Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer Course Overview

Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer Course Overview

The Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer course is a comprehensive program designed for developers who want to master the art of creating blockchain applications using Hyperledger Fabric. It focuses on equipping learners with the skills needed to develop and maintain smart contracts and client applications. Hyperledger Fabric training is crucial for developers seeking to establish a strong foundation in building blockchain solutions for businesses.

Starting with Module 1: Identity Management, learners will grasp how to manage digital identities within the network by managing wallets and identities. Module 2: Network Configuration will dive into setting up and connecting to the blockchain network. Module 3: Smart Contract Development is a core part of the course, where participants will learn to craft the logic of smart contracts. Module 4: Smart Contract Invocation teaches how to interact with deployed contracts, and Module 5: Maintenance and Testing emphasizes the importance of testing and troubleshooting.

Overall, this Hyperledger training course serves as an essential step for developers to build robust, enterprise-grade blockchain applications and contribute effectively to the Hyperledger community.

This is a Rare Course and it can be take up to 3 weeks to arrange the training.

Purchase This Course

Fee On Request

  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

  • Live Online Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

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Course Prerequisites

To ensure that you can successfully undertake the Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer course provided by Koenig Solutions, the following are the minimum required prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of blockchain technology and its principles.
  • Familiarity with Hyperledger Fabric and its key concepts such as channels, peers, orderers, and chaincode.
  • Competency in a modern programming language, preferably JavaScript or Go, as these are commonly used for writing Hyperledger Fabric chaincode.
  • Working knowledge of command line tools and basic shell scripting to navigate and execute commands in a Linux/Unix environment.
  • Experience with code versioning tools, such as Git, for source code management.
  • Fundamental knowledge of Docker and containerization concepts to understand how Hyperledger Fabric nodes are deployed and managed.
  • Basic comprehension of database operations, particularly with NoSQL databases like CouchDB, which can be used with Hyperledger Fabric for state database management.
  • Understanding of RESTful APIs and how they are used for client applications to interact with a blockchain network.

Please note that while the above prerequisites are aimed at equipping you with the necessary background to make the most out of the training, our courses are designed to guide learners through the complexities of Hyperledger Fabric, from the basics to more advanced topics. Thus, motivation and a willingness to learn new technologies play a crucial role in your success in this course.

Target Audience for Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer

The Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer course equips IT professionals with skills for developing blockchain solutions. Ideal for those involved in Hyperledger Fabric developments.

  • Blockchain Developers
  • Software Engineers focused on Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
  • Full Stack Developers interested in blockchain technology
  • IT Professionals working on enterprise-grade blockchain applications
  • System Architects designing blockchain solutions
  • DevOps Engineers responsible for deploying and managing blockchain infrastructure
  • Technical Project Managers overseeing blockchain projects
  • Quality Assurance Engineers testing blockchain applications
  • Technical Leads guiding teams in blockchain development
  • Security Professionals ensuring smart contract and blockchain security
  • Business Analysts researching or defining blockchain system requirements
  • Product Managers directing blockchain product development

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer?

Introduction to Learning Outcomes and Concepts

The Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer course equips participants with the expertise to develop and maintain Hyperledger Fabric applications and smart contracts, covering identity management, network configuration, and contract invocation.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Understand and manage digital identities using wallets, ensuring secure identity management within the Hyperledger Fabric network.
  • Create and manage connection profiles to effectively configure and interact with a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network.
  • Develop smart contracts with a strong foundation in defining classes, transactions, and asset modeling, enhancing the blockchain's business logic.
  • Implement and manage smart contract lifecycle, including installation, instantiation, and execution, ensuring robust contract functionality.
  • Apply best practices in writing deterministic and efficient smart contract code, essential for maintaining consistent blockchain state.
  • Execute complex data queries and handle private data within smart contracts, addressing advanced data handling requirements.
  • Utilize attribute-based access control to enforce permissions in smart contracts, enhancing security and compliance.
  • Invoke smart contracts through various methods, including CLI and application contracts, demonstrating versatile contract interaction capabilities.
  • Perform comprehensive unit testing for smart contracts, ensuring reliability and performance of the blockchain application.
  • Troubleshoot and resolve common issues related to transaction flow, endorsement policies, and non-determinism in smart contract functions.