Adobe Experience Manager Developer Course Overview

Adobe Experience Manager Developer Course Overview

The Adobe Experience Manager Developer course is designed to equip learners with the essential skills to build and maintain websites using Adobe's industry-leading content management system, Adobe AEM. This comprehensive course covers a wide range of topics that will help developers understand the intricacies of AEM and how to leverage its features to create dynamic, personalized web experiences.

Starting with Module 1, participants will gain a foundational understanding of AEM, delve into the content repository and JCR, and learn to set up their development environment. They will also create a sample project, laying the groundwork for more complex tasks.

In Module 2, the focus shifts to AEM Component Development, where learners will create and configure custom components, utilizing HTL and Sightly to build interactive user interfaces.

Module 3 delves into AEM Site Development and Integration, teaching how to construct site templates, manage navigation, and integrate AEM with other Adobe products for a seamless user experience.

Finally, Module 4 tackles Advanced AEM Development Topics, including workflow customization, DAM usage, and the creation of OSGi bundles, ensuring developers follow best practices in AEM development.

This Adobe AEM Developer training is invaluable for developers looking to enhance their skill set and deliver cutting-edge digital experiences.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

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Course Prerequisites

To ensure that you can successfully undertake the Adobe Experience Manager Developer course and fully benefit from its content, the following are the minimum required prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of Java programming: Since AEM is built on a Java Content Repository (JCR), having a foundational understanding of Java is essential.
  • Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Understanding these technologies is important as they are commonly used when working with AEM components and templates.
  • Understanding of web technologies and protocols (HTTP, REST): AEM is a web content management system, so knowledge of how the web works is beneficial.
  • Experience with any integrated development environment (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA: You will need to use an IDE for AEM development.
  • Basic understanding of version control systems, such as Git: Version control is a key part of the development workflow.
  • Exposure to Maven build management tool: Since AEM projects use Maven for building and managing projects, familiarity with Maven is helpful.
  • Conceptual knowledge of content management systems (CMS): While not mandatory, having an idea about CMS principles can be advantageous.

Please note that while these prerequisites will significantly help you in grasping the course material, our training is designed to accommodate a range of skill levels, and our instructors are adept at providing support to ensure all participants can follow along and learn effectively.

Target Audience for Adobe Experience Manager Developer

The Adobe Experience Manager Developer course is tailored for IT professionals seeking to master AEM development for web content management.

  • Web Developers with a focus on CMS (Content Management Systems)
  • Front-end Developers interested in backend integrations
  • Java Developers looking to specialize in AEM
  • Full Stack Developers aiming to expand their expertise in AEM
  • Software Engineers with a focus on digital experience platforms
  • AEM Developers seeking to update or deepen their skills
  • Technical Leads overseeing AEM projects
  • Solutions Architects designing systems with AEM
  • IT Consultants specializing in Adobe products
  • Digital Marketing Professionals who want a technical understanding of AEM
  • Product Managers overseeing web content management solutions
  • UX/UI Designers collaborating with AEM Developers
  • DevOps Engineers involved in AEM deployment and management
  • Quality Assurance Professionals testing AEM applications

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Adobe Experience Manager Developer?

Introduction to Course Learning Outcomes:

Gain a comprehensive understanding of AEM's capabilities, component creation, site development, and advanced development techniques to effectively build and manage content-driven websites.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the core features of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and the functionality of its content repository.
  • Set up a local AEM developer environment and create a basic AEM project to familiarize with the platform.
  • Learn to develop custom AEM components and configure them using HTL/Sightly and dialog boxes.
  • Acquire skills to build AEM site templates, navigation menus, and manage site content structure efficiently.
  • Work with Content Fragments and Experience Fragments to create reusable and consistent content across various channels.
  • Integrate AEM with other Adobe products for a seamless user experience and enhanced marketing capabilities.
  • Gain knowledge of AEM workflows, including how to develop custom workflows for content management processes.
  • Explore Digital Asset Management (DAM) in AEM for the organization, management, and delivery of digital assets.
  • Develop custom OSGi bundles to extend AEM's functionality and integrate with third-party services.
  • Adopt best practices for AEM development to ensure maintainability, scalability, and optimal performance of AEM implementations.