Java SE: Programming I Ed 2 Course Overview

Java SE: Programming I Ed 2 Course Overview

The Java SE: Programming I Ed 2 course is designed to provide learners with a fundamental understanding of Java programming, equipping them with the skills to create robust applications using the Java Standard Edition (SE) platform. It starts with the key features of the Java language, including its object-oriented principles and robust API. Through the course, participants will learn how to set up a Java development environment and execute their Java programs.

As learners progress, they will delve into creating a Java Main class, managing data with variables and arrays, and using control structures to dictate program flow. The course emphasizes object-oriented programming concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, and interfaces, enabling students to write more modular and maintainable code.

Advanced topics include exception handling, Java API utilization, and new Java SE features like Lambda expressions and local-variable type inference. Participants will also explore Java modules, enhancing application maintainability and modular development. Practical lessons like deploying applications and using JShell for testing code snippets ensure that learners gain hands-on experience.

Upon completion, individuals will be equipped with the foundational Java skills necessary to pursue further learning in Java programming and software development.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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Course Prerequisites

To successfully undertake the Java SE: Programming I Ed 2 course, the following prerequisites are recommended:

  • Basic computer literacy and familiarity with using a text editor and command-line operations.
  • Understanding of fundamental programming concepts such as variables, control flow (loops, conditions), and data structures.
  • No prior experience with Java programming is required, but experience in any programming language can be beneficial.
  • Willingness to learn and problem-solve, as programming involves logical thinking and applying concepts to real-world scenarios.

It's important to note that this course is designed to introduce the basics of Java programming, and as such, it starts with foundational concepts and progressively advances to more complex topics. A positive attitude and the ability to invest time in practice and self-study will greatly enhance the learning experience.

Target Audience for Java SE: Programming I Ed 2

Java SE: Programming I Ed 2 is designed for individuals seeking to build a foundation in Java programming and software development.

  • Beginner programmers interested in learning Java from scratch
  • Computer science students needing a comprehensive Java programming course
  • IT professionals wanting to transition into software development
  • Software engineers looking to update their Java programming skills
  • Technical managers overseeing Java development projects
  • System administrators aiming to automate tasks with Java
  • Hobbyists and enthusiasts who enjoy learning programming languages
  • Career switchers targeting entry-level positions in Java development
  • Quality assurance engineers looking to understand Java codebases
  • Technical support staff seeking to improve troubleshooting of Java applications

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Java SE: Programming I Ed 2?

  1. Introduction to the Java SE: Programming I Ed 2 Course Outcomes: This course provides an in-depth understanding of Java Standard Edition, equipping students with key programming skills and a solid foundation in Java concepts, syntax, and APIs.

  2. Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Comprehend the key features and benefits of the Java language and its development environment.
  • Develop, run, and test Java programs effectively using industry-standard tools and practices.
  • Create Java Main classes and understand Java's entry-point method structure.
  • Utilize variables, strings, and numerical data types to construct Java applications.
  • Implement conditional logic using IF statements and manage data collections with loops.
  • Define, instantiate, and manage Java objects, classes, and object-oriented concepts like encapsulation.
  • Manipulate and format data using the String class, StringBuilder, and other Java APIs.
  • Design and use methods, including method overloading, to enhance code modularity and reuse.
  • Apply access control and encapsulation principles to ensure robust and maintainable code.
  • Utilize inheritance, interfaces, and polymorphism to create flexible and scalable applications.
  • Handle exceptions adeptly to build reliable and fault-tolerant Java applications.
  • Deploy Java applications, understand the Module system, and maintain application code bases effectively.
  • Use JShell for testing snippets of Java code and leveraging it within an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).