Roadmap To Red Hat Certification Career

By Devpriyam Sharma 12-Apr-2023
Roadmap To Red Hat Certification Career

A specific role-based certification can make or break your career in the IT sector. Leading employers in the industry get proof that you possess the skill set needed to operate and manage industrial setups and infrastructure. 

Certifications also tell your colleagues that there’s an expert professional on the team they can rely on; however, some of these certifications have more merit than others, depending on which role you are looking to fill. For instance, organisations like Microsoft and Amazon have issued learnings or credentials for their servers and platforms. 

Let’s take a look at one leading source of technological evolution today - Red Hat. Their certifications are prominent around the world, and these can prepare you for a range of careers. 

Here’s red hat certification roadmap you need to know before you start preparing for your certification.

What is Red Hat Certification?

The experience Red Hat has in the IT industry extends to over two decades. The company specialises in and offers an open stack platform for businesses to use and customise according to their requirements. The products and services Red Hat offers are cross-platform virtualisation, cloud computing, Enterprise Linux and JBoss middleware, among others. 

Red Hat offers training and certifications for professionals looking to master and work with Red Hat products. Earning a Red Hat certification gives you a deeper understanding of modern storage, operating systems, cloud solutions and virtualisation.

Getting a Red Hat Certification

Clearing a Red Hat certification path is not as hard as it might appear. Red Hat provides you with all you need for learning, studying and taking the exam each certification requires. All you need to do is pay a small fee and enrol in an online training program. You have the option of going through your certification training either in-person or online, with most courses finishing in a matter of days. 

Of course, there are costs involved in each course you choose, but it is a good investment that can increase your job satisfaction and earning opportunities. 

Finding the Best Red Hat Certification Path for You

Red Hat offers several individual courses that you can pursue as part of a single certification path. Here are the most widely acclaimed certification paths that you can choose to get started, including: 

  • RHCSA - Red Hat Certified System Administrator

  • RHCE - Red Hat Certified Engineer

  • RHCVA - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Virtualisation

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RHCSA - Red Hat Certified System Administrator:

When you earn the RHCSA, you are telling your present and potential employers that you have the skills for administering systems and managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments. The RHCSA path or linux certification path is the right way to go if you are an Enterprise Linux administrator who wants to get skill-based credentials and earn a higher package. Earning this credential is also a mandatory step if you are an IT professional looking to pursue the RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) certification.

ALSO Read: How to Pass Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) Exam?

The RHCSA certification path and exam test various skills and capabilities. Some of them are:

  • Handling of directories, files, command-line environments and documentation with multiple running systems

  • Managing groups and users

  • Maintaining security

  • Creating file systems as well as their attributes

  • Supporting software updates and installation whenever needed

Available courses:

RHCSA Rapid Track (RHEL 8) - RH199

Red Hat System Administration II with RHCSA Exam

RHCSA - RHEL 8 Certification 

Final certification exam:

Red Hat Certified System Administrator - EX200

RHCE - Red Hat Certified Engineer:

When you have completed and earned the RHCSA certification, you come one step closer to your next certification. This step is the RHCE - Red Hat Certified Engineer credential. These engineers play a leading role in automating Enterprise Linux actions and integrating Red Hat with new technologies to ensure a more innovative and efficient environment.

When Enterprise Linux 8 was released, Red Hat revised the RHCE certification path and placed greater emphasis on skills needed for automation. The new exam pays more attention to the automation of system admin roles with the help of shell scripting and Red Hat Ansible Automation.

Besides the skill set achieved through an RHCSA certification, RHCE certified professionals must also have certain additional competencies and capabilities, including: 

  • Building RPMs

  • Managing system logging

  • Configuring systems for networking services

  • Delivering reports on how systems are used

  • Configuring networking systems

  • Using shell scripting for task automation

  • Setting parameters for kernel runtime

  • Formatting iSCSI initiators

While preparing for your RHCE certification exam, there is a wide range of courses for you to choose from, differing based on your OS preferences and experience.

Final certification exam:

Red Hat Certified Engineer - EX300

Also Read: How to Become RHCE Certified

RHCVA - Red Hat Certified Specialist in Virtualisation:

If the RHCVA credential fits automatically within your career trajectory as you grow, it means you are a system administrator working on Linux. You are specifically in charge of the management and implementation of virtualisation infrastructure, guests and hosts. This credential by Red Hat takes forward most of your skills learned in the RHCE and RHCSA certification paths. The right time to pursue this credential is when you already have prior Red Hat certifications to your name. 

The RHCVA credential proves that you are capable of:

  • Installing Red Hat Enterprise Virtualisation Manager

  • Performing essential tasks for system management 

  • Configuring hypervisors to support Linux via Enterprise Virtualisation Manager

  • Spinning data centres, templates, clusters and pools

As cloud-based products get easy to deploy and cheaper, business organisations are increasingly virtualising their IT infrastructure. With an RHCVA credential to your name, you can easily implement the newest virtualisation techniques and tools your role requires. 

Available Courses:

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - RH318

Final Certification Exam:

Red Hat Certified Specialist in Virtualisation - EX318

ALSO READ: Top Red Hat Linux System Administrator Interview Questions

Options Along the Red Hat Certification Path:

Any career path you choose to go down with a Red Hat certification will depend on which role you are interested in and the exact certification and credential you select. 

Most IT professionals opt for the RHCSA, RHCE or RHCA certification as their foundational credentials. These certifications provide you with all the necessary skills for working in a professional IT environment. However, there is enough room to choose multiple different specialisations depending on your aptitude or choice. 

These options include, but are not limited to, software application writing, working in a Linux environment and system planning and administration for your organisation.

Must Read: Top 10 Red Hat Linux Certifications Courses

Is a Red Hat Certification Worth it?

The benefit you draw from your Red Hat certification depends on how you use it. IBM’s Red Hat certifications are globally recognised and valued, so there is little to no chance of the certification losing credibility any time soon. 

However, you must ensure that you choose roles and work that allows you to apply the skills that you have gained and developed through these certifications. A Red Hat Certified Engineer earns about $97,000 on average in the US every year. Give your career the boost it needs and enrol in a Red Hat certification program today.

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Devpriyam Sharma

Devpriyam is a Microsoft Certified Trainer with rich experience in Database Administration, System Administration, Oracle Applications, Troubleshooting, and Backup & Recovery concepts. I deliver training on various Database Systems Management tools.

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