advanced DevOps Tools - Git, Ansible, Kubernetes on baremetal and Azure, CI/CD with Jenkins Course Overview

advanced DevOps Tools - Git, Ansible, Kubernetes on baremetal and Azure, CI/CD with Jenkins Course Overview

The "Advanced DevOps Tools - Git, Ansible, Kubernetes on Baremetal and Azure, CI/CD with Jenkins" course is a comprehensive training program designed to equip learners with the skills necessary to master some of the most powerful DevOps automation tools in the industry. Through this course, participants will delve into the intricacies of version control with Git, learn the essentials of configuration management and automated deployment using Ansible, manage containerized applications at scale with Kubernetes on both baremetal and Azure (AKS), and implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipelines with Jenkins.

Starting with Module 1, learners will get hands-on experience with Git, where they'll understand how to efficiently manage source code. In Module 2, students will explore Ansible for DevOps automation tools, learning to automate complex deployments and streamline IT tasks. Module 3 and Module 4 offer deep dives into Kubernetes, including cluster management and running containerized applications on Azure. Lastly, Module 5 focuses on implementing CI/CD workflows using Jenkins.

By the end of this course, participants will be proficient in leveraging these DevOps tools, making them invaluable assets in modern software development and deployment environments. This DevOps tools training is ideal for those looking to enhance their automation capabilities and operational efficiency in DevOps practices.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 120 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 120 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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Course Prerequisites

Sure, here are the minimum required prerequisites for successfully undertaking the advanced DevOps Tools - Git, Ansible, Kubernetes on baremetal and Azure, CI/CD with Jenkins course:

  • Basic understanding of software development and delivery concepts.
  • Familiarity with the fundamentals of Linux or Unix systems, including navigating the file system and basic command-line operations.
  • Experience with using text editors (such as Vim, Nano, or Emacs) in a Linux/Unix environment.
  • Knowledge of basic networking concepts and protocols (such as TCP/IP, HTTP/HTTPS).
  • A grasp of the basics of cloud computing and services, particularly with Microsoft Azure.
  • Prior exposure to any scripting language (e.g., Bash, Python, Ruby) is beneficial.
  • Understanding of version control concepts, preferably with some experience using Git.
  • It is helpful to have a conceptual understanding of containerization technologies, such as Docker.

These prerequisites are intended to ensure that learners can keep pace with the course content and engage effectively with the hands-on aspects of the training. If you have a willingness to learn and can meet these foundational requirements, you should be well-prepared to take on this advanced DevOps course.

Target Audience for advanced DevOps Tools - Git, Ansible, Kubernetes on baremetal and Azure, CI/CD with Jenkins

This advanced DevOps Tools course equips professionals with the skills for Git, Ansible, Kubernetes, Azure, and Jenkins for efficient CI/CD processes.

  • DevOps Engineers
  • Software Developers
  • System Administrators
  • IT Project Managers
  • Build and Release Engineers
  • Technical Leads
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineers
  • IT Operations Staff
  • Deployment engineers
  • Network Engineers engaged in automation
  • Professionals working with cloud-based infrastructure
  • Security Engineers interested in deployment and automation
  • QA Engineers aiming to understand CI/CD pipelines
  • Technical Architects looking for expertise in automation and orchestration

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this advanced DevOps Tools - Git, Ansible, Kubernetes on baremetal and Azure, CI/CD with Jenkins?

Introduction to the Course Learning Outcomes

This comprehensive course equips learners with mastery over advanced DevOps tools like Git, Ansible, Kubernetes, Azure, and Jenkins, focusing on practical use cases and hands-on implementation for real-world IT environments.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Git and GitHub Mastery: Understand version control systems with a focus on Git, and learn how to collaborate on code using GitHub.
  • Ansible for Automation: Learn to automate IT infrastructure with Ansible, including writing playbooks, managing variables, and using Ansible roles and vault.
  • Kubernetes Administration: Acquire skills to deploy, manage, and troubleshoot containerized applications with Kubernetes on bare metal environments.
  • Azure Kubernetes Service: Learn to create and manage Kubernetes clusters on Azure, focusing on aspects like storage, security, and autoscaling.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment with Jenkins: Implement CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, integrate with Git for source control, and perform builds on remote machines.
  • Configuration Management: Utilize Ansible for effective configuration management to ensure consistent and reliable system states across environments.
  • Cluster Maintenance and Monitoring: Master the essentials of Kubernetes cluster maintenance, logging, and monitoring for high availability and performance.
  • Infrastructure as Code: Embrace the principles of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for efficient and error-free provisioning and management of IT resources.
  • DevOps Best Practices: Learn the best practices in DevOps for streamlining software development, testing, deployment, and operations.
  • Security and Compliance: Understand critical security concepts for DevOps tools and how to maintain compliance in automated environments.