PL-400T00: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Quiz Questions and Answers

Answer :
  • By using resource estimation formulas considering data volume, user interactions, and integration points

Explanation :

To accurately estimate the resources, you need to consider the complexity and scope of the solution, including data volume, user interactions, and integration points. This ensures an accurate allocation of resources required for deployment.
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  • To protect data integrity and comply with regulations

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Incorporating security practices is crucial for protecting data integrity and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. It helps safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access and potential breaches.
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  • By conducting load tests to measure performance under different conditions

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Conducting load tests helps determine how well the architecture can handle varying loads and stress. It is essential for ensuring the system can scale and perform efficiently under different conditions.
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  • Synchronization and data consistency across systems

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Synchronization and data consistency are crucial to ensure that integrated systems operate seamlessly without data conflicts or loss, which is vital for maintaining data integrity and reliability.
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  • The modularity and documentation of the design

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A modular design with comprehensive documentation ensures that the solution can be maintained and updated efficiently, with minimal disruption, as it allows for easier troubleshooting and updates.
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  • Business Process Flows

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Business Process Flows provide a structured way to guide users through a series of steps with conditional logic based on user input, ensuring consistency and compliance with business processes.
Answer :
  • To design a blueprint that ensures the technical solution aligns with business goals

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The primary role of a technical design architect is to create a blueprint that ensures the technical solution supports the business goals and meets the requirements of the stakeholders.
Answer :
  • Utilizing built-in calculation functions

Explanation :

The calculation engine in model-driven apps utilizes built-in functions to perform mathematical operations within business rules, ensuring seamless and efficient data calculations.
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  • When incorporating additional data sources for automation.

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Including a new API integration involves modifying the technical architecture to accommodate additional data sources for the automation processes within a Power Platform solution.
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  • Comparison and conditional statements

Explanation :

Validating a field with upper and lower limits in a plug-in usually involves comparison and conditional statements to ensure that the field value falls within the defined range.