How to Learn Python Programming for Beginners

By Michael Warne 10-Mar-2023
How to Learn Python Programming for Beginners

Programmers love Python for its object-oriented and flexible features. The language makes the best segue into the programming world for beginners. Peter Norvig, Google, Inc. says that Python has been an essential part of the company from the beginning. And it has continued to serve as an important language as the system evolves. A tonne of Google engineers prefer using Python and the company is always on the lookout for people with proficiency in the language. 

Let’s start by understanding the basics of Python for beginners.

What Is Python?

Python is a high-level programming language that is object-oriented and has dynamic semantics. Some of its main features include dynamic typing, high-level; data structures, dynamic binding, etc. These features make Python useful for the development of complex applications.

Python is an open-source language that was developed in the 1980s and implemented in Dec 1989. The language is used in data science and offers well-furnished libraries and multiple frameworks that ensure you are able to develop concrete applications quicly. 

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Why Should You Use Python?

Python is extensively used to develop GUI applications for desktops, web applications and websites. You can focus on your app’s core functionality while the language takes care of the common programming tasks. Programmers around the world are using Python as a scripting language while developing their web applications which has made the language one of the most sought-after programming languages. Professionals in the fields of Machine Learning, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence Web Development and Data Science

Programmers use Python to create learning and optimising data algorithms, find data analytics solutions and build websites. 

As a programmer, your knowledge of Python should be at your fingertips. How well you are able to learn the language depends on:

Your commitment: The amount of effort you put into learning every day.

Your background: Your knowledge of programming languages in general. 

Your approach: The resources you use to learn.

Most learners require a minimum of six months to get the hang of the language and learn its fundamentals. But, you can start writing your first program within the first few minutes of learning. When it comes to mastering Python’s vast libraries, it can take a programmer months or even years. 

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How Soon Can You Learn Python for Beginners?

With consistency and a good approach, you can learn the basics of Python within two to six months. The first couple of weeks will teach you the foundational syntax and elements of this language. 

Some of them are:

  • Data and object structures (floats, integers, strings)

  • Comparison operators

  • Functions

  • Reading and writing to files

  • Web scraping

  • Variables and types

  • Slicing and indexing

  • For and while loops

  • Tuples, dictionaries and lists

  • Objects and classes

  • Application programming interfaces

Once you have this foundational knowledge, you can start using these skills towards your personal goals like becoming an application developer or a data analyst or even automating tasks at work. 

How Long Does It Take to Master Python?

The answer to this question depends on what mastery means to you. Python is an ever-evolving open-source software with millions of Python developers working on it. So, you will never be able to know everything about Python. But that’s okay, you just need to be proficient in the features and tools you are going to use on a regular basis. 

As a Python user, you get access to thousands of libraries that are full of functions designed to make coding easier for you. This means that mastering Python is always going to be an ongoing process. 

Here are some tips to get you started and improve your coding skills. 

  1. Gain proficiency in the basics

Proficiency in the basics of Python will lead to long-term benefits. You will be able to grasp more advanced concepts when your fundamentals are clear. You can then be more confident about learning algorithms and data structures. 

While the language is high-level and used to do complex tasks, it is quite easy to learn. It has a clear syntax that makes it a favourite for Python beginners as well as experienced programmers. As a complete beginner, you may find Python to be a bit overwhelming. But you must remember that every programmer starts that way. You will find your way soon enough. 

  1. Go Old School With Code on Paper

Writing code for software doesn’t mean you have to learn only on the computer. The old pen and paper are still one of the most effective ways of learning anything, even programming. Research has shown that taking notes by hand allows you to retain them better than on a computer. 

It also gets you familiar with the syntax quicker. Modern code editors automatically highlight errors which is great when you are already familiar with the language but not so good when you are learning Python for beginners. Automated detection can deter you from paying attention to these mistakes. 

  1. Practice Makes Proficient

Once your fundamentals are strong, you can start writing your own code. During your learning period, it is essential that you code every day. This consistency keeps you hooked and get familiarised with the language. Learning Python is about solving a programming problem with a program. Practising often will open you up to different applications and their problems, and develop your problem-solving skills. 

  1. Try Out Multiple Programming Resources

You will find a lot of resources to learn Python, online and offline. But this variety can also make it difficult for you to find a good and reliable beginner tutorial. So, you must speak to other programmers who have more experience than you for recommendations and also consider where your interests lie. 

You can join online forums to interact with other programmers and even check out some books and projects available in big libraries. Exploring these resources will keep you updated on the latest developments in Python. The knowledge gained through such resources is often found to be invaluable. 

  1. Contribute To Open Source Code

Open-source models have software code that is available publicly, allowing anyone to contribute to it. This can help you interact with coders with similar interests and create valuable learning experiences. You can get your queries answered and even answer a few queries on your own. 

The shared platform will bring to you new concepts from everyone involved in the code. Looking at the source code, you learn how it works, draw your own conclusions and practice by reading the others’ codes. 

  1. Take A Break

Writing complex code and taking in loads of new information has the ability to burn you out. This is why you must remember to take breaks often. Getting worked out or burnt out when dealing with a big or error will not solve anything. Step away, declutter your mind and start over. This will let you think more clearly and get to the solution faster. 

  1. Take A Structured Course

Learning a programming language from scratch can be difficult. You can use a structured course from online coaching companies to begin your coding journey. You can learn basic as well as advanced concepts and gain in-depth knowledge to master your coding skills. 

If you are a non-programmer, give yourself some time and be patient. Python is the easiest language to start your journey and you will gain mastery for sure. The trick is to go slow and be patient. Take your time to understand the core fundamentals before you move on to more complex functions. This will build a strong foundation. 

Then, think about what type of application you want to build and make a learning plan around it. Use Django to build a simple website as a part of Python programming for beginners. Remember, mistakes only mean that you get you to learn new things and how to do them right. Every error you get should excite you and make you eager to find a solution. Coders always have the best learnings through exceptions and errors. 

Another thing you must remember is to learn your syntax along the way. The more you write code, the more syntax you learn. 

  1. Start Your Own Projects 

Once you have finished your course and worked on a few open-source codes, you can start working on your own projects to see where your interests really lie. However, you must remember to start with a small project that can finish faster. A difficult project can take a while to finish and can often demotivate you. 

Finding a good Python project to work on can seem daunting. So, here are a few ideas for you:

  • Contribute to more open source codes

  • Extend projects that you worked on previously to add more functionality

  • Find Python meet-ups around you

  • Speak to people who are working on interesting projects

  • Check out local non-profits looking for volunteer developers

  • Adapt or extend projects by other people

  • Browse blogs online to find interesting ideas

  • Think of how you can use Python to make your everyday life easier

Ideas By Project

Mobile App:

  • App to track how much you walk every day

  • App to send you weather notifications

  • Location-based, real-time chatting app


  • Plan weekly/monthly meals

  • Review video games

  • Note-taking platform


  • Temperature sensors

  • Remote home monitoring

  • Smart alarm clock

  • Self-driving robot

  • Automated data entry

  • Data scrape from the web

Machine Learning / Data Science:

  • Visualise polls by state

  • Weather predictions

  • Stock market predictions

  • Content summaries

Python Games:

  • A location-based game where you capture territory

  • Program to solve puzzles

Pick something and do it. There's a risk of never getting started if you're too worried about picking the perfect project.

Coding errors and problems are inevitable as you build your project. You shouldn't let it discourage you. Use some resources that can help you, like:

  • Python documentation - reference materials on Python

  • Google - solve errors

  • StackOverflow - discuss programming issues with other people in the community. The questions can be Python-specific or general about data

Ask GOOD Questions 

While there is nothing known as a bad question, there is a possibility to ask questions badly when you are learning Python for beginners. Usually, whoever you are asking your query to will have little to no knowledge about what you are working on or the problem you are trying to solve. The best way to ask a question is to follow the GOOD format!

G: give context to the listener on what you are trying to achieve and clearly describe your problem

O: Outline what you have already tried 

O: Offer your best guess on what the issue could be. The helper will know how you are thinking and that you have done some thinking on your own. 

D: Demo what is happening. Include your code, the error message and the steps you took that resulted in this error. This prevents the helper from recreating the issue. 

Such explanations can save you and your helper a lot of time. If you skip any of the steps outlined above, you might have to deal with a lot of back-and-forths that result in conflict. Asking good questions is essential as a beginner because it gives you practice in communicating your thinking process and allows people to feel safe while helping you. 

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Career Options For Python Coders

Since Python is easy to learn and understand, has several APIs and libraries that support things like data analysis, manipulation and visualisation along with development, making it a popular choice among developers. You can go on to become analysts, app developers, web developers, software engineers, etc once you gain Python proficiency. 

Some career options for Python coders are:

  1. Python Developer:

You can become a Python developer right after you have acquired the skill. The key responsibilities of a Python developer are: 

  • Resolve data analytics problems

  • Optimise data algorithms

  • Build websites

  • Write reusable and efficient codes

  • Implement protection and security for data

  1. Product Manager

As a product manager, you would be helping businesses understand the market they operate in and what product would serve this audience best. You will have to study the market, conduct research exercises to find out what feature can be added to a product or category and advocate for your recommendations with facts. Thus, data becomes an integral part of the job description, which is why most companies are looking for product managers that are skilled in Python.  

  1. Data Analyst

If you like working with huge amounts of data and find your purpose in it, a career as a data analyst is something you should definitely consider. Today, data is everywhere and companies need people who are skilled in dealing with these huge mounds of data on a regular basis. Knowledge about Python comes in handy when you have to work with such large sets of data. 

  1. Machine Learning Engineer

The last couple of years have seen a 330% increase in the job postings for this position. Skills in Python coding will put you above the rest of the applicants. As an ML Engineer, you will build and train machines, programs and other computer-based systems. These machines then use this learned knowledge to make predictions. Python has the ability to work with algorithms and data automation, which makes it an ideal programming language to be used in machine learning.  

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Salary Trends in India for Python Codes

India is slowly becoming the data hub of the world with people getting skilled in various fields of data. As a software developer, you can earn an average of INR 6 lakhs per annum. This figure has the ability to double if you have the right experience and any other additional skills. Other things that matter are your employer, relevant certifications, job location, etc. Once you find the right balance in your skills and experience, you will be able to work with big names like Accenture, Amazon, Tata Consultancy Services, Cognizant, etc. You can expect good career growth as you gain more and more experience. If you are a senior software developer, you can earn up to INR 20 lakhs per annum, depending on how well you can manage a team or a project. 

A web developer skilled with Python can earn upto INR 8 lakhs per annum. Other job titles and their average salaries are:

  • Lead software engineer (up to INR 20 lakhs per annum)

  • Data scientist (up to INR 7 - 8 lakhs per annum)

  • Machine learning engineer (up to INR 7 lakhs per annum)

  • Data analyst (up to INR 5 lakhs per annum) 

At the end of 2019, reported that there were more than 75,000 Python developer jobs available in India. Around the same time, around 7000 Python web developer jobs were available. A job portal also reported 108k jobs available for a Python software developer.

There are also 58,000 open jobs for data scientists, 98,000 for business analysts, and 64,000 for machine learning engineers. Python professionals have a number of job opportunities available to them. A skill like this will never leave you unemployed.


Companies across the globe are looking for Python professionals who have the ability to come up with solutions that are tailored precisely to meet their clients' needs. In recent years, Python has gained a competitive edge over other programming languages thanks to its popularity and ability to gain a competitive edge. 

Michael Warne

Michael Warne is a tech blogger and IT Certification Trainer at Koenig Solutions. She has an experience of 5 years in the industry, and has worked for top-notch IT companies. She is an IT career consultant for students who pursue various types of IT certifications.

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