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Salesforce B2B Commerce on Lightning is a functional certification that validates an individual's ability to implement the Salesforce B2B Commerce solutions, particularly with the Lightning Experience. It focuses on demonstrating the knowledge and skills in Managing catalogs, Setting up price books, Maintaining inventory, and Managing customer accounts. It showcases expertise on B2B Commerce features like Cart functionality, data modeling, and Storefront management. Industries use it as it streamlines business operations and improves customer experience by providing effective B2B e-commerce solutions. It optimizes buying and selling processes, making it an essential certification for professionals working in industries with regular B2B transactions.
Successfully delivered 1 sessions for over 24 professionals
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View Fees Breakdown
Flexi Video | 16,449 |
Official E-coursebook | |
Exam Voucher (optional) | |
Hands-On-Labs2 | 4,159 |
+ GST 18% | 4,259 |
Total Fees (without exam & Labs) |
22,359 (INR) |
Total Fees (with exam & Labs) |
28,359 (INR) |
♱ Excluding VAT/GST
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♱ Excluding VAT/GST
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