Introduction To SQL Databases-55315 Course Overview

Introduction To SQL Databases-55315 Course Overview

The Introduction to SQL Databases-55315 course is designed as a foundational course for individuals seeking to delve into the world of SQL databases. The curriculum offers a comprehensive overview of database concepts, beginning with Module 1 that covers the basics of relational databases, alternative database types, data analysis, and an introduction to SQL Server's database languages.

Through basic SQL training courses such as this, learners will build a solid understanding of data modeling in Module 2, including the ANSI/SPARC database model and entity-relationship modeling. Module 3 moves into the critical area of normalization and its counterpoint, denormalization.

Module 4 focuses on the establishment and maintenance of relationships and referential integrity, crucial for database integrity. Module 5 addresses performance issues, highlighting the importance of indexing, query performance, and concurrency. Finally, Module 6 introduces learners to core database objects such as tables, views, and stored procedures.

Overall, this course equips learners with the essential knowledge and skills to navigate and manipulate SQL databases effectively, providing a solid foundation for further advanced database management and development.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 24 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 24 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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Course Prerequisites

To ensure a successful learning experience in the Introduction to SQL Databases (course code: 55315), students should meet the following minimum prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of information technology (IT) concepts and computer proficiency, including the use of a keyboard and mouse.
  • Familiarity with database concepts, such as what a database is and the purpose it serves.
  • Knowledge of core computing concepts, including hardware, software, storage, and networking basics.
  • Experience with using Windows or a similar operating system to navigate and manage files and folders.
  • Ability to understand and engage with English-language instruction, as the course material is presented in English.

While previous experience with SQL or relational databases is helpful, it is not strictly necessary for this introductory course. We encourage students with a keen interest in databases and a willingness to learn to enroll.

Target Audience for Introduction To SQL Databases-55315

Introduction to SQL Databases-55315 is a foundational course designed to impart essential skills in managing and analyzing data using SQL databases.

Target audience for the course includes:

  • Aspiring Database Administrators (DBAs)
  • Data Analysts seeking to understand database structures
  • IT Professionals transitioning to database-related roles
  • Software Developers who need to interact with databases
  • System Analysts involved in data-related projects
  • Business Intelligence Professionals
  • Data Scientists who require a grounding in database technology
  • Students pursuing careers in data management
  • Technical Project Managers overseeing database projects
  • Quality Assurance Testers dealing with data validation
  • Report Writers and Data Visualisation Specialists

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Introduction To SQL Databases-55315?

Introduction to the Course's Learning Outcomes and Concepts

The 'Introduction To SQL Databases-55315' course aims to provide a foundational understanding of SQL databases, including their design, modeling, normalization, and performance optimization.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Gain a fundamental understanding of relational databases and their significance in managing data.
  • Explore various types of databases beyond relational, understanding their use cases and differences.
  • Learn the basics of data analysis and how databases play a critical role in this process.
  • Become familiar with the SQL Server database languages and their applications in data manipulation and querying.
  • Understand data modeling concepts and the importance of the ANSI/SPARC database model.
  • Develop skills in entity relationship modeling to represent data structures effectively.
  • Grasp the principles of normalization and the importance of different normal forms in optimizing database design.
  • Recognize the role of denormalization and when it may be appropriate to apply it.
  • Comprehend the types of relationships in databases and learn how to implement referential integrity.
  • Learn about performance considerations, including indexing, query performance tuning, and managing concurrency.
  • Get hands-on experience with creating and managing database objects such as tables, views, stored procedures, and more.