Mobile App Security Course Overview

Mobile App Security Course Overview

The Mobile App Security course is designed to educate learners on the critical importance of implementing robust security measures in mobile applications. It begins by highlighting the significance of app security and the potential risks that can compromise user data. Through an in-depth exploration of the Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL), participants learn to analyze privacy risks, understand attack surfaces, and model threats effectively.

Learners gain practical experience with the OWASP Mobile Top 10 Security Risks, keeping pace with the latest vulnerabilities and learning mitigation strategies. The course goes beyond OWASP, diving into advanced topics like authentication options, data encryption, and secure logging solutions. It also addresses the challenges of enforcing security on rooted or jailbroken devices.

Upon completion, participants will be able to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, comprehending the business impact of insecure software and the importance of protecting app users. This comprehensive course equips learners with the necessary skills to fortify mobile applications against a wide range of security threats.

This is a Rare Course and it can be take up to 3 weeks to arrange the training.

Purchase This Course

Fee On Request

  • Live Online Training (Duration : 16 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

  • Live Online Training (Duration : 16 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

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Course Prerequisites

Below are the minimum required prerequisites for successfully undertaking the Mobile App Security course:

  • Basic understanding of mobile operating systems (iOS and Android)
  • Familiarity with mobile app development concepts
  • Knowledge of programming in at least one of the common mobile app development languages (e.g., Java, Swift, Kotlin, or JavaScript)
  • Awareness of general security concepts and best practices
  • An interest in learning about mobile app security vulnerabilities and defense mechanisms

Please note that while these prerequisites are intended to ensure that participants can fully engage with and benefit from the course material, a strong willingness to learn and engage with the subject matter can also help overcome gaps in experience. This course is designed to be accessible to a wide range of participants, from those new to the field to experienced professionals looking to update their knowledge.

Target Audience for Mobile App Security

Koenig Solutions' Mobile App Security course offers in-depth training on securing mobile applications and mitigating risks.

  • Mobile App Developers
  • Security Analysts
  • Penetration Testers
  • Application Security Engineers
  • Mobile Security Consultants
  • Software Engineers interested in security
  • IT Security Policy Makers
  • Risk Assessment Professionals
  • Quality Assurance Testers
  • Project Managers overseeing mobile app development

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Mobile App Security?

Introduction to Learning Outcomes:

This Mobile App Security course equips participants with the skills to secure mobile applications effectively, addressing the latest security threats and adhering to best practices.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the importance of mobile app security and recognize the potential risks to app users.
  • Conduct a comprehensive security and privacy risk analysis for mobile applications.
  • Perform an attack surface analysis to identify vulnerabilities within the app.
  • Develop threat models to anticipate and mitigate potential security threats.
  • Select and implement the appropriate security tools for mobile app development.
  • Enforce coding standards to avoid the use of banned functions that could compromise security.
  • Apply static and dynamic analysis techniques, including fuzz testing, to uncover hidden security issues.
  • Create and execute a response plan for managing security incidents.
  • Conduct a final security review to ensure all security measures are in place and effective.
  • Gain hands-on experience with the OWASP Mobile Top 10 Security Risks and learn how to mitigate them.
  • Explore advanced security concepts beyond OWASP, including encryption, secure logging, and dealing with rooted or jailbroken devices.
  • Apply the acquired knowledge to real-world scenarios, understanding the business implications of insecure mobile applications.