Cloud Infrastructure and Services Course Overview

Cloud Infrastructure and Services Course Overview

The Cloud Infrastructure and Services course is a comprehensive program designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to leverage cloud technologies and drive Digital Transformation within organizations. It begins with an exploration of Digital Transformation, addressing the challenges businesses and IT departments face in evolving their operations for the digital age and how cloud adoption can be a solution.

Throughout the course, participants will delve into the Cloud Reference Architecture, gaining an understanding of cloud characteristics, deployment, service models, and the architectural components that underpin cloud computing. They will learn about the evolution of applications, the challenges of traditional architectures, and the benefits of application modernization.

The curriculum covers the breadth of Cloud Services & Orchestration, explaining how cloud services function, the importance of service orchestration, and the lifecycle of cloud services. It also dissects modern IT infrastructure, including virtual, software-defined, and converged/hyper-converged infrastructures.

A significant focus is placed on Cloud Security, with lessons on identifying threats, implementing security mechanisms, and understanding governance, risk, and compliance. The course also addresses Business Continuity strategies in the cloud, including fault tolerance and data protection solutions.

Finally, learners will explore Cloud Service Management and the transformation of IT operations, emphasizing the critical elements of people, processes, and technology necessary for successful transformation. This course is ideal for IT professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of cloud infrastructures and services to support business agility and innovation.

This is a Rare Course and it can be take up to 3 weeks to arrange the training.

Purchase This Course

Fee On Request

  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

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Course Prerequisites

Certainly! Here are the minimum required prerequisites for successfully undertaking the Cloud Infrastructure and Services course:

  • Basic understanding of computer systems and networking concepts
  • Familiarity with the Internet and Cloud Computing fundamentals
  • Awareness of IT challenges in business contexts
  • Interest in Digital Transformation and IT modernization
  • Willingness to learn about various cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
  • Some knowledge of IT infrastructure components (servers, storage, network)
  • An open mind to grasp new concepts related to cloud security, Business Continuity, and IT operations

Please note that these prerequisites are aimed at ensuring participants have a foundational knowledge base that will enable them to fully benefit from the course content. No advanced technical skills are required, and the course is designed to build upon these basic understandings.

Target Audience for Cloud Infrastructure and Services

  1. The Cloud Infrastructure and Services course equips participants with essential knowledge to drive digital and cloud transformation.

  2. Target Job Roles and Audience for the Course:

  • IT Professionals seeking to understand cloud infrastructure
  • System Administrators transitioning to cloud systems
  • Cloud Architects designing cloud solutions
  • IT Managers overseeing Digital Transformation projects
  • Network Engineers interested in cloud service implementations
  • Data Center Managers moving to cloud-based infrastructures
  • IT Security Specialists focusing on cloud security measures
  • IT Consultants advising on cloud adoption strategies
  • DevOps Engineers integrating cloud services into workflows
  • Application Developers modernizing apps for the cloud
  • Business Analysts evaluating the impact of cloud on business processes
  • Technical Support Engineers working with cloud services
  • Project Managers coordinating cloud deployment projects
  • Compliance Officers ensuring cloud solutions meet regulatory standards
  • CIOs/CTOs strategizing IT transformation within organizations

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Cloud Infrastructure and Services?

Introduction to the Course's Learning Outcomes and Concepts Covered:

This Cloud Infrastructure and Services course equips participants with a comprehensive understanding of Cloud Computing, its architecture, services, security, and the role it plays in Digital Transformation.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the concept of Digital Transformation and its impact on current business and IT landscapes.
  • Gain knowledge of the essentials of cloud characteristics, deployment models, and service models.
  • Recognize the key benefits of Cloud Computing and identify the components of cloud reference architecture.
  • Learn about the evolution and challenges of traditional applications and the need for modernization to achieve modern application characteristics.
  • Explore cloud services, functions, orchestration, and the importance of cloud service lifecycle management.
  • Understand the features and benefits of virtual infrastructures, software-defined infrastructures, and converged/hyper-converged infrastructures.
  • Identify cloud security threats and mechanisms, and understand governance, risk, and compliance in a cloud environment.
  • Learn about cloud service availability, fault tolerance mechanisms, and data protection solutions such as backup, replication, and archive.
  • Understand service portfolio and service operation management processes in cloud service management.
  • Develop insight into the key elements of successful IT transformation: people, process, and technology.