LPIC-2: Linux Engineer Quiz Questions and Answers

Answer :
  • df -T

Explanation :

The df -h command shows mounted devices and the amount of disk space currently in use on these devices. The -T option helps in recognizing real file systems (as opposed to kernel interfaces) because it shows the file system type as well.
Answer :
  • rpm -qp --scripts packagename.rpm

Explanation :

The --scripts option checks whether there are scripts in an RPM package. If you want to query the package file and not the database of installed RPMs, you need to add the -p option to the -q option, which is used to perform RPM queries.
Answer :
  • “027”

Explanation :

In a umask, 0 in the first position gives all permissions to the file owner. 2 in the second position ensures that members of the group owner can read files, and 7 in the third position takes away all permissions for others.
Answer :
  • dmesg

Explanation :

The dmesg utility shows the contents of the kernel ring buffer. This is the area of memory where the Linux kernel logs information to and gives a clear overview of recent kernel events.
Answer :
  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Explanation :

These identity keys are created with the file names of id_type for the private key and id_type.pub for the public key. The key in option E is a private key using the RSA algorithm.
Answer :
  • The rsync utility

Explanation :

Both the md5sum and sha512sum utilities produce hashes on files, which can be compared to determine if file corruption occurred, such as when transferring a file over the Network.