Linux/Unix shell scripting, Python and Perl Course Overview

Linux/Unix shell scripting, Python and Perl Course Overview

The Linux/Unix Shell scripting, Python, and Perl course is a comprehensive educational journey that empowers learners with a robust understanding of scripting and programming within Unix-like operating systems. This course is designed for those looking to gain proficiency in automating tasks, managing system operations, and developing advanced scripts for various applications.

Starting with Module 1, students will dive into the fundamentals of the UNIX operating system, including its File system, Kernel, Shell, and Process management. They will learn essential File handling commands, Permissions, and the use of text editors like vi.

In Module 2, the focus shifts to Shell environments, Scripting basics, system administration commands, and text processing utilities such as grep and sed. Students will also become familiar with Regular expressions, Data compression, and File transfer protocols.

Moving to Module 3, learners are introduced to Advanced scripting with awk, Network automation, and Debugging techniques. The course also provides an entry point into Perl and Python scripting, which broadens the scope of a student's automation skills.

By obtaining a linux Shell scripting certification through this course, participants will be well-equipped to streamline their tasks, enhance their system management capabilities, and become valuable assets in the field of IT and system administration.


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Koenig's Unique Offerings

Course Prerequisites

To successfully undertake the Linux/Unix Shell Scripting, Python, and Perl course offered by Koenig Solutions, students should have the following minimum required prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of operating systems concepts.
  • Familiarity with any text editor, such as Notepad or TextEdit, for writing scripts and code.
  • Knowledge of how to navigate through file directories in a command-line interface.
  • Some experience with executing basic commands in a Linux/Unix environment.
  • A willingness to learn and problem-solve using command-line tools and scripts.
  • Basic understanding of programming concepts (variables, loops, and functions) is helpful but not mandatory.

Please note that these prerequisites are aimed at ensuring you have a foundation upon which to build your skills in this course. No prior experience in shell scripting, Python, or Perl is required, as the course is designed to introduce these topics to beginners.

Target Audience for Linux/Unix shell scripting, Python and Perl

  1. This course offers comprehensive training in UNIX/Linux scripting, covering shell scripts, automation, and basics of Perl and Python programming.

  2. Target Audience and Job Roles:

  • System Administrators and IT Infrastructure Managers
  • Developers who need to automate tasks in a UNIX/Linux environment
  • Network Engineers looking to automate device configurations
  • Data Analysts and Database Administrators requiring scripting skills for data manipulation
  • Technical Support Specialists interested in improving their troubleshooting through scripting
  • DevOps Engineers focusing on automation and deployment scripts
  • Security Professionals needing to automate security checks and tasks
  • Software Engineers who want to understand scripting for better integration with UNIX/Linux systems
  • Aspiring programmers and computer science students who wish to gain a foundational understanding of scripting languages
  • IT professionals looking to upskill or transition into roles requiring UNIX/Linux proficiency
  • Research Scientists and Academics who need scripting tools for computational tasks

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Linux/Unix shell scripting, Python and Perl?

Introduction to Learning Outcomes:

This comprehensive course provides practical knowledge and skills in UNIX/Linux shell scripting, and an introduction to Perl and Python programming, equipping students with command-line proficiency and automation techniques.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Gain a foundational understanding of the UNIX Operating System, its components, and the Unix File System.
  • Develop the ability to execute Unix file-related general commands and manage file access permissions effectively.
  • Learn about process management, and the utilization of pipes and redirection to streamline command-line tasks.
  • Master text editing in Unix using the vi editor and understand the use of filter commands.
  • Understand the UNIX Shell environment and write basic shell scripts with conditional logic for task automation.
  • Explore system administration commands such as du, df, free, top, init, and hostname to monitor and manage system resources.
  • Acquire knowledge of regular expressions and the grep family of commands for pattern matching and data processing.
  • Learn to manage data using compression and archiving commands and understand the basics of file transfer protocols.
  • Get introduced to sed and awk for advanced text processing, and learn to automate tasks in a network environment.
  • Begin scripting with Perl and Python to extend automation capabilities and apply scripting knowledge to practical scenarios.

Technical Topic Explanation

Unix-like operating systems

Unix-like operating systems are based on the Unix architecture, known for its modularity and simplicity. They operate through a command-line interface, using a kernel to manage the system's core functions and various shells for user interaction. Linux is a popular Unix-like system that supports shell scripting—a method to automate tasks and manage software operations efficiently. Shell scripting allows users to write programs in a script language, improving productivity. Professionals may seek Linux shell scripting certification or Linux scripting certification to validate their skills and enhance their expertise in managing Linux systems effectively.

File system

A file system is a method and data structure that an operating system uses to manage files on a storage drive, such as a hard disk, SSD, or USB flash drive. It controls how data is stored and retrieved, ensuring files are placed efficiently and securely. Without a file system, data placed in a storage medium would be one large body of data with no way to tell where one piece of data stops and the next begins. File systems can vary between operating systems (like Windows, macOS, and Linux) and are crucial for organizing and accessing data efficiently.


A kernel is the core part of an operating system that manages communication between hardware and software on a computer. It controls system resources, manages hardware operations, and ensures that different software applications can run simultaneously and efficiently without interfering with each other. Essentially, it acts as a mediator, providing essential services such as memory management, device management, and handling system calls. By maintaining this critical foundation, the kernel enables the system to perform tasks stably and securely, essential for the functioning of computers and servers in a variety of settings.


A shell in Linux is an interface that allows users to communicate with the operating system by entering commands. It interprets user inputs and manages the execution of those commands on the OS. Shell scripting, then, is writing these commands in a file to automate tasks, improving efficiency and repeatability. By obtaining a Linux scripting certification, professionals validate their expertise in scripting and automating processes within a Linux environment, making them proficiency in using various shells like Bash or Ksh, enhancing system management and operational workflows.

Process management

Process management in computing refers to the handling and coordination of multiple processes (running programs) within a computer system. It involves managing the creation, execution, and termination of processes to ensure efficient use of system resources. Key tasks include allocating system resources to processes, scheduling process execution for optimal performance, and managing process states. Effective process management improves system stability, performance, and ensures processes do not interfere destructively with each other. This concept is critical in operating systems, including those that might use Linux scripting, although it's broader and applies universally across different OS platforms.

File handling commands

File handling commands in Linux allow users to create, view, modify, and delete files directly from the command line. This capability is crucial in the management of data and scripts on a Linux server. Common commands include `touch` for creating files, `cat` to display the content, `cp` to copy files, `mv` for moving or renaming, and `rm` for deleting files. Mastery of these commands is essential for efficient file management and is often covered under Linux shell scripting certification programs, enhancing one's proficiency in navigating and manipulating the Linux file system.


Permissions in the context of computing refer to the rules that determine who can access or modify files and directories within a system. Typically managed by an operating system like Linux, permissions control the level of interaction a user or a group of users can have with a file's contents or its execution. There are three main types of permissions: read, write, and execute. Read permission allows a user to view the contents of a file, write permission allows them to modify it, and execute permission allows them to run the file as a program.

Shell environments

Shell environments in computing, specifically in Linux, are user interfaces that allow for command execution and program operation. They provide a way for users to interact with the underlying operating system through typed commands rather than a graphical interface. Learning how to script in these environments can enhance efficiency and automation capabilities. Achieving a Linux scripting certification confirms proficiency in creating and managing scripts effectively, which is crucial for system administration and IT automation tasks. Shell scripting also helps in automating repetitive tasks, managing system operations, and improving work productivity.

Scripting basics

Scripting basics involve writing short programs, or scripts, to automate tasks in a computer system. Commonly used in Linux environments, these scripts are written in scripting languages like Bash. Mastering scripting can streamline workflow, making repetitive tasks simpler and faster. By learning scripting, you can potentially achieve a Linux scripting certification, demonstrating your proficiency in handling Linux shell environments and automating tasks efficiently. This skill not only boosts technical capability but also enhances problem-solving and efficiency in managing Linux systems.

Regular expressions

Regular expressions, or regex, are a powerful tool used for searching and manipulating strings based on patterns. They simplify complex searches, allowing you to match, replace, or extract specific data from strings of text efficiently. Often used in programming, text processing, and data analysis, regex is a staple in tools like text editors and languages, including those used in Linux shell scripting. Learning regex can significantly enhance your capability in Linux scripting, making it a valuable skill complemented by a Linux scripting certification.

Data compression

Data compression is the process of reducing the size of digital data files to free up storage space and speed up data transmission. By using algorithms to eliminate redundant or unnecessary information within files, compressed data requires less bandwidth or memory when stored and transmitted. This is especially vital for large data operations, making activities like downloading software, streaming videos, or sending email attachments more efficient. Compression can be either lossless, where no data is lost and original data can be perfectly restored, or lossy, where some data is discarded to achieve higher compression levels.

File transfer protocols

File transfer protocols are sets of rules that computers follow to transfer files from one system to another over a network. The most common protocols include FTP, SFTP, and FTPS. FTP enables the uploading and downloading of files between your computer and a server. SFTP (Secure FTP) uses a secure shell (SSH) to encrypt data, providing a safer transfer environment. FTPS (FTP Secure) uses SSL/TLS encryption for enhanced security. These protocols ensure that data, whether it's documents, images, or other multimedia, is transferred efficiently and securely between devices or over the internet.

Advanced scripting with awk

Advanced scripting with awk involves using a powerful programming language designed for text processing. Built into the UNIX/Linux environment, awk excels at extracting elements, transforming data, and generating reports. It allows you to quickly automate tasks and analyze data directly within the Linux shell. As you build expertise in scripting with awk, you harness the capability to manipulate text and data efficiently which is essential for tasks that require complex data sorting, summarization, or validation, enhancing your Linux scripting capabilities. This skill is valuable for those aiming for proficiency in Linux environments and seeking Linux scripting certification.

Debugging techniques

Debugging techniques are methods used by programmers to identify and fix errors, or "bugs," in software code. Key methods include using breakpoints to pause program execution and inspect values, stepping through code line by line to observe behavior, utilizing print statements or logging to trace execution flow, and employing debugging tools specific to the development environment. Effective debugging ensures that the software performs as intended and is free of errors. This process is critical in maintaining the reliability and functionality of applications, helping developers understand their code deeply and improve its quality over time.

Network automation

Network automation is the process of using technology to automate the configuration, management, and operations of a computer network. This method replaces manual handling of network devices and services with software-driven systems that can manage tasks efficiently and reduce human errors. Automation tools can perform routine network functions, such as updating, troubleshooting, and securing networking devices, quickly and consistently. This enhances network service availability and reliability, leading to improved business operations. Key challenges include integrating with diverse network environments and maintaining security. Automating a network can significantly reduce operational costs and improve service delivery.

Target Audience for Linux/Unix shell scripting, Python and Perl

  1. This course offers comprehensive training in UNIX/Linux scripting, covering shell scripts, automation, and basics of Perl and Python programming.

  2. Target Audience and Job Roles:

  • System Administrators and IT Infrastructure Managers
  • Developers who need to automate tasks in a UNIX/Linux environment
  • Network Engineers looking to automate device configurations
  • Data Analysts and Database Administrators requiring scripting skills for data manipulation
  • Technical Support Specialists interested in improving their troubleshooting through scripting
  • DevOps Engineers focusing on automation and deployment scripts
  • Security Professionals needing to automate security checks and tasks
  • Software Engineers who want to understand scripting for better integration with UNIX/Linux systems
  • Aspiring programmers and computer science students who wish to gain a foundational understanding of scripting languages
  • IT professionals looking to upskill or transition into roles requiring UNIX/Linux proficiency
  • Research Scientists and Academics who need scripting tools for computational tasks

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Linux/Unix shell scripting, Python and Perl?

Introduction to Learning Outcomes:

This comprehensive course provides practical knowledge and skills in UNIX/Linux shell scripting, and an introduction to Perl and Python programming, equipping students with command-line proficiency and automation techniques.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Gain a foundational understanding of the UNIX Operating System, its components, and the Unix File System.
  • Develop the ability to execute Unix file-related general commands and manage file access permissions effectively.
  • Learn about process management, and the utilization of pipes and redirection to streamline command-line tasks.
  • Master text editing in Unix using the vi editor and understand the use of filter commands.
  • Understand the UNIX Shell environment and write basic shell scripts with conditional logic for task automation.
  • Explore system administration commands such as du, df, free, top, init, and hostname to monitor and manage system resources.
  • Acquire knowledge of regular expressions and the grep family of commands for pattern matching and data processing.
  • Learn to manage data using compression and archiving commands and understand the basics of file transfer protocols.
  • Get introduced to sed and awk for advanced text processing, and learn to automate tasks in a network environment.
  • Begin scripting with Perl and Python to extend automation capabilities and apply scripting knowledge to practical scenarios.