Certified in Advance Penetration Testing v3 Course Overview

Certified in Advance Penetration Testing v3 Course Overview

The Certified Advanced Penetration Tester (CAPT) course is an in-depth program designed to provide learners with comprehensive skills for conducting professional penetration tests. This course is ideal for those seeking a Penetration testing certification online and encompasses a wide range of topics from Setting up testing labs to Discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities, Maintaining access, and Bypassing security measures.

Throughout the course, learners will engage in practical exercises that mirror real-world scenarios, enabling them to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired. The curriculum covers the essentials of Penetration testing standards, various Classifications of penetration tests, Information discovery, Target scanning, Vulnerability assessment, and Advanced exploitation techniques. Additionally, the program includes lessons on Password cracking methods, Evading antivirus software, Maintaining persistent access, Advanced sniffing techniques, Denial-of-service attacks, web application Penetration testing, Wireless security, Client-side attacks, and Social engineering.

By completing this Penetration testing training certification, participants will be equipped with the skills needed for identifying security weaknesses, reporting on findings, and effectively communicating the risks and countermeasures to stakeholders. This comprehensive course prepares learners for real-world cybersecurity challenges, making them valuable assets to any organization looking to strengthen its security posture.


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  • Live Training (Duration : 40 Hours)
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Course Prerequisites

To ensure that participants are adequately prepared and can derive the maximum benefit from the Certified Advanced Penetration Tester course, the following prerequisites are recommended:

  • Basic understanding of networking concepts, such as IP addressing, subnets, and OSI layers.
  • Familiarity with operating systems, particularly Windows and Linux environments.
  • Fundamental knowledge of IT security concepts and practices.
  • Previous experience with virtualization software, such as VMware or VirtualBox, is helpful but not mandatory.
  • Basic command-line interface (CLI) skills for navigating and operating within Linux or UNIX-like systems.
  • Some exposure to scripting or programming in languages like Bash, Python, or Perl can be beneficial.
  • An eagerness to learn and a proactive approach to problem-solving and analytical thinking.

While these prerequisites are aimed at ensuring a smooth learning experience, individuals with a strong interest in cybersecurity and a willingness to invest time in self-study can also succeed in this course.

Target Audience for Certified advanced Penetration Tester

The Certified Advanced Penetration Tester course equips IT professionals with elite hacking techniques and methodologies.

  • Information Security Analysts
  • Penetration Testers
  • Ethical Hackers
  • Network Security Engineers
  • Cybersecurity Consultants
  • IT Security Managers
  • Security Architects
  • Systems Administrators looking to specialize in security
  • Security Auditors
  • Computer Forensics Analysts
  • Vulnerability Researchers
  • Cybersecurity Enthusiasts
  • IT Professionals seeking to advance their knowledge in security
  • Military and Law Enforcement personnel in cyber divisions
  • Cybersecurity Educators and Trainers

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Certified advanced Penetration Tester?

Introduction to Learning Outcomes

The Certified Advanced Penetration Tester course is designed to equip students with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in penetrating and securing networks. It covers a comprehensive range of topics from setting up a lab environment to advanced exploitation techniques.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Setting Up a Penetration Testing Lab: Students will learn to install and configure tools like VMware, Kali Linux, and network settings essential for creating a safe environment to practice penetration testing skills.
  • Understanding Penetration Testing Frameworks and Standards: Participants will become familiar with the methodologies and legal frameworks guiding ethical hacking, including intelligence gathering and threat modeling.
  • Mastering Information Discovery and Scanning Techniques: Learners will acquire the ability to use tools for discovering devices, gathering DNS and WHOIS information, and understanding various scanning methods with tools such as Nmap and Shodan.
  • Vulnerability Assessment and Zero-Day Discovery: Students will learn to identify and assess system vulnerabilities using tools like Nessus and OpenVAS, and explore research methods for uncovering zero-day vulnerabilities.
  • Exploitation Techniques and Metasploit Framework: Learners will gain hands-on experience in exploiting vulnerabilities using Metasploit, understanding payloads, and managing post-exploitation activities such as creating meterpreter sessions and dumping password hashes.
  • Privilege Escalation and Password Cracking: This course will teach various techniques to escalate privileges on compromised systems and crack passwords with tools like John the Ripper and OphCrack.
  • Bypassing Antivirus and Maintaining Access: Participants will learn strategies to encode payloads to evade antivirus detection and methods to maintain persistent access to compromised systems using backdoors and tunnels.
  • Advanced Sniffing and Network Attacks: Students will become adept at using tools like Wireshark for sniffing network traffic and executing network-level attacks including ARP poisoning and DNS spoofing.
  • Web Application and Wireless Penetration Testing: The course covers penetrating web applications using tools like BurpSuite and exploiting wireless networks' security, including cracking WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryptions.
  • Reporting and Ethics: Learners will understand the importance of proper reporting, evidence management, and the ethical considerations of penetration testing, ensuring they can communicate their findings effectively and responsibly.

Technical Topic Explanation

Maintaining access

Maintaining access to a professional means ensuring consistent and reliable communication channels with an expert. This involves creating a strong professional relationship where trust and mutual respect are foundational. Regular check-ins, setting clear objectives, and the timely exchange of information play crucial roles in sustaining this access. It's also important to consider the professional’s schedule and preferences to create a balanced and respectful interaction that fosters a long-term, productive partnership. Being courteous, prepared, and proactive in communications further helps in maintaining this valuable access effectively.

Bypassing security measures

Bypassing security measures involves circumventing the protocols and defenses that protect computer systems, applications, and data. This action, often explored in penetration testing, helps organizations identify and strengthen vulnerabilities in their security systems. By intentionally attempting to breach their defenses, companies utilize findings from such tests to improve security measures. Professionals seeking to specialize in this field can benefit from undertaking a penetration testing certification online. Training through the best penetration testing course online ensures a deep understanding of security weaknesses and how to exploit them ethically, enhancing a professional's skill set in cybersecurity defense endeavors.

Penetration testing

Penetration testing standards are guidelines and methodologies used to assess the security of a system by simulating an attack from malicious outsiders. These standards ensure that the testing is comprehensive, consistent, and effective, helping organizations identify and fix security vulnerabilities. Adhering to recognized standards, like those from the PTES or OWASP, is crucial in maintaining rigorous security practices. For professionals looking to master these skills, obtaining a penetration testing certification online, enrolling in a penetration testing training certification program, or taking the best penetration testing course online can be invaluable.

Classifications of penetration tests

Penetration testing, often known as "pen testing," involves simulating cyber attacks to evaluate the security of IT systems. There are mainly three classifications of penetration tests: **Black Box** tests where the tester has no prior knowledge of the system, **White Box** tests where the tester has full knowledge and access to the system, and **Gray Box** tests which are a blend of the two, providing some information to the tester. Each type targets different aspects of security to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors.

Information discovery

Information discovery in technology refers to the process of identifying, locating, and retrieving data across various systems and networks to analyze it for meaningful insights or specific purposes. Such discovery procedures are crucial for enhancing business intelligence, improving information governance, and facilitating effective decision-making. The process typically involves the use of advanced tools and techniques to scan, index, and categorize data, ensuring easy accessibility and usability for stakeholders and systems within an organization.

Vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability assessment is a process used to identify, classify, and prioritize vulnerabilities in computer systems, applications, and network infrastructures. It involves systematic examination of security weaknesses in an organization’s IT systems, which could potentially be exploited by attackers. The goal is to determine where defenses might be inadequate and guide corrective action to improve security. This assessment is a crucial part of a comprehensive security strategy and is often integrated with penetration testing training certification to enhance understanding and skills in protecting systems against attacks.

Target scanning

Target scanning in cybersecurity involves systematically identifying and examining potential vulnerabilities within a computer system, network, or organizational infrastructure. This process is crucial for detecting possible entry points for security breaches, allowing IT professionals to strengthen defenses against attacks. It forms a critical component of penetration testing, where experts employ various methods and tools to simulate attacks to evaluate the robustness of security measures. Effective target scanning can mitigate risks, prevent data breaches, and maintain system integrity, illustrating its importance in maintaining cyber-health.

Advanced exploitation techniques

Advanced exploitation techniques are high-level strategies used in cybersecurity to find and exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems. These techniques go beyond basic methods by utilizing deep understanding of software, hardware, and network vulnerabilities. They often involve chaining multiple flaws together to achieve unauthorized access or damage. This area is critical for cybersecurity professionals who want to protect systems effectively. Gaining expertise through the best penetration testing course online or a penetration testing certification online can greatly enhance one’s skills. These courses provide both foundational and advanced knowledge, ideal for those aiming for a penetration testing training certification.

Password cracking methods

Password cracking refers to the techniques used to gain unauthorized access to systems by deciphering encrypted data, such as passwords. Common methods include brute force, where every possible combination is tried; dictionary attacks, using pre-compiled lists of common passwords; and rainbow table attacks, which use pre-calculated tables for reversing cryptographic hash functions. While understanding these methods is crucial for security professionals in preventing breaches, it is also a critical aspect covered in obtaining a penetration testing certification, often explored in detail in the best penetration testing courses online.

Evading antivirus software

Evading antivirus software involves techniques used by cyber attackers to avoid detection by antivirus programs. These methods include obfuscating malicious code, exploiting software vulnerabilities, or disabling antivirus software altogether. The goal is to bypass the security measures in place and carry out harmful activities without being spotted by security tools. Understanding these tactics is crucial for cybersecurity professionals to strengthen defenses and mitigate risks effectively.

Maintaining persistent access

Maintaining persistent access refers to the ability of a professional to continuously have access or control over a network or system, even after the initial entry is closed or disrupted. This is particularly relevant in cybersecurity, where authorized professionals, such as those with penetration testing training certification, need to ensure systems can consistently resist unauthorized access. It involves deploying tools or methods that help in regaining entry or maintaining control over systems to monitor security continuously. This is a critical competency in cybersecurtiy roles, often enhanced by taking the best penetration testing course online.

Advanced sniffing techniques

Advanced sniffing techniques involve monitoring and capturing data packets as they travel across a network. This practice is crucial in penetration testing, where security professionals identify vulnerabilities within network systems. By examining these packets, testers can uncover sensitive information, detect potential security threats, and evaluate network defenses. Effective use of advanced sniffing is integral to comprehensive penetration testing certification programs. Enrolling in the best penetration testing course online provides the necessary training, equipping professionals with skills to implement sophisticated sniffing strategies responsibly and effectively, thereby enhancing network security.

Denial-of-service attacks

A Denial-of-Service attack (DoS) is when a perpetrator floods a computer system or network with traffic to overwhelm it, causing it to slow down or shut down, denying service to legitimate users. It's akin to crowding the entrance of a shop so no one else can enter. Protecting against these attacks involves understanding vulnerabilities, which can be enhanced by pursuing a penetration testing certification online. This education, through the best penetration testing course online, equips professionals with the skills to assess and fortify systems against such threats, making a penetration testing training certification valuable.

Penetration testing

Web application penetration testing is a security assessment process aimed at discovering vulnerabilities in web applications. It involves simulating cyber attacks to identify and fix security weaknesses before malicious actors can exploit them. This testing is crucial for protecting sensitive data and maintaining business integrity. Professionals can enhance their skills in this field through penetration testing certification online or by enrolling in the best penetration testing course online. These programs provide comprehensive penetration testing training certification, equipping individuals with the necessary expertise to secure web applications effectively.

Wireless security

Wireless security involves protecting computers, mobile devices, and networks from unauthorized access or harm when using wireless technologies like Wi-Fi. This includes safeguarding data exchanged over wireless networks against eavesdropping, theft, or tampering. Effective wireless security employs methods like encryption, strong user authentication, and maintaining robust network access controls. Best practices and updated protocols are crucial to prevent potential vulnerabilities such as unauthorized access and cyber-attacks. As wireless technology advances, continual updating and improving security measures becomes essential for maintaining privacy and data integrity in a wireless environment.

Client-side attacks

Client-side attacks refer to cyber attacks that target vulnerabilities in the software or applications running on a user's device, such as a computer or mobile phone. These attacks often exploit weaknesses in web browsers, email clients, or other installed applications to execute malicious code. The goal is typically to steal sensitive information, control the device, or spread malware. To safeguard against these threats, individuals and organizations can educate themselves through programs like the best penetration testing course online or obtain a penetration testing certification online, which provide training on identifying and defending against such vulnerabilities.

Social engineering

Social engineering is a method of manipulating people into giving up confidential information, like passwords or bank details. This strategy exploits human psychology rather than technical hacking techniques. For example, a social engineer might trick someone into revealing sensitive information by posing as a trusted co-worker or authority figure. Protecting against this requires awareness and skepticism of unusual requests for sensitive information. It is increasingly important in cybersecurity to recognize these tactics since they can bypass even the most robust technical defenses. Training and vigilance are essential defenses against social engineering attacks.

Setting up testing labs

Setting up testing labs involves creating a controlled environment where you can simulate real-world scenarios to test the security of systems or software. This process is essential for identifying vulnerabilities before they are exploited maliciously. Typically, the setup includes configuring necessary hardware and software, establishing network settings, and ensuring data isolation for safety. Professionals seeking to enhance their skills in this area may benefit from pursuing a penetration testing certification online, enrolling in penetration testing training certification programs, or taking the best penetration testing course online to gain practical, hands-on experience and formal recognition of their expertise.

Discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities

Discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities involves identifying weaknesses in a computer system or network that could be used by attackers to gain unauthorized access or cause harm. This process is crucial for enhancing security by fixing the vulnerabilities before they can be exploited maliciously. Professionals can learn these skills effectively through penetration testing training certification. Courses like the best penetration testing course online offer detailed instructions and hands-on practice. Completing a penetration testing certification online ensures individuals are equipped with the latest techniques and knowledge to secure systems against potential cybersecurity threats.

Penetration testing

Penetration testing, or pen testing, involves simulating cyber attacks on a computer system to check for exploitable vulnerabilities. Experts in this field try to breach security features of software systems, networks, or web applications, mimicking the actions of potential attackers. The aim is to identify and fix security weaknesses before malicious hackers can exploit them. To become a penetration tester, one can pursue a penetration testing certification online or enroll in the best penetration testing course online. These training programs enhance skills and knowledge, preparing professionals for the challenges of securing modern digital infrastructures.

Target Audience for Certified advanced Penetration Tester

The Certified Advanced Penetration Tester course equips IT professionals with elite hacking techniques and methodologies.

  • Information Security Analysts
  • Penetration Testers
  • Ethical Hackers
  • Network Security Engineers
  • Cybersecurity Consultants
  • IT Security Managers
  • Security Architects
  • Systems Administrators looking to specialize in security
  • Security Auditors
  • Computer Forensics Analysts
  • Vulnerability Researchers
  • Cybersecurity Enthusiasts
  • IT Professionals seeking to advance their knowledge in security
  • Military and Law Enforcement personnel in cyber divisions
  • Cybersecurity Educators and Trainers

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Certified advanced Penetration Tester?

Introduction to Learning Outcomes

The Certified Advanced Penetration Tester course is designed to equip students with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in penetrating and securing networks. It covers a comprehensive range of topics from setting up a lab environment to advanced exploitation techniques.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Setting Up a Penetration Testing Lab: Students will learn to install and configure tools like VMware, Kali Linux, and network settings essential for creating a safe environment to practice penetration testing skills.
  • Understanding Penetration Testing Frameworks and Standards: Participants will become familiar with the methodologies and legal frameworks guiding ethical hacking, including intelligence gathering and threat modeling.
  • Mastering Information Discovery and Scanning Techniques: Learners will acquire the ability to use tools for discovering devices, gathering DNS and WHOIS information, and understanding various scanning methods with tools such as Nmap and Shodan.
  • Vulnerability Assessment and Zero-Day Discovery: Students will learn to identify and assess system vulnerabilities using tools like Nessus and OpenVAS, and explore research methods for uncovering zero-day vulnerabilities.
  • Exploitation Techniques and Metasploit Framework: Learners will gain hands-on experience in exploiting vulnerabilities using Metasploit, understanding payloads, and managing post-exploitation activities such as creating meterpreter sessions and dumping password hashes.
  • Privilege Escalation and Password Cracking: This course will teach various techniques to escalate privileges on compromised systems and crack passwords with tools like John the Ripper and OphCrack.
  • Bypassing Antivirus and Maintaining Access: Participants will learn strategies to encode payloads to evade antivirus detection and methods to maintain persistent access to compromised systems using backdoors and tunnels.
  • Advanced Sniffing and Network Attacks: Students will become adept at using tools like Wireshark for sniffing network traffic and executing network-level attacks including ARP poisoning and DNS spoofing.
  • Web Application and Wireless Penetration Testing: The course covers penetrating web applications using tools like BurpSuite and exploiting wireless networks' security, including cracking WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryptions.
  • Reporting and Ethics: Learners will understand the importance of proper reporting, evidence management, and the ethical considerations of penetration testing, ensuring they can communicate their findings effectively and responsibly.