MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer Course Overview

MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer Course Overview

The MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer course is designed for learners seeking to gain expertise in the MEAN stack, which includes MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. This comprehensive mean stack training program equips participants with the necessary skills to build dynamic and responsive web applications. Starting with Module 1 on TypeScript, learners will understand the differences between TypeScript and JavaScript and delve into object-oriented programming concepts specific to TypeScript, including classes, methods, access modifiers, and more.

As the course progresses, it delves into Angular, teaching students how to create robust front-end applications using Angular's powerful framework. This includes understanding Components, Modules, Forms, Services, and Routing, among other key Angular features.

The Node.js section of the mean stack developer online course will cover server-side development, allowing learners to handle HTTP requests, interact with databases, and create RESTful web Services, integrating seamlessly with the Angular front end.

By the end of the course, students will have a well-rounded skill set enabling them to develop full-stack web applications using the MEAN stack, making them valuable assets in the web development industry.


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Course Prerequisites

To ensure a productive learning experience in the MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer course, students should have the following minimum prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of web development concepts such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Familiarity with programming concepts and constructs such as variables, functions, loops, and conditionals.
  • Some exposure to object-oriented programming (OOP) would be beneficial.
  • A willingness to learn new programming paradigms and frameworks.
  • Basic command-line skills to navigate directories and run scripts.
  • An understanding of how the internet and web servers work.
  • Access to a computer with a stable internet connection capable of running the necessary development tools.
  • Eagerness to engage with hands-on projects and apply new concepts in practical scenarios.

These prerequisites are designed to ensure that all students have a foundational knowledge base from which to build their skills in the MEAN stack, but they should not deter motivated individuals who are committed to learning and growing in the field of web development.

Target Audience for MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer

The MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer course equips learners with the skills to build dynamic web applications using the MEAN stack.

  • Aspiring Full Stack Developers
  • Front-end Developers looking to learn back-end skills
  • Back-end Developers wanting to master front-end frameworks
  • Software Engineers seeking to specialize in JavaScript technologies
  • Computer Science students or graduates aiming to enhance their portfolios
  • Web Developers looking to switch to the MEAN stack
  • IT Professionals wanting to update their skillset with current web development trends
  • Entrepreneurs or Freelancers aiming to create their own web applications
  • Technical Project Managers needing a better understanding of full stack development processes
  • DevOps Engineers who require knowledge of web development for end-to-end project involvement

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer?

Introduction to the MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer Course Learning Outcomes:

This course equips students with the skills to build dynamic, end-to-end web applications using the MEAN stack, focusing on Angular and NodeJS, and integrating databases with Express.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand and apply TypeScript fundamentals, including OOPs concepts, classes, interfaces, and modules to enhance JavaScript development.
  • Develop single-page applications (SPAs) with Angular, utilizing components, services, and routing to create a modular and maintainable front-end architecture.
  • Master NodeJS for server-side development, including handling HTTP requests, file systems, and integrating the Express framework for building web applications.
  • Implement NoSQL databases using MongoDB, perform CRUD operations, and understand how to integrate them with NodeJS to persist application data.
  • Gain proficiency in creating responsive and interactive web forms using Angular's Template Driven Forms and Reactive Forms with validation.
  • Manage application state and data flow by understanding and implementing services, dependency injection, and inter-component communication in Angular.
  • Utilize Angular's HTTP Client for effective communication with RESTful web services, handling data retrieval, and performing CRUD operations via HTTP methods.
  • Apply advanced Angular features such as Pipes for data transformation and the Angular Component Router for navigation within SPAs.
  • Learn best practices for building APIs with Express, middleware integration, and rendering data server-side or through API endpoints.
  • Develop unit testing skills for Angular applications using Jasmine, ensuring code reliability and application stability through automated testing.

Technical Topic Explanation


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. It's designed to build scalable network applications, enabling developers to write server-side scripts and produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it efficient and lightweight, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications. It is also a core component of the MEAN stack, which includes MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js, popular for developing fast and scalable full-stack applications.


Services in a technical context refer to the offering of assistance or the performance of work by a provider, which is consumed and used by customers or businesses. Services can be tangible, involving human interaction, or intangible, such as software and web-based services. In technology, services often include IT support, software development, cloud computing, and web hosting. The key characteristics of services include their intangibility, perishability, variability, and inseparability, meaning they cannot be stored, vary in performance, and are consumed at the point of delivery.

MEAN stack

The MEAN stack is an acronym for a combination of technologies used to develop web applications: MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. MongoDB is the database system, Express.js facilitates back-end web services, AngularJS enables front-end development, and Node.js runs JavaScript on the server. Together, they provide a full-stack development toolkit suitable for building dynamic websites and applications. MEAN stack developer courses online, including MEAN stack training courses and MEAN stack crash courses, offer comprehensive training to harness these technologies effectively, catering to the growing demand for skilled MEAN stack developers.


MongoDB is a popular document-oriented database that is part of the MEAN stack, which also includes Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. It is designed to handle large volumes of data and provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, meaning fields can vary from document to document and data structure can be changed over time. This database is particularly effective for applications that need to evolve rapidly with the changing needs of data-driven applications. It's a powerful tool for developers in a MEAN stack training course or undergoing mean stack developer online course.


Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js, designed for building web applications and APIs. It simplifies the server creation process that can handle different types of requests like GET and POST. With a series of middleware requests, it enables manageable and modular code creation. For developers looking to dive deeper or quickly enhance their skills in building web-based applications using JavaScript, MEAN stack developer online courses, including MEAN stack crash courses or more detailed MEAN Stack training courses, focus explicitly on technologies including MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js, offering both foundational and advanced knowledge.


Routing in networking involves directing internet traffic efficiently through a network of computers to ensure data sent from a source reaches the correct destination. It uses various protocols to chart the best path within complex networks by considering factors such as path length, congestion levels, and hardware limitations. This enables the network to adapt to changes, such as hardware failures and congestion, by choosing alternate pathways, making sure users and devices can communicate effectively irrespective of their geographical locations.

HTTP requests

HTTP requests are a fundamental part of web communications, forming the core of how data is exchanged over the internet. Essentially, an HTTP request is a way your web browser asks for information, like web pages or images, from a server. When you enter a URL or click on a link, the browser sends a request to the server hosting the content, specifying the type of action needed, such as "GET" to retrieve data or "POST" to submit data. The server then responds with the requested data, enabling you to view and interact with websites.


Angular is a popular, modern web development framework used to create dynamic and interactive websites. It lets you use HTML as your template language and extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and succinctly. Angular's data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code you would otherwise have to write. It is particularly powerful for developing single-page applications, where it enables rich functionality and responsive user experiences. Angular is a core part of the MEAN stack, which also includes MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js, providing a complete development path from the server side to client-side interactions.


TypeScript is a programming language developed by Microsoft. It's a superset of JavaScript, which means any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. TypeScript adds optional static typing to the language, helping to catch errors early during coding, which is especially helpful when developing larger applications. It provides powerful tools for building and managing code, including intuitive interfaces and classes for object-oriented programming. TypeScript compiles to plain JavaScript, making it usable in any browser, on any host, and with any operating system. This language is key for developers looking to enhance their JavaScript coding and application scalability.


JavaScript is a versatile programming language that enables developers to build interactive websites. Primarily used for web development, JavaScript allows the creation of dynamic elements on web pages, such as animated graphics, interactive maps, and real-time data updates without needing to reload the page. It is an essential skill for web developers due to its widespread use across the internet. JavaScript functions as part of the MEAN stack (which includes MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js), a set of technologies used to develop full-stack applications. Understanding JavaScript is crucial for any aspiring MEAN stack developer.


Components are parts or elements that make up a whole system in various domains, including software, electronics, and mechanical engineering. In software, components are reusable pieces of code or modules that perform specific functions and can be integrated into larger applications, improving efficiency and reducing errors. In electronics, they refer to physical entities like resistors and capacitors, essential for circuit functionality. In mechanical engineering, components include gears, bolts, and engines, crucial for constructing mechanical systems. Understanding and deploying components effectively enhances system performance and reliability across disciplines.


Modules are distinct parts of a larger system that work together to perform specific functions. In the context of technology, particularly in software development like MEAN Stack, they refer to organized blocks of code responsible for different aspects of an application. Each module handles a unique task and can be developed and tested independently before being integrated as part of a fuller application. This modular approach enhances efficiency, makes maintenance easier, and allows for scalable development processes. MEAN Stack itself incorporates multiple technologies (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js), each representing a module in the full application stack.


Forms in technology refer to the elements within a webpage or application used to collect user information. This can range from basic contact details to more complex data entries. Typically, forms are structured with fields that users fill out, often including areas for text, dropdown menus, and checkboxes. They are essential for tasks such as user registration, shopping checkout processes, and feedback submission. The design and functionality of forms greatly impact the user experience, making it crucial that they are intuitive and responsive across all devices.


RESTful web services allow systems to communicate over the internet using standard web protocols. By employing these services, a software can perform tasks like retrieving data or posting updates in a standard, predictable format. RESTful web services are designed to be efficient, reliable, and easy to scale. They use standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, which facilitate creating, reading, updating, and deleting resources over the web. This simplicity and adherence to existing web standards make RESTful services a popular choice in modern application development, including in platforms like the MEAN stack.

Target Audience for MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer

The MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer course equips learners with the skills to build dynamic web applications using the MEAN stack.

  • Aspiring Full Stack Developers
  • Front-end Developers looking to learn back-end skills
  • Back-end Developers wanting to master front-end frameworks
  • Software Engineers seeking to specialize in JavaScript technologies
  • Computer Science students or graduates aiming to enhance their portfolios
  • Web Developers looking to switch to the MEAN stack
  • IT Professionals wanting to update their skillset with current web development trends
  • Entrepreneurs or Freelancers aiming to create their own web applications
  • Technical Project Managers needing a better understanding of full stack development processes
  • DevOps Engineers who require knowledge of web development for end-to-end project involvement

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer?

Introduction to the MEAN Angular Full Stack Web Developer Course Learning Outcomes:

This course equips students with the skills to build dynamic, end-to-end web applications using the MEAN stack, focusing on Angular and NodeJS, and integrating databases with Express.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand and apply TypeScript fundamentals, including OOPs concepts, classes, interfaces, and modules to enhance JavaScript development.
  • Develop single-page applications (SPAs) with Angular, utilizing components, services, and routing to create a modular and maintainable front-end architecture.
  • Master NodeJS for server-side development, including handling HTTP requests, file systems, and integrating the Express framework for building web applications.
  • Implement NoSQL databases using MongoDB, perform CRUD operations, and understand how to integrate them with NodeJS to persist application data.
  • Gain proficiency in creating responsive and interactive web forms using Angular's Template Driven Forms and Reactive Forms with validation.
  • Manage application state and data flow by understanding and implementing services, dependency injection, and inter-component communication in Angular.
  • Utilize Angular's HTTP Client for effective communication with RESTful web services, handling data retrieval, and performing CRUD operations via HTTP methods.
  • Apply advanced Angular features such as Pipes for data transformation and the Angular Component Router for navigation within SPAs.
  • Learn best practices for building APIs with Express, middleware integration, and rendering data server-side or through API endpoints.
  • Develop unit testing skills for Angular applications using Jasmine, ensuring code reliability and application stability through automated testing.