Flutter E-Commerce Application Development Course Overview

Flutter E-Commerce Application Development Course Overview

The Flutter E-Commerce Application Development course is designed for learners looking to build robust e-commerce applications using Flutter, Google's UI toolkit for crafting natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Through this course, learners will gain practical experience with APIs, understand the difference between REST and SOAP, and learn how to test APIs using Postman. They will also perform CRUD operations and explore different request methods.

In the e-commerce module, participants will learn to develop an e-commerce application, navigate between screens, manage user sessions, and implement an "Add to Cart" feature. The course then advances to integrating a payment gateway, ensuring secure transactions within the app. By the end of the course, learners will have the skills to create a fully functional e-commerce application with Flutter, complete with payment processing capabilities.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 16 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 16 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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Course Prerequisites

Certainly, for students interested in successfully undertaking the Flutter E-Commerce Application Development course, having a foundational skill set will help to grasp the concepts taught in the course effectively. Below are the minimum required prerequisites:

  • Basic Understanding of Programming Concepts:

    • Familiarity with fundamental programming concepts such as variables, loops, and functions is essential.
  • Knowledge of Dart Programming Language:

    • Since Flutter uses Dart, having a basic understanding of Dart syntax and principles will be highly beneficial.
  • Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

    • Understanding the concepts of OOP such as classes, objects, and inheritance is recommended.
  • Experience with Mobile Development:

    • Previous experience with mobile development is helpful but not mandatory.
  • Basic Knowledge of Web Services:

    • Familiarity with web services and how client-server communication works, including RESTful APIs.
  • Understanding of JSON:

    • Knowledge of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) for data interchange between servers and mobile applications.
  • Experience with IDEs:

    • Comfort using integrated development environments (IDEs) like Android Studio or Visual Studio Code.
  • Familiarity with Version Control Systems:

    • Basic knowledge of version control systems such as Git will be useful for code management.
  • Basic Knowledge of Flutter Widgets and UI Components:

    • While not mandatory, having a basic understanding of Flutter widgets and how to create user interfaces will give you a head start.

These prerequisites ensure that you have the minimum knowledge required to effectively participate in and benefit from the Flutter E-Commerce Application Development course. Remember, the key to success in any learning endeavor is a willingness to learn and the commitment to persist through challenging material.

Target Audience for Flutter E-Commerce Application Development

Transform your career with Koenig Solutions' Flutter E-Commerce Application Development course, designed for aspiring mobile app developers and IT professionals.

  • Mobile Application Developers
  • Flutter Developers
  • E-Commerce Technology Specialists
  • Full Stack Developers
  • Software Engineers interested in app development
  • UI/UX Designers looking to expand their skillset
  • IT Professionals aiming to specialize in e-commerce solutions
  • Entrepreneurs planning to launch their own e-commerce apps
  • Product Managers overseeing mobile application projects
  • Technical Project Leads managing e-commerce application development
  • Quality Assurance Engineers focusing on mobile app testing
  • Backend Developers seeking to understand front-end app integration
  • Web Developers transitioning to mobile app development
  • Students and Graduates in Computer Science or related fields looking for practical skills

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Flutter E-Commerce Application Development?

  1. Introduction to the course's learning outcomes: Gain in-depth knowledge in creating a feature-rich e-commerce application with Flutter, focusing on API usage, RESTful services, payment integration, and user experience enhancements.

  2. Learning objectives and outcomes:

  • Understand the role and usage of APIs in mobile application development.
  • Differentiate between REST and SOAP web services and select the appropriate one for your project.
  • Master the use of Postman for testing APIs and understanding different request methods.
  • Implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations to manage data within the application.
  • Develop an e-commerce application in Flutter with a focus on clean architecture and user-friendly design.
  • Navigate seamlessly between different screens within the Flutter framework.
  • Manage user sessions to provide a personalized shopping experience.
  • Integrate an "Add to Cart" feature, enabling users to select and manage products for purchase.
  • Gain an overview of payment gateways and their importance in e-commerce solutions.
  • Successfully integrate a payment gateway into the application, enabling secure and efficient transactions.