Python Certification: A Complete Guide for this Year 2023

By Anvesha Jain 07-Apr-2023
Python Certification: A Complete Guide for this Year 2023

Python is an object-oriented programming language which gains popularity in the highly performance optimized computing space. The language is considered the most popular programming language. Since Python is one of the easiest languages to learn, it builds up traction among students, individuals and various organizations as a preferred choice. Python, with its open source environment, has an easy to read and elegant syntax and is also extensible to other programming languages (for example, C++ or C).

Where is Python implemented?

With the extensive standard modules of Python, candidate will build the ability to develop GUI and the web, while the modules can also be used in the fields of education, science, 3D graphics or games. The role of Python is growing in Xml parsing, game development, system integration, back-end servers and configuration tools.

What are the basics of Python a candidate should be aware of?

Candidates eager to learn the basics of the programming language can refer to the official Python website to learn about:

  • Basics to Python page
  • Guide to choosing Python versions
  • Tutorials designed for programmers as well as for non-programmers
  • Python Online-documentation
  • Application and module reference pages, language, and Library

What are the different versions of Python?

Python 2 and Python 3 are the two different versions of Python. Depending upon the skill sets or the expertise a candidate is aiming to acquire will define the version for which training is to be undertaken.

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Who should do Python training?

The language is primarily compatible with lighter scripting and applications and is an easy learning language for those who’re very naïve to programming language.

Why choose Python training?

Today, more and more organizations are migrating to Python, wherein engineers mostly use the language, and are hunting for those who have similar skills. Moreover, with an unprecedented proliferation of the language, the demand for Python training in Bangalore and other cities in India as well as abroad is growing.

  • The language is flexible to learn
  • Can create applications capable of managing heavy traffic
  • Enables developers to quickly add more features on to the applications
  • Helps organizations in bringing down costs related to development.
  • Assists organizations in carrying out GIS analysis or in creating a simple repeatable workflow development.

What are the eligibility criteria for enrolling in Python training?

  • Depending upon the course you are planning to undertake, eligibility for a candidate varies.
  • Regular track – Basic knowledge of computer and networking is necessary for candidates. They do not require any knowledge of Python programming language
  • Fast track – Only candidates with knowledge of any basic programming language can join the course.
  • Super fast track – Only candidates with intermediate knowledge of any basic programming language can join the course.

What does the training cover?

Python training course covers a variety of topics which includes:

  • Branching and scripting
  • Lists and dictionaries
  • Python objects
  • Input/output and modules
  • Python string operations

Introductory class helps understand the characteristics of the language and why it has been preferred over other programming languages.

What are the skills developed with Python training?

It is easily to master this “open source language”, If you’re familiar with C# or Java. With the training you can:

  • Build logic to write programs in Python
  • Store data to file, developing a program block with the help of ‘functions’ features
  • Build networked programs using databases and web services
  • Identify programming language basic building blocks
  • Become competent at handling files
  • Store as well as manipulate the data using the dictionary

Is there an online test for candidates?

Python online test is conducted to assess a candidate’s programming knowledge of Python and the native data structures of language. This test is a pre-employment screening for candidates to assess their ability of solving problems, as well as their familiarity with the native data structures and constructs of the programming language. The candidates need to solve Python coding problems as well as to fix Python program bugs.

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How should a candidate prepare for Python training?

Once a candidate is familiar with the basics as well as the reference guides, it is recommended to practice the programming principles of Python using the reference sites as provided by Python or training institute.

Should a candidate choose a training institute?

It is the ‘learning style’ of an individual which determines whether to opt for tutorials, online documentation, or class room Python training led by instructor. However, for a candidate looking to gain mastery of the language with the guidance of an instructor, it is ideal to enroll with institutes such as Koenig. And, moreover, the level of programming practice you do is the vital element when it comes to the training.

Is there an advanced course for Python?

Upon mastering the basics of Python, you can consider joining a Python advanced course. The course will equip you with programming skills such as:

  • Thread programming
  • Multi-processing
  • Message passing
  • Co-routines and generators
  • Advanced I/O handling

Who is the advanced Python courses meant for?

Advanced courses on Python are meant for programmers who have more experience with the core Python programming language, You can avail advanced Python training offered by several training institutes that offer course certification once you complete the courses.

What is the average salary for Python in India and the US

The average salary for a Python trained engineer depends on the job. However it starts at about 5 lakhs a year and grows with experience and practices. Python could be a big bet for students aspiring to pick computer programming as a career. The training provides enough space to understand the job opportunities related to computer programming.

What are the future prospects after Python training?

Python certified training is helpful to candidates wanting to learn a programming language. The language runs on a range of operating systems and platforms, which makes the language easily accessible for developers. Python training turns candidates into highly sought-out resource. It could be a big bet for students aspiring to pick computer programming as a career.. From software engineer to data scientists, there are a plethora of options for candidates.

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Anvesha Jain

Anvesha Jain has a great variety of knowledge in the education industry with more than 3 years of experience. He has also done work with many educational institutes as a Career counsellor. He also likes to write blogs on different topics like education and career guidance

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