React with TypeScript Course Overview

React with TypeScript Course Overview

The React with TypeScript course is designed to equip learners with the skills to build robust web applications using React, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries, in conjunction with TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of both technologies, beginning with the basics of TypeScript in Module 1, where students learn about TypeScript's benefits, basic types, interfaces, classes, and how to structure and compile their code efficiently.

As learners progress, they delve into React fundamentals integrated with TypeScript in Module 2, exploring class and function components, state management, and lifecycle methods. Advanced routing techniques with React Router are covered in Module 3, including navigation, route parameters, and lazy loading.

Further modules tackle more advanced TypeScript features, common React design patterns, form handling, state management with React Redux, and interacting with RESTful APIs. Through this course, students will gain hands-on experience and the best practices needed to create scalable and maintainable web applications, enhancing their skill set and employability in the modern web development industry.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

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Course Prerequisites

To ensure that you can successfully undertake training in the React with TypeScript course provided by Koenig Solutions, the following are the minimum prerequisites you should have:

  • Basic understanding of JavaScript and its syntax
  • Familiarity with ES6 features like arrow functions, classes, modules, and destructuring
  • Experience with HTML & CSS for building web interfaces
  • Basic knowledge of web development concepts and techniques
  • Understanding of the Document Object Model (DOM) and how it interacts with JavaScript
  • Familiarity with Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) as it is used for setting up the development environment
  • Prior exposure to any programming language (preferably JavaScript) to grasp TypeScript concepts more easily
  • Willingness to learn and adapt to new programming paradigms and frameworks

These prerequisites are intended to give you a solid foundation for taking on the React with TypeScript course and are not meant to be exhaustive. If you are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort, even with minimal experience, you can successfully complete the course and enhance your skills in web development.

Target Audience for React with TypeScript

Koenig Solutions' React with TypeScript course offers in-depth training for developers to enhance their front-end development skills using TypeScript with React.

  • Front-End Developers
  • Full-Stack Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Web Developers
  • JavaScript Developers looking to leverage TypeScript
  • React Developers desiring to improve type safety and code reliability
  • UI/UX Designers with a technical background
  • Technical Leads and Architects planning to implement TypeScript in their projects
  • IT Professionals seeking to upskill in modern web development frameworks and languages
  • Computer Science students or graduates aiming to specialize in front-end development

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this React with TypeScript?

Introduction to the React with TypeScript Course Learning Outcomes

Gain proficiency in building robust web applications with React and TypeScript. Learn TypeScript basics, React components, state management, and API integration for scalable and maintainable app development.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Understand TypeScript's advantages for scalable app development, including type safety and advanced features for better code quality.
  • Master essential TypeScript syntax and types, interfaces, type aliases, classes, and modules to structure code effectively.
  • Configure TypeScript compilation settings to optimize the development process for React applications.
  • Create and manage class and functional components in React, utilizing state, lifecycle methods, and event handling for dynamic user interfaces.
  • Implement routing using React Router to create navigable single-page applications with parameters, redirects, and nested routes.
  • Utilize advanced TypeScript features like union types, type guards, and generics to create flexible and reusable code.
  • Apply common React patterns such as container/presentational components, compound components, render props, and higher-order components for better component composition.
  • Handle forms in React with controlled components, reduce boilerplate with generic components, and perform client-side form validation.
  • Integrate Redux for state management, understanding the principles, and connecting a React app to a centralized store for consistent state across components.
  • Interact with RESTful APIs using fetch and axios in both class and function components, managing asynchronous operations and state updates triggered by API data.