Kotlin Programming Course Overview

Kotlin Programming Course Overview

The Kotlin Programming course is designed to introduce learners to the robust, concise, and fun-to-use programming language that has taken the Android development world by storm. Starting with Module 1: Introduction to Kotlin, participants will delve into Kotlin's history and advantages, setting up their development environment with the Java JDK, JRE, and Android Studio, and learn how to create, run and understand Kotlin programs including handling variables, data types, and user inputs.

As learners progress to Module 2: Control Flow Statements, they will explore Kotlin's control structures such as if, when, for, and while loops, advancing their ability to write more complex code. Module 3: Function & Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) will then take them through Kotlin's function syntax and OOP concepts, including classes and objects, enhancing their understanding and skills to build sophisticated Android applications using Kotlin.

By the end of the course, participants will be well-equipped to develop Android apps, making this course an essential stepping stone for anyone looking to master Android course Kotlin and leverage the course Kotlin for their software development needs.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 16 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 16 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

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Course Prerequisites

To ensure that our students are well-prepared to make the most of the Kotlin Programming course, we have outlined some minimum prerequisites. These prerequisites are designed to establish a foundation that will facilitate a successful learning experience without being overly daunting for new learners. Here they are in bullet point format:

  • Basic understanding of programming concepts: Familiarity with fundamental programming concepts such as variables, data types, control flow (if-else statements, loops), and functions is essential.

  • Experience with any programming language: While prior knowledge of Kotlin is not required, having experience in at least one programming language (such as Java, Python, C++, etc.) will be beneficial.

  • Familiarity with object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts: Basic knowledge of OOP principles, including classes and objects, is helpful as the course covers Kotlin's OOP features.

  • Basic knowledge of using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Students should be comfortable using an IDE such as Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, or similar, as the course will involve writing and running Kotlin code.

  • Understanding of the software development lifecycle: A general awareness of the process of developing software, from writing code to running and testing applications, is useful.

  • Willingness to learn and problem-solve: A positive attitude and a readiness to engage with new concepts and troubleshoot issues as they arise are crucial for a rewarding learning experience.

Remember, these prerequisites are meant to serve as a guideline, and students with a strong desire to learn and a commitment to the course material can succeed even if they do not meet every single one of these criteria. Koenig Solutions is dedicated to supporting all students on their journey to mastering Kotlin.

Target Audience for Kotlin Programming

Koenig Solutions' Kotlin Programming course offers comprehensive training in modern app development, tailored for both beginners and experienced developers seeking to expand their skills.

Target audience for the Kotlin Programming course includes:

  • Aspiring Android Developers
  • Existing Java Developers transitioning to Kotlin
  • Software Engineers interested in mobile app development
  • Computer Science students specializing in mobile technologies
  • Technical Project Managers overseeing Android projects
  • Product Managers aiming to understand Kotlin's impact on product development
  • Mobile App Enthusiasts looking to develop their own applications
  • IT Professionals seeking to diversify their programming language proficiency
  • Cross-platform Mobile Developers expanding their toolkit with Kotlin
  • Quality Assurance Engineers aiming to understand Kotlin for better testing automation

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Kotlin Programming?

Introduction to Course Learning Outcomes and Concepts Covered:

Discover the essentials of Kotlin programming, including its history, advantages, and how to create and run Kotlin programs. Dive deep into control flow statements and grasp the fundamentals of functions and object-oriented programming.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the history and advantages of Kotlin as a modern programming language.
  • Install and set up the necessary software environment with Java JDK, JRE, and Android Studio.
  • Develop and execute basic Kotlin programs using Android Studio, familiarizing with the IDE.
  • Learn to handle variables, data types, and input methods in Kotlin for robust program development.
  • Master control flow in Kotlin with if, if-else, when expressions, and loops (for, while, do-while).
  • Utilize jump expressions to manage program flow effectively.
  • Define and create functions, understanding function structures and variable scopes.
  • Gain a foundational understanding of Object-Oriented Programming concepts within Kotlin.
  • Create and manipulate classes and objects to model real-world scenarios.
  • Explore the use of Kotlin collections to manage and operate on groups of data.