Programming in Blazor 5( ASP.NET Core 5) Course Overview

Programming in Blazor 5( ASP.NET Core 5) Course Overview

The Blazor course in ASP.NET Core 5 is a comprehensive Blazor training program designed to introduce developers to the innovative Blazor framework, which allows for building interactive web applications with C# instead of JavaScript. This course covers all aspects of Blazor development, starting with an introduction to Blazor, Razor Components, and WebAssembly, and explores the differences between Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly hosting models.

Learners will gain insights into configuring ASP.NET Core 5, understanding the rapid evolution of the framework, and comparing it with other web technologies. The course also dives into creating Progressive Web Applications, understanding Dependency injection, and walks through the creation of a first Blazor Web Application, with attention to configuration options and new features in Core 5.

Subsequent modules deal with more advanced concepts like calling REST and gRPC services, working with Entity Framework, implementing Validation, Securing applications, using Razor Class Libraries for code reusability, JavaScript interop, and utilizing Bootstrap for responsive UIs. This Blazor course aims to equip learners with the skills needed to build robust and modern web applications using Blazor in ASP.NET Core 5.


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Course Prerequisites

To ensure a successful learning experience in the Programming in Blazor 5 (ASP.NET Core 5) course, participants should ideally have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of web development concepts, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Familiarity with C# programming language and .NET framework.
  • Some experience with ASP.NET or other web development frameworks is helpful but not mandatory.
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming principles.

These prerequisites are meant to provide you with a solid foundation to grasp the course material effectively. If you are new to some of these concepts, we recommend spending some time on introductory materials before beginning this course.

Target Audience for Programming in Blazor 5( ASP.NET Core 5)

  1. The Programming in Blazor 5 course offers comprehensive training on building web applications using ASP.NET Core 5.

  2. Target audience and job roles for the course:

  • Web Developers looking to upgrade their skills to the latest web technologies
  • ASP.NET Developers eager to learn about Blazor and WebAssembly
  • Front-End Developers interested in building progressive web applications (PWAs)
  • Full-Stack Developers wanting to understand both client and server-side Blazor applications
  • Software Architects designing web application architectures with ASP.NET Core 5
  • .NET Developers seeking to implement real-time web functionalities
  • Technical Leads managing teams that develop ASP.NET Core applications
  • Backend Developers aiming to learn new frontend development strategies with Razor Components
  • UI/UX Designers with a technical background aiming to understand the development aspects of web interfaces
  • IT Professionals wanting to learn about the latest web development trends and security practices
  • Programmers transitioning from other web frameworks to ASP.NET Core 5

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Programming in Blazor 5( ASP.NET Core 5)?

Introduction to Learning Outcomes:

Gain a comprehensive understanding of Blazor in ASP.NET Core 5, from the basics of WebAssembly and Razor components to advanced topics such as gRPC services, Entity Framework, and security.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Blazor, Razor Components, and WebAssembly, distinguishing between Blazor WebAssembly and Server models.
  • Learn to configure and utilize the new features of ASP.NET Core 5 for building progressive web applications with dependency injection support.
  • Create, debug, and deploy Blazor applications, employing Blazor templates, pages, layouts, and routing mechanisms.
  • Master Razor syntax and directives, and learn the differences between pages and components, including lifecycle management and event handling.
  • Develop skills to consume RESTful services using HttpClient and implement CRUD operations within Blazor applications.
  • Explore gRPC services, defining messages and remote procedure calls, and create a client interface for seamless communication.
  • Understand the use of Entity Framework Core for database operations, including migrations, annotations, and data modeling.
  • Implement robust validation strategies for Blazor applications using EditForm, Input, and Validation components.
  • Learn to secure Blazor applications by configuring authentication and authorization, and handling common web security threats.
  • Enhance Blazor applications with interoperability by calling JavaScript functions, accessing .NET methods from JavaScript, and integrating responsive UI with Bootstrap.

These objectives are designed to equip students with the skills needed to build dynamic and secure web applications using Blazor in ASP.NET Core 5, preparing them for real-world development challenges.

Technical Topic Explanation

Razor Components

Razor Components are part of the Blazor framework which allows developers to build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. These components are reusable pieces of UI, such as buttons and forms, that you can handle with C# code. They make it easy to create rich, dynamic web pages. For those looking to learn more, a variety of Blazor courses, including Blazor online courses and Blazor training courses, are available. These courses typically cover the fundamentals of Core Blazor and advanced concepts, equipping participants with the skills needed for effective Blazor training and application development.


WebAssembly, often abbreviated as WASM, is a cutting-edge technology that allows code written in multiple languages to run on web browsers at near-native speed. It acts as a compilation target for languages like C, C++, and Rust, enabling complex applications and games to run efficiently within a browser. WebAssembly is designed to complement JavaScript, enhancing the performance and capabilities of web applications while maintaining the security features of web browsers, which makes it ideal for developers aiming to build high-performance web applications.

Blazor framework

Blazor is a framework used in web development that allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. It runs in the browser on a real .NET runtime called WebAssembly, enabling full-stack development with .NET. Blazor facilitates creating dynamic, rich web user interfaces while sharing code and libraries with server-side .NET applications. For those looking to learn this technology, various Blazor courses are available, including Blazor online courses and core Blazor training courses, providing comprehensive knowledge and practical experience in implementing Blazor applications efficiently.

Blazor Server

Blazor Server is a web development framework from Microsoft that allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. It runs on the server side, where all application logic is executed. When users interact with the application, the UI events are sent over a real-time connection and the UI updates are sent back to the browser. This architecture is beneficial for applications requiring secure and rapid processing without exposing much logic to the client browser. Blazor training courses and Blazor online courses provide developers with the skills needed to efficiently create applications using this technology.

Blazor WebAssembly hosting models

Blazor WebAssembly hosting model is a way to build interactive web applications by running C# code directly in the browser, using WebAssembly. It operates without relying on server-side code, allowing web apps to load and execute client-side, enhancing performance and reducing server load. By compiling the application's code to WebAssembly, Blazor allows developers to use a full .NET runtime, executing directly in the browser. This model is especially beneficial for creating responsive, rich user interfaces without departing from the .NET ecosystem, making it a preferred choice for developers familiar with C# and .NET.

ASP.NET Core 5

ASP.NET Core 5 is a modern, open-source framework for building web applications and APIs using the .NET platform. It offers enhanced performance, scalability, and security, and allows developers to create applications that can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS. The framework's modular design enables more efficient application development and easier maintenance. ASP.NET Core 5 supports the development of Blazor applications, which allow developers to use C# instead of JavaScript for interactive web UIs. Blazor training courses, including blazor online courses and blazor training courses, are available to help professionals leverage this technology in creating responsive and feature-rich applications.

Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are a type of web app that use modern web technologies to deliver a user experience similar to a native app. They are accessible through a web browser, but can offer features like working offline, receiving push notifications, and accessing hardware features, mimicking native app behavior on mobile devices. PWAs are designed to be fast, reliable, and engaging, aiming to keep users on the app without the need for downloading it from an app store. This makes PWAs a compelling option for businesses looking to enhance user engagement and performance without the complexities of app development and distribution.

Dependency injection

Dependency injection is a design pattern used in programming to make software easier to manage and test. It allows a system to remove hard-coded dependencies and instead requires that the components needed (such as objects or data) are injected or passed in by another system. This results in more modular, testable, and maintainable code. By applying dependency injection, developers can reduce the dependence of software components on each other, enhancing flexibility and efficiency in developing robust applications.

gRPC services

gRPC services are a modern, open-source, high-performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that enables client and server applications to communicate transparently and efficiently. It uses HTTP/2 for transport, allowing it to support multiplexed streams over a single connection. This makes gRPC robust and quick at handling streaming data. It also uses Protocol Buffers as its interface definition language, which is both highly efficient for encoding structured data and acts as a strong foundation for API backward compatibility. gRPC is ideal for lightweight microservices where low latency and high scalability are crucial.

Entity Framework

Entity Framework is a tool for developers that helps them interact with databases using .NET languages, without needing to write complex SQL queries. It simplifies data manipulation by allowing you to work with data as objects and properties in your code. Entity Framework automatically translates your actions on these objects into database queries, managing the database connections and operations. This leads to more maintainable code, as it abstracts the database interactions, allowing developers to focus on business logic rather than database specifics.


Validation in technology refers to the process of checking if a product, system, or component meets the required specifications and fulfills its intended purpose. This involves various tests and reviews to ensure compliance with standards, correctness of coding, and user satisfaction. In software development, it's critical to continuously run validation tests during stages of creation to avoid errors and ensure the product performs as expected before it reaches the end user. Good validation practices improve the reliability and usability of technology products, making them more efficient and effective in real-world applications.

Razor Class Libraries

Razor Class Libraries (RCL) are a feature in ASP.NET Core that allows developers to build and encapsulate web application parts into reusable class libraries. These libraries include Razor files, C# code, components, and static assets. RCLs help in organizing Blazor components and web assets, promoting code sharing and modularity across Blazor applications, whether in Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly environments. Ideal for developers looking to segment their application for better maintenance or multiple projects usage, RCLs are fundamental in any comprehensive Blazor training course, especially for those focusing on core Blazor skills development.

Securing applications

Securing applications involves implementing measures to protect software from threats. This includes authenticating user identities, authorizing access, encrypting data, and ensuring code integrity. To bolster security, developers can enroll in a Blazor training course. Courses like core Blazor, Blazor online course, or a general Blazor course, teach techniques to secure applications built using Blazor, a framework for building interactive web UIs. These training programs cover best practices and tools for addressing vulnerabilities and maintaining a secure application environment. Learning from a reputable Blazor training provider helps developers safeguard their applications effectively.

JavaScript interop

JavaScript interop in Blazor allows developers to call JavaScript functions from .NET methods and vice versa in web applications. This interoperability is vital for utilizing JavaScript's rich libraries alongside Blazor’s robust .NET functionalities. Through interop, Blazor can access browser capabilities not natively supported by .NET, enhancing the application's functionality without compromising the security and stability provided by Blazor's architecture. This feature is crucial for developers aiming to blend extensive .NET utilities with dynamic frontend features that JavaScript offers, making it an important skill in Blazor training courses.


Bootstrap is a free and open-source toolkit for developing websites and web applications. It offers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components that streamline the web development process, ensuring that the website is responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes. Bootstrap comes packed with ready-to-use design templates and interactive elements, reducing the complexity of coding from scratch and facilitating a uniform appearance across platforms, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics. This makes Bootstrap popular among developers aiming to create visually appealing and efficient websites efficiently.

Target Audience for Programming in Blazor 5( ASP.NET Core 5)

  1. The Programming in Blazor 5 course offers comprehensive training on building web applications using ASP.NET Core 5.

  2. Target audience and job roles for the course:

  • Web Developers looking to upgrade their skills to the latest web technologies
  • ASP.NET Developers eager to learn about Blazor and WebAssembly
  • Front-End Developers interested in building progressive web applications (PWAs)
  • Full-Stack Developers wanting to understand both client and server-side Blazor applications
  • Software Architects designing web application architectures with ASP.NET Core 5
  • .NET Developers seeking to implement real-time web functionalities
  • Technical Leads managing teams that develop ASP.NET Core applications
  • Backend Developers aiming to learn new frontend development strategies with Razor Components
  • UI/UX Designers with a technical background aiming to understand the development aspects of web interfaces
  • IT Professionals wanting to learn about the latest web development trends and security practices
  • Programmers transitioning from other web frameworks to ASP.NET Core 5

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Programming in Blazor 5( ASP.NET Core 5)?

Introduction to Learning Outcomes:

Gain a comprehensive understanding of Blazor in ASP.NET Core 5, from the basics of WebAssembly and Razor components to advanced topics such as gRPC services, Entity Framework, and security.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Blazor, Razor Components, and WebAssembly, distinguishing between Blazor WebAssembly and Server models.
  • Learn to configure and utilize the new features of ASP.NET Core 5 for building progressive web applications with dependency injection support.
  • Create, debug, and deploy Blazor applications, employing Blazor templates, pages, layouts, and routing mechanisms.
  • Master Razor syntax and directives, and learn the differences between pages and components, including lifecycle management and event handling.
  • Develop skills to consume RESTful services using HttpClient and implement CRUD operations within Blazor applications.
  • Explore gRPC services, defining messages and remote procedure calls, and create a client interface for seamless communication.
  • Understand the use of Entity Framework Core for database operations, including migrations, annotations, and data modeling.
  • Implement robust validation strategies for Blazor applications using EditForm, Input, and Validation components.
  • Learn to secure Blazor applications by configuring authentication and authorization, and handling common web security threats.
  • Enhance Blazor applications with interoperability by calling JavaScript functions, accessing .NET methods from JavaScript, and integrating responsive UI with Bootstrap.

These objectives are designed to equip students with the skills needed to build dynamic and secure web applications using Blazor in ASP.NET Core 5, preparing them for real-world development challenges.