Qubits42-Self-Testing Software

Why Qubits:

  • Get access to our easy-to-use testing engine to keep track of your learning programs.
  • Get a Certificate of Achievement for each.
  • Immediate access.

Purchase Qubits for 55284A: Introduction to Python

USD 29

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USD 149


Q1. What payment method do you accept?

A. You can pay through debit/credit card or bank wire transfer.

Q2. What is the test format on Qubits.42?

A. MCQs and Wordle. Wordle are questions for which learners are expected to type out a one-word answer. Question Wordle is inspected by the popularity of the online Wordle game.

Q3. How can I see the test result?

A. After you purchase, you will get the Login to LET portal where you can view all your test questions and results module-wise.

Q4. Are these actual questions from the test?

A. While we take efforts to maintain the difficulty level, and style similar to that of the exam, they are not the exact questions asked in the exams.

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