessary security standards from inception.
  • Master the principles of secure application design and architecture, leading to the development of inherently secure applications.
  • Acquire secure coding practices for input validation to prevent common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Implement robust authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect against unauthorized access and ensure proper user identity management.
  • Gain knowledge of the appropriate use of cryptography to safeguard sensitive data in transit and at rest within Java applications.
  • Understand the best practices for secure session management to protect user sessions from hijacking and other session-based attacks.
  • Develop the ability to handle errors securely, avoiding leakage of sensitive information and preventing error-based exploitation.
  • Become proficient in using Static and Dynamic Application Security Testing (SAST & DAST) tools to identify and remediate vulnerabilities during the development lifecycle.
  • Learn the essentials of secure deployment and maintenance to ensure that applications remain secure throughout their operational life.