Red Hat System Administration II with RHCSA Exam Quiz Questions and Answers

Answer :
  • newgrp sales

Explanation :

The newgrp command is used to set the effective primary group, which will effect default group ownership on new files until the current shell session is ended. The chgrp command is used to set the group owner of an existing file. Chgrp is not related to any user account and it affects newly created files only.
Answer :
  • awk -d : ‘/user/ { print $4 }’ /etc/passwd

Explanation :

The awk command first needs to know which field separator should be used. This is specified with the -F : option. Then, it needs to specify a string that it should look for, which is /user/ . To indicate that the fourth field of a matching file should be printed, you need to include the { print $4 } command.
Answer :
  • cat /proc/cpuinfo
  • lscpu

Explanation :

Look for the vmx flag in /proc/cpuinfo to verify the availability of hardware virtualization support or for the svm flag (for AMD cpus). The lscpu command shows the hypervisor mode a host is offering, and if used on a virtual machine it shows which type of virtualization platform this machine is used on.
Answer :
  • env
  • echo

Explanation :

The env command displays all defined environment variables, so option A satisfies the question. (In practice, you might pipe the results through grep to find the value of a specific environment variable.) The echo command, when passed the name of a specif
Answer :
  • nmtui

Explanation :

On RHEL 7, nmtui is the default utility to set and modify the network interface. Notice that RHEL 7 does not have system-config utilities anymore for configuring networking that were available in earlier versions of RHEL.
Answer :
  • ping6 ff02::1%eth0

Explanation :

On RHEL 7, nmtui is the default utility to set and modify the network interface. Notice that RHEL 7 does not have system-config utilities anymore for configuring networking that were available in earlier versions of RHEL.
Answer :
  • yum history

Explanation :

Explanation: The yum history command reads the /var/log/yum.log file and shows recent yum history. In this list, every event is marked with a history number that can be used with the yum history undo command.
Answer :
  • /etc/cron.d

Explanation :

The /etc/cron.d directory is used to store cron files for individual services that need tasks to be executed through cron. This directory is mostly filled by installing RPM files that contain cron jobs.