Elastic Container Service (ECS) Course Overview

Elastic Container Service (ECS) Course Overview

The Elastic Container Service (ECS) course is an in-depth training program designed to equip learners with a comprehensive understanding of containerization and orchestration using AWS ECS. The course starts with Module 1: Containers Basics - Docker, setting the foundation by covering container fundamentals, Docker concepts, and how to build and manage Docker images and containers.

As learners progress to Module 2: Understand Clusters, Task Definitions, Tasks and Services, they gain insights into ECS and Fargate, learning how to set up clusters, define tasks, and manage services. Module 3: Elastic Container Registry (ECR) - Integration dives into ECR, teaching participants how to create repositories and integrate Docker with AWS's container registry.

In Module 4: Load Balancing and Autoscaling, the focus shifts to scaling applications using ECS, balancing traffic with load balancers, and implementing autoscaling policies. Finally, Module 5: AWS ECS – Monitoring and Logging teaches monitoring and logging best practices for maintaining and troubleshooting ECS environments.

This ECS training will enable learners to master the essentials of the ecs elastic container service, helping them to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications on AWS efficiently.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 16 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 16 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

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Course Prerequisites

Below are the minimum required prerequisites for students interested in successfully undertaking training in the Elastic Container Service (ECS) course:

  • Basic understanding of Linux commands and operating systems.
  • Familiarity with the core AWS services, especially EC2, S3, IAM, VPC, and CloudWatch.
  • Fundamental knowledge of networking concepts such as IP addressing, DNS, and firewalls.
  • A conceptual understanding of virtualization and microservices architecture.
  • Some experience with command-line interfaces and scripting.
  • Elementary knowledge of software development processes and tools.
  • Understanding the basics of containerization technology, notably Docker, is helpful but not mandatory as the course includes a module on Docker basics.

These prerequisites are designed to ensure that you have a solid foundation upon which to build your ECS knowledge and are by no means intended to be exhaustive. With these skills, you should be well-prepared to engage with the course content and gain the full benefit of the ECS training.

Target Audience for Elastic Container Service (ECS)

The "Elastic Container Service (ECS)" course by Koenig Solutions is designed for professionals aiming to master containerization and orchestration on AWS.

  • DevOps Engineers
  • Cloud Software Engineers
  • System Administrators
  • Full-stack Developers
  • AWS Solution Architects
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineers
  • IT Managers overseeing cloud deployments
  • Technical Leads responsible for microservices architecture
  • Software Developers interested in deployment and scaling
  • Professionals seeking to learn container management services
  • Technical Project Managers
  • Application Developers looking to use container services for app deployment
  • Site Reliability Engineers (SREs)

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Elastic Container Service (ECS)?

Introduction to the ECS Course Learning Outcomes

Gain hands-on expertise in orchestrating Docker-based applications using AWS ECS, from container basics to advanced features like load balancing and autoscaling.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the fundamentals of containerization and the advantages of using Docker.
  • Grasp Docker concepts, architecture, and the process of creating and running Docker containers.
  • Learn how to build Docker images using Dockerfile for customized application deployment.
  • Familiarize with AWS ECS and AWS Fargate services for container management and orchestration.
  • Create and configure virtual private clouds (VPCs) as prerequisites for deploying ECS.
  • Develop the skills to create and manage ECS clusters using both EC2 Linux instances and Fargate.
  • Acquire knowledge of ECS task definitions, services, and how to run tasks within clusters.
  • Master the process of creating and using Elastic Container Registry (ECR) for Docker image storage and management.
  • Implement load balancing and autoscaling for ECS services to ensure high availability and dynamic scaling of applications.
  • Monitor and log container performance and application health using AWS CloudWatch for operational excellence.