PHP Developer Course Overview

PHP Developer Course Overview

The PHP Developer course is a comprehensive program designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to build dynamic and interactive web applications using PHP. This course covers everything from the basics of web development, PHP coding, and control structures, to more advanced topics such as working with databases, creating secure websites, and implementing object-oriented programming concepts.

Learners will start with an understanding of the architecture of a web application and quickly move on to hands-on coding in PHP, learning to handle form data, manage sessions, and utilize cookies. The course also delves into database design and manipulation using MySQL, ensuring students can create robust data-driven websites.

With modules on securing web applications, handling email communications, and accessing other web services, students will gain practical experience to create comprehensive, secure, and efficient web applications. Additionally, the course emphasizes testing and debugging skills to ensure the delivery of quality software products. By the end of the course, learners will have a solid foundation in PHP development, ready to tackle real-world projects and challenges in the field of web development.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

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Course Prerequisites

Prerequisites for the PHP Developer Course:

  • Basic understanding of web technologies: Familiarity with the Internet and how web applications work (client/server architecture).
  • Fundamental knowledge of HTML and CSS: Ability to create simple web pages and style them using CSS.
  • Basic programming knowledge: Understanding of variables, control structures (if-else, loops), and data types in any programming language.
  • Logical thinking and problem-solving skills: Ability to think through a problem logically and come up with a solution.
  • Eagerness to learn: A willingness to learn new concepts and apply them to practical scenarios.
  • Optional: Basic understanding of database concepts and SQL would be beneficial, but not required to start the course.

Target Audience for PHP Developer

Koenig Solutions' PHP Developer course provides comprehensive training in web development, from basic PHP coding to advanced database-driven websites.

Target Audience for the PHP Developer Course:

  • Aspiring web developers with a focus on PHP
  • Computer Science and IT students seeking practical coding skills
  • Software engineers transitioning to web development
  • Front-end developers looking to expand their back-end expertise
  • Technical project managers aiming to understand PHP development
  • IT professionals wanting to upskill in new web technologies
  • Entrepreneurs aiming to build or maintain their own PHP-based web applications
  • Digital marketing professionals with a technical background
  • Freelancers seeking to offer PHP development services
  • System administrators interested in web application deployment and maintenance
  • Educational instructors and trainers specializing in web development courses

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this PHP Developer?

Introduction to the PHP Developer Course Learning Outcomes

This PHP Developer course equips learners with the fundamental skills needed to build dynamic, data-driven web applications using PHP.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Understand the architecture of web applications and the role of PHP within this context.
  • Acquire basic PHP coding skills including syntax, data types, and basic programming constructs.
  • Learn to retrieve and manipulate data from requests and manage form input and validation.
  • Develop the ability to work with control structures, such as conditional expressions, selection structures, and loops for iterative tasks.
  • Gain proficiency in handling strings, numbers, and dates, essential for data processing and manipulation.
  • Create, use, and manipulate arrays and associative arrays, including multi-dimensional arrays and array functions.
  • Define and utilize functions, namespaces, and advanced function techniques to organize and optimize code.
  • Manage user sessions and cookies to maintain state and user-specific data across multiple page requests.
  • Design normalized databases and perform data manipulation using MySQL and SQL commands, and interface PHP with MySQL databases using PDO and mysqli.
  • Implement security measures such as secure connections, authentication, and data encryption to protect web applications.
  • Send emails from PHP scripts and interact with external web services using SOAP and REST.
  • Apply the MVC pattern for code organization and maintenance, enhancing the scalability of web applications.
  • Explore object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP, including classes, objects, inheritance, and key OOP principles.
  • Conduct testing and debugging of PHP applications using tools like xDebug and Netbeans to ensure code reliability.
  • Build a database-driven website that handles large text columns and complex data retrieval.

These objectives provide a comprehensive foundation for aspiring PHP developers to create robust and efficient web applications.