Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories Ed 1 Course Overview

Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories Ed 1 Course Overview

The Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories Ed 1 course is designed to educate learners on how to build, manage, and maintain repositories in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 12c. This comprehensive course covers the fundamentals of repository development and progresses through advanced concepts such as managing logical table sources, adding calculations, and working with time series data.

Participants will learn to construct the three layers of an OBIEE repository—Physical, Business Model and Mapping, and Presentation. They will also explore how to validate and optimize their repositories, implement security, manage cache, and utilize Oracle BI Administration Tool utilities. Additionally, the course delves into topics like multiuser development and performing patch merges.

By mastering repository construction and management within Oracle BI 12c, learners will gain the skills necessary to convert raw data into insightful, actionable intelligence, effectively supporting their organization's decision-making processes.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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Course Prerequisites

Certainly! For the Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories Ed 1 course, the following are the minimum required prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of SQL and database concepts.
  • Familiarity with data warehousing and data modeling principles.
  • Some experience with Oracle Database (preferred but not mandatory).
  • Basic knowledge of business analytics concepts.
  • An understanding of the general concepts of business intelligence.
  • Ability to navigate through Windows-based applications.

It's important to note that while prior experience in these areas can greatly aid in comprehension and mastery of the course material, a strong determination to learn and a commitment to the educational process are equally vital. With these foundational prerequisites, students will be well-prepared to dive into the Oracle BI 12c content and gain the skills necessary to build effective repositories.

Target Audience for Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories Ed 1

The Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories Ed 1 course is designed for IT professionals focused on business intelligence and data warehousing.

  • Business Intelligence Developers
  • Data Warehouse Administrators
  • Data Architects
  • Database Administrators
  • ETL Specialists
  • BI Project Managers
  • Technical Consultants specializing in analytics
  • Data Analysts
  • Reports Developers
  • System Integrators working with BI tools

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories Ed 1?

  1. The Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories Ed 1 course equips students with core skills to design, build, and maintain an Oracle BI repository, enabling thorough data analysis and reporting.

  2. Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the architecture and components of the Oracle BI 12c repository.
  • Build and manage the Physical Layer to establish connections to data sources.
  • Create the Business Model and Mapping Layer to define the business logic and data model.
  • Design the Presentation Layer for user-accessible data organization and visibility.
  • Execute tests and validate the repository to ensure data integrity and consistency.
  • Manage Logical Table Sources to optimize query performance and data access.
  • Add and configure calculations within facts to support complex business metrics.
  • Work with Logical Dimensions, including hierarchies and level-based measures.
  • Enable Usage Tracking to monitor and optimize the performance of the BI system.
  • Use Model Checker and Aggregates to enhance repository efficiency and performance.
  • Implement Partitions and Fragments for scalable and maintainable repository design.
  • Utilize Repository Variables for flexibility and adaptability in data modeling.
  • Model Time Series Data to support trend analysis and time-based comparisons.
  • Address Many-to-Many Relationships to ensure accurate data representation and analysis.
  • Set an Implicit Fact Column to streamline analyses involving multiple fact tables.
  • Import Metadata from Multidimensional Data Sources for a unified BI framework.
  • Configure Security settings to manage user access and maintain data protection.
  • Manage Cache to improve query responsiveness and manage system resources effectively.
  • Handle Metadata and Service Instances to support repository maintenance and upgrades.
  • Apply Administration Tool Utilities for repository development and management tasks.
  • Collaborate using Multiuser Development to facilitate team-based repository enhancements.
  • Perform Patch Merge operations to maintain repository versions and upgrades.