Angular 14 Course Overview

Angular 14 Course Overview

The Angular 14 course is a comprehensive program designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to build dynamic, responsive web applications using the Angular framework. This advanced angular training begins with an introduction to Angular's core concepts, including its architecture, main features, and the appropriate use cases for the framework. As participants progress, they'll delve into TypeScript, a key language for Angular development, and learn about components, which are fundamental building blocks of Angular apps.

The course adopts a hands-on approach, guiding learners through the creation of Angular applications with a focus on inter-component communication, template-driven and reactive forms, services, dependency injection, data formatting with pipes, and making HTTP requests. Participants will also explore Angular's powerful routing capabilities and advanced HTTP client usage.

Throughout the angular bootcamp, best practices and modern development techniques are emphasized, ensuring that learners are well-prepared to tackle real-world challenges. By the end of the course, participants will have gained the confidence to build, test, and deploy Angular applications efficiently.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

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Following courses are similar to Angular 14

1. Angular 12 Both Angular 12 and Angular 14  the web development frameworks but Angular 14 is the latest version of Google’s Typescript- based web application framework and now available in the market Read More

2. Angular 13 Both Angular 13 and Angular 14 are web development frameworks but Angular 14 is the latest version of Google’s TypeTypescript-based application framework and now is available in the market Read More

Course Prerequisites

To ensure a successful learning experience in the Angular 14 course offered by Koenig Solutions, the following minimum prerequisites are recommended:

  • Basic understanding of web development concepts, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Familiarity with programming constructs such as loops, functions, and objects.
  • Experience with any text editor or IDE for writing code, such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom.
  • Knowledge of ES6 features like let, const, arrow functions, and template literals is helpful.
  • Familiarity with the concept of a web service or API (Application Programming Interface).
  • Understanding the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern is advantageous but not mandatory.
  • Prior exposure to TypeScript is beneficial but not a requirement, as an introduction to TypeScript is included in the course.

Please note that while the course is designed to be accessible to individuals with a basic background in web development, prior exposure to Angular or other JavaScript frameworks is not required. The course content starts with foundational Angular concepts and gradually builds up to more advanced topics.

Target Audience for Angular 14

Koenig Solutions' Angular 14 course offers comprehensive training for web developers looking to master single-page applications with the latest Angular techniques.

  • Front-end Developers
  • Full-stack Developers
  • Web Developers looking to upgrade their skills
  • JavaScript Developers transitioning to Angular
  • Software Engineers focusing on client-side development
  • UI/UX Designers with programming interests
  • Technical Leads managing Angular projects
  • IT Professionals aiming to learn modern web development frameworks
  • Computer Science students specializing in web technologies
  • AngularJS Developers upgrading to Angular 14
  • Freelancers seeking to expand their web development services
  • Application Developers building dynamic, responsive web applications

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Angular 14?

Introduction to the Course Learning Outcomes

The Angular 14 course is designed to equip students with the skills to build dynamic, responsive web applications using Angular's powerful framework, TypeScript, and related technologies.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Understand the core concepts of Angular and its application architecture, enabling the creation of complex client-side applications.
  • Gain proficiency in TypeScript, enhancing JavaScript with types, classes, and modules for scalable application development.
  • Learn to construct and manage Angular components, the fundamental building blocks of Angular applications, and their templates.
  • Master inter-component communication to ensure components work together seamlessly within an application.
  • Implement template-driven and reactive forms for capturing and validating user input, ensuring a responsive user experience.
  • Develop services and utilize dependency injection to create reusable business logic and data services across an application.
  • Utilize pipes for transforming and formatting data within Angular templates, improving the presentation layer.
  • Leverage the Angular HTTP Client to make RESTful API calls, handle responses, and integrate remote data into applications.
  • Configure and navigate complex application routes using the Angular Component Router, optimizing single-page application navigation.
  • Understand advanced HTTP Client techniques, including request options, observables, and error handling.
  • Develop unit tests for Angular applications using Jasmine and Angular testing utilities to ensure code quality and application stability.

These objectives are aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of Angular, from basic concepts to advanced application development and testing, ensuring students can confidently build and maintain robust Angular applications upon course completion.