Angular 16 Course Overview

Angular 16 Course Overview

The Angular 16 course is designed to educate learners on the latest version of Angular, a powerful and popular front-end web framework. This course is comprehensive, covering from the basics of Single Page Applications (SPA) to advanced concepts, ensuring that participants are well-versed in Angular 16's capabilities and best practices.

Starting with Module 1, participants will understand the importance of SPAs, why Angular is the go-to framework for these applications, and how to set up their development environment. As they progress, they'll delve into Angular's core concepts like modules, components, and services, learning how to bind data, create directives, and manage data flow with @Input/@Output decorators.

Forms and validations are covered in-depth, and the course also touches on Angular's powerful routing features, lazy loading, and route guards to secure parts of the application. The Angular Material library is introduced to teach how to create beautiful, responsive layouts.

With Module 8, learners will gain essential skills in unit testing to maintain code quality. The course culminates with Module 9, where Angular 16's new features are explored, such as Angular Signals and Standalone Project Support. Lastly, a final project allows learners to apply their knowledge in a practical setting, solidifying their understanding of Angular 16.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

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Course Prerequisites

To ensure a successful learning experience in the Angular 16 course, participants are recommended to have the following minimum prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of web development concepts
  • Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Experience with any programming language (JavaScript preferred)
  • Knowledge of TypeScript fundamentals is beneficial but not mandatory
  • Basic understanding of the client-server architecture
  • Some exposure to JSON and data exchange formats
  • Willingness to learn and adapt to new development paradigms

These prerequisites are intended to provide you with a foundation upon which the Angular 16 course will build. While prior experience with Angular or other frameworks is helpful, it is not required for this course. The content is designed to guide you through the concepts and practices of Angular development, starting with the basics and progressing to more advanced topics.

Target Audience for Angular 16

Koenig Solutions' Angular 16 course is designed for professionals seeking to master modern web application development.

  • Front-End Developers

  • Full Stack Developers

  • Web Developers

  • Software Engineers

  • JavaScript Developers

  • UI/UX Designers with coding experience

  • Technical Project Managers overseeing web development

  • Technical Leads and Architects designing web applications

  • DevOps Engineers involved in CI/CD pipeline integration

  • Aspiring Developers with a basic understanding of web technologies

  • IT Professionals wanting to upgrade their skills to SPA frameworks

  • Quality Assurance Professionals interested in understanding Angular for testing

  • Entrepreneurs or Product Managers aiming to understand Angular capabilities for project planning

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Angular 16?

Introduction to the Course's Learning Outcomes and Concepts Covered

Gain mastery in Angular 16 with our comprehensive course, covering SPA creation, project setup, modules, components, forms, pipes, services, routing, Angular Material, unit testing, and the latest features of v16.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Understand the concept of Single Page Applications (SPA) and the role of Angular in building dynamic, modern web applications.
  • Set up a local development environment for Angular projects using Angular CLI and become familiar with the Angular application architecture and project structure.
  • Learn to create and work with Angular Modules and Components, including data binding, built-in directives, and component communication to build a cohesive application.
  • Master Angular Forms, both template-driven and reactive, and implement form validations, including custom synchronous and asynchronous validators to ensure data integrity.
  • Utilize built-in and custom Pipes for data transformation, improving the flexibility and maintainability of application data presentation.
  • Develop and use Services for managing data and state across components, implementing patterns like singleton services and understanding how to handle asynchronous operations with Observables and Subjects.
  • Implement complex routing strategies with child routes, route parameters, and route guards, and explore advanced concepts like feature modules and lazy loading to optimize application structure and performance.
  • Integrate Angular Material to leverage high-quality, pre-built material design components, enhancing the UI/UX of your applications.
  • Conduct Unit Testing with a focus on testing components and services, analyze test coverage reports to ensure code quality and application stability.
  • Explore the latest features introduced in Angular 16, such as Angular Signals, required inputs, router improvements, and standalone project support to stay up-to-date with modern Angular development practices.