Advanced OpenStack Deployment Course Overview

Advanced OpenStack Deployment Course Overview

The Advanced OpenStack Deployment course is designed for IT professionals seeking to deepen their expertise in deploying, managing, and scaling OpenStack environments. The course offers hands-on experience with the core OpenStack services, ensuring learners acquire practical skills for real-world applications.

Module 1: NTP
Lessons: Configuring network time synchronization to maintain consistent timing across OpenStack components.

Module 2: MySQL
Lessons: Setting up the database service for OpenStack to store stateful information.

Module 3: RabbitMQ
Lessons: Implementing the message broker for communication between OpenStack services.

Module 4: Keystone
Lessons: Managing identity services for authentication and authorization within OpenStack.

Module 5: Glance
Lessons: Handling image services for managing virtual disk images.

Module 6: Neutron
Lessons: Deploying networking-as-a-service capabilities within OpenStack.

Module 7: Nova
Lessons: Orchestrating compute instances for managing and automating virtual machines.

Module 8: Cinder
Lessons: Providing block storage to ensure persistent data storage for instances.

Module 9: Horizon
Lessons: Utilizing the dashboard for OpenStack management and operations.

Module 10: Heat
Lessons: Automating infrastructure deployment using orchestration templates.

This course will help learners develop the technical proficiency needed to effectively deploy and manage OpenStack environments, enhancing their skills in cloud computing and infrastructure management.

This is a Rare Course and it can be take up to 3 weeks to arrange the training.

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Fee On Request

  • Live Online Training (Duration : 8 Hours)
  • Per Participant
  • Guaranteed-to-Run (GTR)
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♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

  • Live Online Training (Duration : 8 Hours)
  • Per Participant

♱ Excluding VAT/GST

Classroom Training price is on request

You can request classroom training in any city on any date by Requesting More Information

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Course Prerequisites

Certainly! To ensure that students are well-prepared and can gain the maximum benefit from the Advanced OpenStack Deployment course, the following minimum prerequisites are recommended:

  • Basic understanding of Linux command line operations, as OpenStack services are typically managed in a Linux environment.
  • Familiarity with the principles of networking, such as IP addressing, DNS, and basic routing concepts.
  • Knowledge of virtualization concepts, including the use of hypervisors and virtual machines.
  • Experience with managing services on a Linux system, including starting, stopping, and configuring services.
  • Prior exposure to the fundamentals of cloud computing and the role of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
  • An understanding of the core OpenStack components (such as Nova, Neutron, Glance, Keystone, etc.) and their basic functionalities would be advantageous but not strictly necessary.

These prerequisites are intended to provide a foundation that will help students to fully engage with the course material and not to act as a barrier to entry. Individuals with a strong willingness to learn and who are ready to immerse themselves in new technologies may also find success in this course, provided they are committed to bridging any knowledge gaps during their training.

Target Audience for Advanced OpenStack Deployment

  1. The Advanced OpenStack Deployment course is designed for IT professionals seeking expertise in deploying and managing OpenStack environments.

  2. Target Audience:

  • Systems Administrators
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineers
  • Network Engineers
  • IT Project Managers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Technical Architects
  • Cloud Solutions Architects
  • Software Developers with a focus on cloud computing and OpenStack
  • Data Center Managers
  • IT Professionals looking to expand their knowledge in cloud infrastructure
  • Technical Operations staff
  • IT professionals working in environments that utilize OpenStack
  • Technical Consultants involved in OpenStack implementations or migrations

Learning Objectives - What you will Learn in this Advanced OpenStack Deployment?

  1. The Advanced OpenStack Deployment course covers key components of OpenStack, focusing on in-depth understanding and hands-on experience with NTP, MySQL, RabbitMQ, and more to ensure efficient cloud infrastructure management.

  2. Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  • Understand the role and configuration of NTP in OpenStack environments for synchronized timekeeping.
  • Gain proficiency in deploying and managing MySQL databases as a backend service for OpenStack components.
  • Learn to set up and configure RabbitMQ as the messaging backbone for OpenStack services communication.
  • Master identity management by configuring and administering Keystone, the OpenStack authentication service.
  • Acquire skills to manage and configure Glance, the image service for OpenStack, to handle virtual disk images.
  • Develop the ability to deploy and troubleshoot Neutron, the OpenStack networking component, ensuring robust network operations.
  • Learn comprehensive management of Nova, the compute service of OpenStack, for handling instances and compute resources.
  • Gain expertise in Cinder, the block storage service in OpenStack, to provide persistent storage to instances.
  • Understand the deployment and customization of Horizon, the OpenStack dashboard, for web-based cloud management.
  • Explore the orchestration capabilities of Heat to automate the deployment of compute instances and applications.