How to Become a Front-End Developer - A Step by Step 2023 Guide?

By Aarav Goel 06-Apr-2023
How to Become a Front-End Developer - A Step by Step 2023 Guide?

Everything runs on websites and web applications these days and Front end developers are the engineers that make it possible. What we see on the website and how the websites interact with us is all the work of dedicated front end developers working behind the scene. 


Front end development is one of the most in-demand job profiles right now. Everyone wants to learn how to build a website and mobile application. Well, becoming a front-end developer is not as hard as it used to be. With the right skill, a good amount of preparation, and a complete understanding of what the role demands from you, you can also become a front-end developer. 


We will be discussing the skills, salary, job profile, and career growth in the role of Front end developers. While we are at it, we also go into a brief discussion of the profile that matches with the Front end development profile. But before we start telling you how to become a Front end developer, let us understand what is Front end development?


What is Front end Development?


Front end development, more commonly known as client-side development is the practice of producing user interfaces for mobile and web applications. It encompasses HTML, CSS, Javascript which assist users while interacting and communicating with the business online. 


A decade ago, Front end development was still in its nascent stage. There was more focus on the backend development of the websites. With the boom of the internet and smartphones, While that remains important to the date, Front end development has also attained its rightful important place in the industry. Every website owner wants to make their web and mobile applications aesthetically pleasing and super easy to use. Let us look at some of the core languages that make up the profile of Front end developers. 


Hypertext Markup Language


Consider HTML as a building block of all the applications. It defines the structure of content and architecture of the applications. Hypertext refers to the links that connect the pages either within a single website or between websites. 


html utilises markup to denote different elements of the website. these elements include ,



Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. They work alongside HTML and describe the presentation of HTML elements for desktop, mobile phones, and tablets. It is one of the cornerstone technologies of the internet alongside HTML and Javascript.


CSS describes the layout, colors, and fonts of the website content. It separates the presentation from the content. This improves accessibility across the website and provides increased flexibility. 

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Javascript, often abbreviated as JS, is also one of the cornerstone technologies of the World Wide Web. It is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and multi-paradigm language that enables websites and applications to enable interactive behavior. Almost every website and web application use Javascript.   


What is a Front end developer?


You should be aware of the roles and responsibilities that front-end developers take on before starting your journey as one. When the profile of Front end developers opened in the market, they were strictly limited to the front end of the applications. 


Over the last few years, the line between front-end developers and backend developers has been blurring. The tasks that were considered the responsibility of the backend are now being done by the front end developers. So here is the list of everything you can expect your boss to expect from you. 


The roles and responsibilities mentioned below are a mixed pool from the job descriptions listed by companies on LinkedIn and their business websites.

  • Develop unique user-facing features
  • Build reusable code and libraries for future.
  • Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs
  • Optimize applications for speed and scalability
  • Assure that all user input is validated before submitting to the back-end
  • Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders

These are the basic expectations that CTOs of companies keep from their front end developers. Please note that the list is not final and you could be handed over a task that might not look like yours. Remember when we said that the line was blurring. 


Skills required for Frontend development


If you plan to become a Front end developer, there are certain basic skills that you must master. Developers with an extra set of skills are statistically preferred over developers with no certificate skills. 


As mentioned above, HTML, CSS, and Javascript are the cornerstone technologies of the world wide web. Unsurprisingly, Front end developers must know all of the three with detailed knowledge about the nooks and intricacies. 


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The times are changing, Enterprises and developers working for them are getting more competitive every day. Technology is also on the boom with new innovative language, tools, scripts being released consistently. Hence, in addition to the three cornerstone tech, companies expect more from their front-end developers: 


Here is the list of tools that companies are ex[ecing their front-end developers to know of. 

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • server-side CSS pre-processing platforms, such as LESS and SASS
  • JavaScript libraries and frameworks, such as AngularJS, KnockoutJS, BackboneJS, ReactJS, DurandalJS
  • asynchronous request handling, partial page updates, and AJAX
  • Familiarity with tools such as Gimp or Photoshop 
  • Git / Mercurial / SVN
  • SEO principles


Do not panic if the list looks scary. This is a mixed pool of Skills required from Front end developers from 100+ companies. It is an advantage for you to have basic ideas about the mentioned skills and you are not supposed to master each one of them. 


Frontend developer Salary and Career Growth


We saved the best for the last. The charm of Front end development profile includes the work but also the salary. This is still one of the highest-paid jobs in the IT industry. 


According to Glassdoor, a Front end developer in the United States earns an average of $86,178 per year. As per the Payscale, Starting salary of Front end developers ranges from $70,000- $75,000 per year. 


The industry of Infor mation Technology and profiles of development teams have matured over the years. The profiles have been designated and there is an informal standard protocol for promotions. This surety also makes the Front end development profile one of the hottest in the field. 


Senior Frontend Developer


After spending 3-5 years in the industry as front-end developers, enterprises generally promote them to the profile of Senior Front-end developer. While the basic structure of their job description remains the same, the senior in their profile brings some of the authority to their position. They are entrusted with the training of the fresh batch of developers. In some cases, they are made the lead front-end developer of standalone projects.


Web Architect


The profile of Web Architect is as cool as the name sounds. It is also known as Webmaster, sounds cooler right! The Web Architects are responsible for creating and implementing designs for multiple web apps, mobile apps, and in some cases even social media platforms. 


Frontend developers with understanding and interest in the design, architecture, and wireframes, should pursue the role and profile of Web Architects. The duties of Web Architects may include managing multiple websites, including responding to users on discussion panels and maintaining physical hardware including web and offline servers.


Information System Manager 


Information System Manager is someone who manages the database for the websites. They are end to end responsible for designing, creating, and managing databases to process information. We are living in an age where data is the new oil. This makes the role and job of Information Systems Manager one of the key jobs in enterprises. ISM also maintains the stability and navigation of networks. They are expected to ensure the system and databases’ security and also prevent unauthorized access and illegal data dissemination.


Some companies require a degree in MBA for roles such as Information System Manager. This is because the role sits right in the path of Chief Informations Officer.


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Multimedia Developer


We have mentioned before, that companies are now demanding their front-end developers to have a basic understanding of software such as Adobe Illustrator and Premiere Pro. Since the developers are already working on something related to aesthetics and designing, some find their calling in graphic design. 


Or developers who have the knack for designing can pursue their career in the Multimedia Industry. With the skill of design and understanding of codes, they are always in demand in the gaming and animation industry. 




Becoming a Frontend developer is easier than it used to be. You study the three technologies, HTML, CSS, and JS thoroughly. And upskill yourself as the companies demand. And soon enough you will be landing your first Frontend development job. 


At your first job


The profile of frontend development is a quick-paced job. You always have to be vigilant of your product and how it is behaving with the users. Since the real-time activity of websites is different from their virtual environment experience, Front end developers have to constantly keep a lookout for glitches and bugs. 


Also, Front end developers should be constantly updating themselves with new and improved technology to decrease load time and enhance the user experience of the website.


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Aarav Goel

Aarav Goel has top education industry knowledge with 4 years of experience. Being a passionate blogger also does blogging on the technology niche.

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