Containers Fundamentals Course Overview

Containers Fundamentals Course Overview

The Containers Fundamentals course is a comprehensive training program designed to introduce learners to the world of containerization. By exploring the differences between virtualization and containers in Module 1, students gain a foundational understanding of the lightweight, efficient alternative that containers provide for application deployment.

Module 2 delves into Docker Installation and Architecture, guiding learners through the setup process and the underlying components of Docker. In Module 3, attendees learn about Managing Containers, acquiring skills to handle container lifecycles effectively.

Image Operations are covered in Module 4, where students explore how to manage and manipulate container images. Module 5 focuses on Storage, teaching the strategies for data persistence within containers. Networking principles and container communication are the primary focus of Module 6.

Container Security is addressed in Module 7, emphasizing best practices for securing containerized environments. Lastly, Module 8 introduces Kubernetes Basics, preparing learners for orchestrating containers at scale.

This course will help learners grasp the essentials of container technologies, empowering them with the skills needed for modern software deployment and management.

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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 24 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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  • Live Online Training (Duration : 24 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

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Course Prerequisites

Certainly! To ensure that participants are well-prepared to absorb and apply the knowledge presented in the Containers Fundamentals course, the following are the minimum prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of command-line interfaces (CLI) and familiarity with a terminal or command prompt.
  • Fundamental knowledge of Linux, including how to navigate the file system and execute basic commands.
  • Awareness of basic software development principles or system administration tasks.
  • An introductory level comprehension of virtualization concepts and technologies.
  • Familiarity with basic networking concepts such as IP addresses, HTTP, and ports.
  • Curiosity and willingness to learn about container technologies and their applications in modern software development and deployment.

These prerequisites are designed to ensure that learners can comfortably navigate the course material and participate actively in hands-on exercises. No advanced technical skills are required to begin this course, making it accessible to those who are enthusiastic about delving into the world of containerization.

Target Audience for Containers Fundamentals

Containers Fundamentals is a comprehensive course designed for professionals seeking to master containerization technology, including Docker and Kubernetes basics.

  • DevOps Engineers
  • Software Developers
  • System Administrators
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineers
  • IT Project Managers
  • Quality Assurance Testers
  • Technical Operations Team Members
  • Release Engineers
  • Network Professionals interested in deployment and orchestration
  • Security Professionals focusing on application/container security
  • Application Architects planning scalable app deployments
  • Professionals aiming for a career in modern cloud-native ecosystems

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Containers Fundamentals?

  1. This Containers Fundamentals course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of containerization technology, primarily focusing on Docker and Kubernetes, from basics to security and orchestration.

  2. Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the differences between virtualization and containerization, including the benefits and use cases of containers over traditional virtual machines.
  • Learn how to install Docker and grasp its underlying architecture, including the Docker daemon, CLI, and object model.
  • Gain the skills to manage containers effectively, encompassing creation, starting, stopping, and removing containers.
  • Perform image operations such as pulling from registries, creating images, managing layers, and optimizing image size.
  • Explore various storage options for containers, understanding how to persist data and manage state with volumes, bind mounts, and tmpfs mounts.
  • Master container networking concepts including network drivers, port mapping, and linking containers for communication.
  • Delve into container security practices, learning how to secure containerized applications and the importance of namespaces and cgroups.
  • Get introduced to Kubernetes basics, covering fundamental concepts such as pods, services, deployments, and use of the kubectl command-line tool.
  • Understand the deployment process in a containerized environment, including continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.
  • Acquire the ability to troubleshoot common container-related issues, ensuring smooth deployment and management of containerized applications.