Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals Course Overview

Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals Course Overview

The Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals course is a comprehensive program designed for learners who wish to gain expertise in Docker technologies alongside a solid foundation in Linux. This course covers a broad range of topics, starting with Linux Fundamentals, where students are introduced to the basics of Linux, including Command-line operations, File system structure, User management, and Package management using YUM.

As the course progresses, learners will dive into Docker admin topics, understanding Docker architecture, components, and the installation process. They will gain hands-on experience with Docker Client Operations, such as running and managing Containers and executing commands within them.

Building Custom images, handling Docker registries, and delving into the technicalities of Containers with Cgroups and Namespaces form an integral part of the curriculum. The course also thoroughly explores storage options and Container networking, equipping students with the skills necessary to manage volumes, Bind mounts, and Network bridges effectively.

By the end of the course, participants will be well-versed in Docker admin practices and Linux essentials, positioning them strongly for roles in the DevOps and cloud infrastructure domains.


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Course Prerequisites

To successfully undertake the Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals course, the following prerequisites are recommended:

  • Basic understanding of the Linux operating system and its command line interface.
  • Familiarity with Linux commands such as ls, cp, mv, rm, and cd.
  • An understanding of the Linux file system hierarchy and permissions.
  • Knowledge of text editing using a command-line editor such as VIM.
  • Awareness of user and group management in Linux.
  • Basic understanding of service management and software package installation using tools like YUM.
  • No prior knowledge of Docker is required, but an understanding of virtualization concepts can be beneficial.

It's important to note that these prerequisites are meant to ensure you have a solid foundation to build upon during the course. Even if you're not completely confident in all areas, a willingness to learn and a commitment to engage with the course material can also serve as valuable assets.

Target Audience for Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals

Koenig Solutions' Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals course equips IT professionals with essential skills in containerization and Linux systems.

Target Audience for Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals:

  • Systems Administrators
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Software Developers
  • IT Professionals seeking to understand containerization
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineers
  • Technical Operations Staff
  • Application Support Engineers
  • Network Administrators with a focus on DevOps practices
  • Technical Project Managers overseeing development teams
  • IT Graduates and Professionals looking to enhance their skillset in modern infrastructure technologies
  • Security Professionals needing to secure containerized environments
  • Quality Assurance Engineers requiring an understanding of Docker and Linux environments

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals?

Introduction to the Course's Learning Outcomes and Concepts Covered

This Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals course equips learners with core Linux skills and comprehensive knowledge of Docker technology, from basic operations to advanced container management.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Understand the basics of the Linux operating system, including its file system structure and command-line interface.
  • Gain proficiency in using essential Linux commands for file and directory manipulation, user management, and permissions setting.
  • Master the VIM editor for editing text files within the Linux environment.
  • Learn how to manage services and software packages using YUM.
  • Grasp the foundational concepts of Docker, its architecture, and the components that make up the Docker ecosystem.
  • Successfully install Docker and become familiar with the Docker Client, Docker Host, and Docker Registry operations.
  • Acquire the skills to run, manage, and maintain Docker containers, including their lifecycle and resource limits.
  • Build custom Docker images using the Docker Commit operation and Dockerfile scripting.
  • Manage the process of tagging, pushing, and pulling images, and set up private Docker registries.
  • Understand advanced Docker features such as storage options, container networking, and setting resource constraints using cgroups and namespaces.

Technical Topic Explanation

Linux Fundamentals

Linux fundamentals involve understanding the core elements of the Linux operating system, widely used for its robustness and flexibility. It includes learning the command line interface, file system hierarchy, and basic commands for file and process management. Linux also features strong capabilities in handling permissions and software installations. The skills acquired here are foundational for more advanced topics like network management and server configuration, impacting careers in systems administration, including roles such as a Docker administrator where managing Linux containers are crucial. Docker aids in automating the deployment of applications inside these lightweight virtual environments.

Command-line operations

Command-line operations involve using text-based commands to interact with a computer, rather than graphical interfaces. Users input specific commands into a command prompt or terminal to execute operations such as file management, software installation, and system configuration. This method provides precise control over the computer's functions and is essential in environments where graphical interfaces are unavailable. Mastery of command-line operations is crucial in server management and roles involving Docker administration, where commands are frequently used to manage and orchestrate containers effectively.

File system structure

A file system structure is the way an operating system organizes files on a disk. Imagine it as a library's cataloging system that categorizes and stores information, allowing you to find and access files quickly. It defines how data is named, stored, and retrieved including the storage of file metadata and directories. The structure can vary between systems, crucial for the efficiency and speed of file access and data security. This organization is essential for both users and systems to manage large volumes of data effectively.

User management

User management is the process of controlling access to resources by overseeing user identities, permissions, and rights within an organization's network or systems. It involves creating, maintaining, and removing user accounts, assigning and updating permissions, and ensuring the security and proper access levels for each user. Effective user management helps prevent unauthorized access and ensures that each user has the access necessary for their roles, significantly enhancing organizational security and efficiency. This process is essential in maintaining data integrity and operational security across various platforms, including software environments like Docker administration.

Package management using YUM

Package management using YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) is a tool for managing software packages on Linux systems. It simplifies the process of installing, updating, and removing software by automating the retrieval and installation of packages from designated repositories. YUM resolves dependencies, ensuring all required components are installed together. This is particularly beneficial for maintaining system stability and security by keeping all software up to date with the latest patches and features. YUM is commonly used on CentOS and Fedora systems, streamlining the administration tasks for system administrators.

Docker architecture

Docker is a platform that allows developers to package applications into containers—standardized executable components combining application source code with the operating system (OS) libraries and dependencies required to run that code in any environment. Docker architecture consists of a Docker daemon, which runs on the host machine, a REST API which specifies interfaces that programs can use to talk to the daemon and instruct it what to do, and a Docker client that interacts with the daemon through the API. This setup simplifies the process of managing application processes in isolated environments, known as containerization, making Docker administration efficient and scalable.

Docker Client Operations

Docker Client Operations involve using the Docker Client, a command-line interface, to interact with Docker's software. The client allows users to issue various commands to manage Docker containers, images, networks, and volumes. Commands include building, running, and stopping containers, pulling images from Docker Hub, and inspecting the state of various Docker components. Essentially, Docker Client Operations encompass all the tasks a Docker admin or an individual involved in Docker administration needs to control and orchestrate Docker environments efficiently, streamlining deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.


Containers are a technology that allows you to package and isolate applications with their entire runtime environment, making it easier to move the contained application between different environments while retaining full functionality. This method ensures that software runs reliably when moved from one computing environment to another. Docker, a popular platform, helps with Docker administration by enabling these containers to work efficiently. Docker admin involves managing the lifecycle of containers, including building, starting, stopping, and moving containers, ensuring that they interact smoothly with each other and the underlying infrastructure. This makes deployment and scaling of applications more efficient.

Custom images

Custom images in the context of Docker allow users to create personalized and tailored Docker containers. These images are built from a base image with additional modifications and configurations specific to the user's needs. This process involves defining a custom set of instructions in a Dockerfile, which Docker then executes to build the custom image. This is useful in maintaining consistent environments across multiple development and production stages. Docker administration involves managing these images, ensuring they are updated and efficiently managed within Docker environments. Docker admins optimize container performance and ensure security within Docker ecosystems.

Docker registries

Docker registries are central places where Docker images are stored, managed, and distributed. They work like libraries, allowing Docker admins to push new images for storage and pull existing ones for use. This system supports Docker administration by making it easy to share and scale applications across different environments. Docker Hub is the most well-known public registry, but organizations can also set up private registries to ensure control and security over their images. This infrastructure is essential for efficient container management and deployment in the development process.

Container networking

Container networking is the method of establishing communication between containers, allowing them to interact and exchange data efficiently. It involves connecting these isolated containers so each can talk with other containers and the outside world while maintaining secure boundaries. This is crucial in environments using container orchestration platforms such as Docker, where proper management and configuration of the network are vital for seamless docker administration. The networking setup can vary from simple bridge networks for direct container communication to more complex configurations that integrate with enterprise networking systems for broader scalability and security.

Cgroups and Namespaces

Cgroups (Control Groups) and Namespaces are features in Linux that help manage the resources and isolation of processes. Cgroups allow system administrators to allocate and limit the amount of CPU, memory, and disk I/O resources used by groups of processes. This ensures that no single program can monopolize system resources, improving overall efficiency and stability. Namespaces, on the other hand, provide isolation between groups of processes by allowing them to have separate instances of system resources, such as network interfaces and file systems, making it appear as though they are running on different machines. These tools are vital in environments like Docker administration, where managing multiple, isolated applications efficiently is crucial.

Bind mounts

Bind mounts are a feature in Docker, a popular tool in Docker administration, that allows you to map a specific folder or file on the host machine directly into a container. This is useful for when you need real-time access to or from the container for configuration files, data storage, or code files, ensuring that the files are updated instantly on both sides. This method offers performance advantages because it skips the additional layer of abstraction and is especially beneficial for development environments where files need to be shared or dynamically updated between the Docker host and containers.

Network bridges

Network bridges are devices that connect multiple local area networks (LANs) to work as a single network. By inspecting incoming data packets, a bridge decides whether to forward or block them based on the MAC addresses. This helps in managing traffic efficiently and reducing collisions by filtering out unnecessary traffic between network segments. Bridges operate at the data link layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model, making them intelligent enough to check and filter data, which helps improve network performance and extends the scale of networks. They differ from routers by not analyzing or rerouting packet based on IP addresses.

Target Audience for Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals

Koenig Solutions' Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals course equips IT professionals with essential skills in containerization and Linux systems.

Target Audience for Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals:

  • Systems Administrators
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Software Developers
  • IT Professionals seeking to understand containerization
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineers
  • Technical Operations Staff
  • Application Support Engineers
  • Network Administrators with a focus on DevOps practices
  • Technical Project Managers overseeing development teams
  • IT Graduates and Professionals looking to enhance their skillset in modern infrastructure technologies
  • Security Professionals needing to secure containerized environments
  • Quality Assurance Engineers requiring an understanding of Docker and Linux environments

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals?

Introduction to the Course's Learning Outcomes and Concepts Covered

This Docker Administration with Linux Fundamentals course equips learners with core Linux skills and comprehensive knowledge of Docker technology, from basic operations to advanced container management.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Understand the basics of the Linux operating system, including its file system structure and command-line interface.
  • Gain proficiency in using essential Linux commands for file and directory manipulation, user management, and permissions setting.
  • Master the VIM editor for editing text files within the Linux environment.
  • Learn how to manage services and software packages using YUM.
  • Grasp the foundational concepts of Docker, its architecture, and the components that make up the Docker ecosystem.
  • Successfully install Docker and become familiar with the Docker Client, Docker Host, and Docker Registry operations.
  • Acquire the skills to run, manage, and maintain Docker containers, including their lifecycle and resource limits.
  • Build custom Docker images using the Docker Commit operation and Dockerfile scripting.
  • Manage the process of tagging, pushing, and pulling images, and set up private Docker registries.
  • Understand advanced Docker features such as storage options, container networking, and setting resource constraints using cgroups and namespaces.