Fundamentals of JavaScript Course Overview

Fundamentals of JavaScript Course Overview

The "Fundamentals of JavaScript" course is a comprehensive program designed to introduce learners to the core concepts of JavaScript, a key language in web development. The course begins with an overview of JavaScript's role in creating interactive and dynamic websites, contrasting it with object-oriented languages like Java and detailing how it can be incorporated into HTML pages.

As learners progress, they will delve into JavaScript syntax, mastering statements, operators, and window methods. Writing custom functions will be demystified, clarifying the nuances of deferred code, function syntax, argument passing, and scoping rules.

The course also covers the JavaScript Object Model (BOM and DOM), essential for manipulating web page elements. Controlling program flow and handling errors, managing forms and events, and working with built-in objects like the Math Object are also integral parts of the curriculum.

Advanced topics such as maintaining state, managing images, and manipulating arrays (FIFO vs. LIFO) are included, ensuring a well-rounded skill set. The course concludes with an appendix that addresses browser compatibility, JavaScript versions, and recommended resources, making it a robust foundation for aspiring developers.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 24 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 24 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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Course Prerequisites

To ensure that participants can successfully undertake training in the Fundamentals of JavaScript course, the following minimum prerequisites are recommended:

  • Basic understanding of computer operations, such as managing files and folders within different operating systems.
  • Familiarity with the Internet and how to navigate web browsers.
  • Introductory knowledge of HTML and CSS, as these are foundational to web development and JavaScript's interaction with web pages.
  • Logical thinking and problem-solving skills which will be beneficial when learning programming concepts.
  • Willingness to learn and a commitment to practicing coding outside of course hours to reinforce concepts taught during the training.

Please note that while prior programming experience is helpful, it is not strictly necessary for this entry-level course. The curriculum is designed to guide you from the basics of JavaScript to more complex topics as you progress through the modules.

Target Audience for Fundamentals of JavaScript

The Fundamentals of JavaScript course is an immersive program designed for individuals keen on web development and interactive web applications.

  • Aspiring Web Developers
  • Front-End Engineers
  • Software Engineers transitioning to Front-End roles
  • Computer Science/Information Technology Students
  • Hobbyist Programmers interested in building web applications
  • UI/UX Designers looking to expand their technical skills
  • Technical Project Managers overseeing web development projects
  • Webmasters managing content on websites
  • Entrepreneurs aiming to understand the technical aspects of their web presence
  • Bloggers and Content Creators seeking to enhance their sites with interactive elements
  • Marketing Professionals who want to understand web technologies for better digital strategies

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Fundamentals of JavaScript?

Introduction to Course Learning Outcomes

In the Fundamentals of JavaScript course, students will gain a foundational understanding of JavaScript's role in web development, its syntax, and its practical applications in creating dynamic and interactive web pages.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Understand the role of JavaScript in enhancing web pages and user experiences.
  • Differentiate between object-oriented and object-based programming paradigms as they relate to Java and JavaScript.
  • Learn how to incorporate JavaScript into HTML pages to create interactive content.
  • Master the basic syntax of JavaScript, including statements, operators, and built-in window methods.
  • Write, call, and manipulate functions, understanding the importance of scope and argument passing in JavaScript.
  • Comprehend the Browser Object Model (BOM) and the Document Object Model (DOM), and manipulate web page elements through the DOM.
  • Implement control structures for program flow and apply error handling using try-catch clauses.
  • Handle web forms, validate user input, and manage events to create responsive interfaces.
  • Utilize built-in JavaScript objects, such as the Math object, to perform complex operations.
  • Maintain state across web pages and user sessions, managing data saving and retrieval.
  • Enhance web pages with dynamic image handling, including rollovers and image object manipulation.
  • Explore advanced array techniques and understand FIFO vs. LIFO operations in JavaScript arrays.
  • Address browser compatibility issues and understand the historical evolution of JavaScript versions.