Angular 12 Course Overview

Angular 12 Course Overview

The Angular 12 course is an extensive program designed to equip learners with the skills to build dynamic, high-performance web applications using Angular 12. It covers the fundamental concepts of Single Page Applications and dives deep into Angular's ecosystem, including TypeScript, Components, Directives, Pipes, and Forms. By exploring Angular's modular architecture, learners will understand how to bootstrap applications, manage data flow with Observables, and secure routes with Guards.

Throughout the course, participants will gain hands-on experience in setting up the development environment, mastering TypeScript features, constructing Angular components, and implementing advanced Angular techniques such as change detection and lifecycle hooks. Moreover, the course delves into state management using Redux, and emphasizes the importance of testing with lessons on end-to-end and unit testing of services and components.

By completing this Angular 12 course, learners will have the practical knowledge to create robust web applications and the confidence to apply best practices in Angular development. With skills in Angular Components, TypeScript, Data Architecture, and Testing, they will be well-prepared for the challenges of modern web development.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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Course Prerequisites

To successfully undertake training in the Angular 12 course offered by Koenig Solutions, the following are the minimum required prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of web development concepts, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Familiarity with the Document Object Model (DOM) and how it is manipulated.
  • Knowledge of programming concepts such as variables, functions, and control flow (if statements, loops).
  • Experience with any text editor or IDE for coding, such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom.
  • An understanding of the JSON data format and how to work with JSON objects.
  • Basic command-line interface (CLI) skills for navigating directories and running scripts.
  • Prior exposure to any programming language, preferably an object-oriented one, is beneficial but not mandatory.
  • Willingness to learn TypeScript, as Angular is built on this language. Prior knowledge of TypeScript is a plus but not required.
  • A working internet connection and a computer capable of running the latest version of Node.js and Angular CLI for setting up the development environment.

Please note that while having all of these prerequisites will help you grasp the concepts more quickly, a strong determination to learn and the ability to follow along with hands-on exercises are the most crucial factors for your success in this course.

Target Audience for Angular 12

Koenig Solutions' Angular 12 course equips learners with the skills to develop robust single-page applications using TypeScript and Angular.

Target Audience for Angular 12 Course:

  • Front-End Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Full-Stack Developers
  • UI/UX Designers
  • JavaScript Developers seeking to expand their skillset
  • Technical Leads managing front-end teams
  • Aspiring Angular Developers
  • IT Professionals wanting to upskill in modern web development frameworks
  • Programmers transitioning from other front-end frameworks to Angular
  • Computer Science/Engineering students interested in front-end technologies

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Angular 12?

Introduction to the Angular 12 Course Learning Outcomes:

This comprehensive Angular 12 course equips learners with the skills to develop robust single-page applications using modern Angular architecture and TypeScript features.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the structure and components of Angular single-page applications (SPAs) and their development needs.
  • Set up the Angular development environment and create a basic Angular application.
  • Gain proficiency in TypeScript, its types, classes, and utilities that are foundational for Angular development.
  • Master Angular Components, including creating components, understanding decorators, and implementing various data binding techniques.
  • Learn Angular Directives and Pipes, including building custom directives and pipes, and understanding the difference between pure and impure pipes.
  • Create both template-driven and reactive forms in Angular, manage form controls dynamically, and apply form validations.
  • Implement client-side routing using Angular Router, understand route guards for navigation control, and use resolve for component data prefetching.
  • Utilize Angular's HTTP module for REST API communication, CRUD operations, and understand dependency injection and services for a modular architecture.
  • Explore advanced component features such as styling, lifecycle hooks, change detection strategies, and advanced templates.
  • Develop skills in writing and running unit tests and end-to-end tests for Angular applications, ensuring robust and error-free code.
  • Introduction to state management with Redux in an Angular context, setting up the store, and managing application state effectively.