Mobile Application Development Quiz Questions and Answers

Answer :
  • A & B

Explanation :

Content values are named key pair values which is used to store the data, update the data in SQlite database. Cursor is a temporary buffering area to store the temporary result of android SQlite.
Answer :
  • Not running state

Explanation :

he app is not running. Inactive - The app is running in the foreground, but not receiving events. An iOS app can be placed into an inactive state
Answer :
  •  Dalvik byte code

Explanation :

Dalvik is a discontinued process virtual machine in Google's Android operating system that executes applications written for Android.
Answer :
  • IBAction is a macro defined to denote a method that can be referred to in Interface Builder.

Explanation :

An IBAction (Interface Builder action) is a function which is called when a specific user interaction occurs. 
Answer :
  • Inactive State

Explanation :

An iOS app can be placed into an inactive state, for example, when a call or SMS message is received. 
Answer :
  • httprequest(get/post) and returns response from the server

Explanation :

Http request has get and post methods and it returns the response from the servers.