Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6 Course Overview

Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6 Course Overview

The Blazor App Development Using .NET 6 course offers a comprehensive guide for learners to build interactive web applications using the Blazor framework and .NET 6. The course starts with an introduction to the core aspects of .NET, highlighting the new features in .NET 6. It then delves into a detailed overview of Blazor as a platform for creating Single Page Applications (SPA), covering both Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly models, and how to implement Lazy loading for efficient resource utilization.

As the course progresses, learners will gain hands-on experience in developing .NET applications with Blazor, understanding Razor syntax, Components, and Validation techniques. The curriculum also includes lessons on integrating Bootstrap for responsive UIs, utilizing REST services with Web API, managing databases with Entity Framework, and securing applications through Authentication and Authorization. Additionally, the course explores gRPC services and how to create and use Razor Class Libraries, enhancing the modular aspect of Blazor App Development.

By the end of the course, participants will be well-versed in building robust, secure, and scalable web applications using Blazor and .NET 6, ready to tackle real-world projects.


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Course Prerequisites

Certainly! Given the course content outlined, the minimum prerequisites for successfully undertaking training in the Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6 course are as follows:

  • Basic understanding of web development concepts and technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Familiarity with C# programming language and object-oriented programming principles.
  • Some experience with ASP.NET Core and Razor syntax is beneficial but not mandatory.
  • Knowledge of the Visual Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for development activities.
  • Understanding of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern is helpful.
  • Basic knowledge of RESTful services and how web APIs operate.
  • Willingness to learn new development paradigms and stay updated with the latest .NET technologies.

These prerequisites are intended to equip students with the foundational knowledge necessary to absorb the course content effectively. The course is designed to be accessible to those with a general background in web and software development and will build upon these core skills to introduce Blazor and its associated technologies.

Target Audience for Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6

The Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6 course caters to developers looking to build modern web applications with cutting-edge Microsoft technologies.

  • Web Developers seeking to leverage .NET 6 and Blazor for single-page applications (SPAs)
  • ASP.NET Core Developers aiming to update their skills to the latest .NET version
  • Front-end Developers interested in adopting Blazor for client-side development
  • Back-end Developers who want to create full-stack applications with Blazor Server and WebAssembly
  • Software Architects designing web solutions with .NET 6 and Blazor architecture
  • Technical Leads managing teams that use or plan to use Blazor in their projects
  • .NET Programmers expanding their expertise to include progressive web applications (PWAs)
  • Programmers with experience in other web frameworks (like Angular, React, or Vue.js) exploring alternatives in the .NET ecosystem
  • Full Stack Developers integrating RESTful services and Entity Framework Core with Blazor applications
  • IT Professionals wanting to understand and apply authorization and authentication in Blazor apps
  • Software Engineers interested in implementing gRPC services within Blazor applications
  • Application Developers wanting to build reusable web UI components with Razor Class Libraries

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6?

Introduction to Learning Outcomes:

This course on Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6 equips learners with the skills to build interactive web applications leveraging the latest .NET technologies, focusing on both server-side and client-side development.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the core concepts of .NET 6 and the advancements over previous versions.
  • Grasp the architecture of Blazor and its application in creating single-page applications (SPAs).
  • Learn to develop rapid applications using Blazor in Visual Studio 2022 and create progressive web applications (PWA).
  • Master Razor syntax, components, and directives for building dynamic UIs and understand the differences between pages and components.
  • Implement routing, component rendering, data binding, and event handling within Blazor applications.
  • Establish communication between components, including parent-child relationships and parameter passing.
  • Utilize Bootstrap to design responsive user interfaces and layout management in Blazor applications.
  • Create and consume RESTful services using Web API and integrate them with Blazor WebAssembly applications.
  • Apply Entity Framework Core for database operations, migrations, and building Web API controllers in Blazor Server applications.
  • Implement authentication and authorization to secure MVC-based applications and protect pages and components.
  • Learn to use gRPC services within Blazor apps and understand the differences between gRPC and traditional Web APIs.
  • Develop and utilize Razor Class Libraries to share components and functionality across Blazor projects.

Technical Topic Explanation

Blazor framework

Blazor is a framework developed by Microsoft that allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. It operates within the .NET ecosystem, enabling the use of a single programming language across both client and server sides. Blazor can execute in the browser via WebAssembly, allowing apps to run natively at high speeds. It simplifies the development process, as developers can reuse code and libraries, and it connects smoothly with modern web development tools. Blazor is ideal for those who aim to create robust, scalable web applications efficiently with .NET and C#.

.NET 6

.NET 6 is a modern, open-source development framework from Microsoft that lets developers build various applications across different platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop. It's the latest in the .NET series, designed for high performance and intended to make app development easier and more flexible. Importantly, .NET 6 introduces unified capabilities that streamline the development process, reduce the need for separate codebases, and integrate seamlessly with cloud environments. This framework supports Blazor, a feature that allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript, enhancing the development of powerful, rich web apps.

Single Page Applications (SPA)

Single Page Applications (SPA) are websites or web applications that load a single HTML page and dynamically update that page as the user interacts with the app. Unlike traditional web applications, which reload the whole page with each action, SPAs use JavaScript to manage content changes, making them quicker and providing a smoother, app-like user experience. This approach can be seen in projects using frameworks like Blazor for .NET developers, where Blazor allows building interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript.

Blazor Server

Blazor Server is a web development framework from Microsoft that allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. In a Blazor Server app, the application logic runs on the server, and real-time communication with the client's browser is handled via a SignalR connection. This setup enables developers to use their existing .NET skills for full-stack development, providing a robust and scalable solution for building complex applications. The client and server communication is seamless, making it an attractive option for enterprises looking for efficient and dynamic web app development.

Blazor WebAssembly

Blazor WebAssembly is a web development framework that allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. This technology enables running client-side code directly in the browser, similar to JavaScript frameworks. With Blazor WebAssembly, developers can leverage existing .NET ecosystems and tools to create powerful and modern web apps efficiently. This framework helps streamline the development process by using a common language for both server-side and client-side code, enhancing the productivity and performance of Blazor app development.

Lazy loading

Lazy loading is a design pattern primarily used to optimize websites or applications by delaying the loading of certain resources until they are actually needed. Instead of loading the entire page or set of components all at once, which can slow down the site and negatively impact user experience, lazy loading waits until those resources are required. For example, images or data fetched over the network won’t load until the user scrolls down to them or reaches a certain point in the app usage. This reduces initial load time, saves bandwidth, and improves overall performance.

Razor syntax

Razor syntax is a programming markup syntax used mainly in ASP.NET for embedding server-based code into web pages. It incorporates C# code with HTML markup using a "@" symbol to switch between HTML and C#. This enables dynamic generation of content on web pages, seamlessly blending server code and HTML in the same file. Razor syntax simplifies the coding process, making it intuitive to integrate backend data into frontend views, crucial for interactive and dynamic web applications, thereby enhancing the development ease in Blazor app development.


Components in technology refer to the individual parts that together create a complete system or application. These can include hardware elements like processors and memory, as well as software parts such as modules or libraries. Each component performs a specific function and interacts with other components to ensure the system operates efficiently and effectively. In the context of Blazor app development, components are reusable UI elements that can handle user interactions smoothly, aiding in rapid application development with a consistent design. Understanding how to best utilize components is essential for building scalable and maintainable tech projects.

Validation techniques

Validation techniques in technology refer to methods used to ensure that an application or system behaves as expected. It involves testing and procedures aimed at checking whether the application meets the required specifications and functionally performs its intended operations without errors. Common techniques include unit testing, where individual components are tested; integration testing, where different components are tested together to ensure they work harmoniously; and system testing, which evaluates the complete system’s performance against the specified requirements. These techniques help detect errors early, improve product quality, and enhance user satisfaction by providing a reliable end product.


Bootstrap is a free and open-source toolkit for developing web applications. It provides a collection of tools and components, such as HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Bootstrap is aimed at facilitating responsive, mobile-first front-end web development, meaning websites built with Bootstrap adapt gracefully to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience across devices. This framework is popular among developers for its ease of use and powerful features that accelerate the development of a visually appealing and functional website.

REST services

REST (Representational State Transfer) services are a way that web applications communicate with each other. They work over the internet using HTTP protocol, the same way web pages are transferred to your browser. REST allows different systems to exchange data and functionality easily and flexibly. By using standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, REST services enable applications to perform various tasks, such as retrieving, creating, updating, or deleting information. This makes it a popular choice for building and interacting with web services due to its simplicity and statelessness, offering a scalable way to integrate systems.


A Web API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules that allows different software programs to communicate with each other. It enables the creation of web applications by providing a predefined way for developers to request and exchange data over the internet. Web APIs are essential in modern software development, allowing different systems and apps to interact, share data, and enhance functionalities without requiring the user to understand or manage the underlying code. This makes it easier to integrate and extend services across different platforms, enhancing the capability and reach of web-based applications.

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (EF) is a tool for developers that simplifies data handling in applications. It allows you to work with data using objects of domain-specific classes without focusing on the underlying database tables and connections. Essentially, it automates the database access by mapping classes to database tables and automatically generating queries. This makes data manipulation tasks, like inserting or fetching data, more intuitive and code-centric, reducing the need for manual data handling and intricate SQL queries. EF supports a wide array of database operations, helping streamline database interactions in software development.


Authentication is a process used to verify that someone is who they claim to be when accessing a system or application. It involves confirming the identity of a user by checking whether their credentials, such as a username and password, match those on file. Successful authentication grants access while keeping unauthorized users out, ensuring that system interactions are both secure and reliable. This process is crucial in managing the security of systems, including in areas such as blazor app development, by controlling access to resources and user-specific data.


Authorization in technology refers to the process of granting permissions to users or systems to access specific resources in a computing environment. It is a crucial component of security that ensures only authenticated and authorized entities can perform actions or view data. This process involves setting rules and policies that dictate what resources can be accessed, by whom, and under what conditions. Typically, authorization follows after successful authentication (verification of the user's identity), helping prevent unauthorized access and ensuring compliance with security standards.

gRPC services

gRPC services are a modern way for servers and applications to communicate over the internet. It uses HTTP/2 protocol to enable this communication, which makes it very fast and efficient compared to older methods. gRPC is especially good at connecting services written in different languages because it uses a contract-first approach for API development: you define the structure of the data and functions in a service using a language-neutral format. This approach helps ensure that everyone—no matter what programming language they use—understands how to interact with the service. gRPC is widely used for building connected systems efficiently and at scale.

Razor Class Libraries

Razor Class Libraries (RCL) are a feature in ASP.NET Core that allows developers to package and reuse Razor component UIs across different Blazor app development projects. These libraries contain Razor files, including pages, views, and components, as well as their associated assets like images and CSS files. RCLs help simplify the management of shared resources and improve code reusability, making them particularly useful for large applications or teams where consistency across different projects is crucial. This modular approach enhances development efficiency and ensures a more maintainable codebase.

Target Audience for Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6

The Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6 course caters to developers looking to build modern web applications with cutting-edge Microsoft technologies.

  • Web Developers seeking to leverage .NET 6 and Blazor for single-page applications (SPAs)
  • ASP.NET Core Developers aiming to update their skills to the latest .NET version
  • Front-end Developers interested in adopting Blazor for client-side development
  • Back-end Developers who want to create full-stack applications with Blazor Server and WebAssembly
  • Software Architects designing web solutions with .NET 6 and Blazor architecture
  • Technical Leads managing teams that use or plan to use Blazor in their projects
  • .NET Programmers expanding their expertise to include progressive web applications (PWAs)
  • Programmers with experience in other web frameworks (like Angular, React, or Vue.js) exploring alternatives in the .NET ecosystem
  • Full Stack Developers integrating RESTful services and Entity Framework Core with Blazor applications
  • IT Professionals wanting to understand and apply authorization and authentication in Blazor apps
  • Software Engineers interested in implementing gRPC services within Blazor applications
  • Application Developers wanting to build reusable web UI components with Razor Class Libraries

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6?

Introduction to Learning Outcomes:

This course on Blazor Application Development Using .NET 6 equips learners with the skills to build interactive web applications leveraging the latest .NET technologies, focusing on both server-side and client-side development.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the core concepts of .NET 6 and the advancements over previous versions.
  • Grasp the architecture of Blazor and its application in creating single-page applications (SPAs).
  • Learn to develop rapid applications using Blazor in Visual Studio 2022 and create progressive web applications (PWA).
  • Master Razor syntax, components, and directives for building dynamic UIs and understand the differences between pages and components.
  • Implement routing, component rendering, data binding, and event handling within Blazor applications.
  • Establish communication between components, including parent-child relationships and parameter passing.
  • Utilize Bootstrap to design responsive user interfaces and layout management in Blazor applications.
  • Create and consume RESTful services using Web API and integrate them with Blazor WebAssembly applications.
  • Apply Entity Framework Core for database operations, migrations, and building Web API controllers in Blazor Server applications.
  • Implement authentication and authorization to secure MVC-based applications and protect pages and components.
  • Learn to use gRPC services within Blazor apps and understand the differences between gRPC and traditional Web APIs.
  • Develop and utilize Razor Class Libraries to share components and functionality across Blazor projects.