Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform Ed 1 Course Overview

Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform Ed 1 Course Overview

The "Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform Ed 1" course offers comprehensive training for developers on how to build robust back-end solutions using Java EE 7 technologies. Learners will gain hands-on experience through lessons that cover key components of the platform.

Module 1 introduces Java EE, setting the stage for the course. Module 2 focuses on Managing persistence with JPA entities. Module 3 dives into Implementing business logic with EJBs, while Module 4 teaches the use of the Java Message Service API for reliable communication.

SOAP-based web services using JAX-WS are covered in Module 5. Module 6 and Module 7 revolve around Web application creation using servlets and JSPs, respectively. Module 8 introduces RESTful services with JAX-RS.

Module 9 explores Real-time communication with WebSockets, while Module 10 concentrates on JavaServer Faces (JSF) for building UIs. Lastly, Module 11 ensures learners understand how to Secure Java EE applications. This course is essential for developers looking to enhance their Java EE skills and build scalable enterprise applications.


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  • Live Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
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  • Live Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Classroom Training fee on request

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Koenig's Unique Offerings

Course Prerequisites

To ensure a successful learning experience in the Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform Ed 1 course, participants should come prepared with the following minimum prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of Java programming language: Familiarity with Java syntax and concepts such as loops, exceptions, and classes is essential.
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming principles: Concepts such as inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism should be well-understood.
  • Experience with Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Comfort with using an IDE like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or NetBeans for writing and debugging Java code.
  • Understanding of web technologies: A general awareness of HTML, CSS, and the concept of client-server architecture will be beneficial.
  • Familiarity with database concepts: Basic knowledge of relational databases and SQL will aid in understanding persistence management using JPA.

These prerequisites are designed to ensure that students have the foundational knowledge required to effectively engage with the course content and grasp the more advanced Java EE topics covered in the training.

Target Audience for Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform Ed 1

The course covers Java EE 7 platform development, targeting professionals seeking to enhance their enterprise Java skills.

  • Java Developers
  • Software Engineers with prior Java SE experience
  • Application Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Backend Developers
  • Systems Architects
  • IT Consultants specializing in Java technology
  • Technical Project Managers overseeing Java projects

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform Ed 1?

  1. The "Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform Ed 1" course aims to equip students with the skills to build robust backend systems, web services, and web applications using Java EE 7 technologies.

  2. Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the architecture and key components of the Java EE 7 platform.
  • Create, manage, and persist data using Java Persistence API (JPA) entities.
  • Develop and deploy Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) to encapsulate business logic.
  • Utilize Java Message Service (JMS) API for reliable communication between distributed systems.
  • Implement SOAP-based web services using the Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS).
  • Develop dynamic web applications utilizing Java Servlets.
  • Craft web pages with dynamic content using JavaServer Pages (JSPs).
  • Design and consume RESTful web services with the JAX-RS API.
  • Build real-time, interactive applications using Java API for WebSocket.
  • Develop scalable JavaServer Faces (JSF) web applications for a rich user experience.
  • Apply authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure Java EE applications.