Apache Tomcat Administration Quiz Questions and Answers

Answer :
  • <p>A library that allows developers to write connectors using Kafka.</p>
Answer :
  • A) <p>A) By using a tool like kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh to measure throughput, latency and other metrics for consumers</p>
    B) <p>B) By using a tool like JConsole or JMX to access and visualize various metrics exposed by consumers via MBeans</p>
    C) <p>C) By using a tool like Kafka Connect or Kafka Streams to collect and process metrics from consumers and send them to external systems</p>
    <p>D) All of the above</p>
Answer :
  • <p>a) Set enable.idempotence to true in producer.properties.</p>
Answer :
  • A) <p>Messaging, logging, metrics, auditing, and event sourcing.</p>
    B) <p>Stream processing, data integration, data pipelines, and microservices.</p>
    C) <p>Website activity tracking, fraud detection, recommendation systems, and IoT.</p>
    <p>All of the above.</p>
Answer :
  • A) <p>A) By tuning various parameters in the consumer configuration such as fetch.min.bytes, fetch.max.wait.ms, max.partition.fetch.bytes, max.poll.records, etc.</p>
    B) <p>B) By increasing the number of partitions and replicas for topics that are consumed by consumers</p>
    C) <p>C) By using compression techniques such as gzip, snappy or lz4 for messages that are consumed by consumers</p>
    <p>D) All of the above</p>
Answer :
  • <p>High throughput, low latency, high scalability, and high availability.</p>
Answer :
  • <p>A) The position of a record in a partition</p>
Answer :
  • A) <p>Choose meaningful topic names and partition keys.</p>
    B) <p>Use appropriate message formats and schemas.</p>
    C) <p>Tune producer and consumer configurations for performance and reliability.</p>
    <p>All of the above.</p>
Answer :
  • A) <p>A) Broker failures or network partitions</p>
    B) <p>B) Consumer lag or rebalancing</p>
    C) <p>C) Under-replicated or corrupted partitions</p>
    <p>D) All of the above</p>
Answer :
  • A) <p>To publish and subscribe to a large number of messages</p>
    B) <p>To store and process streaming data</p>
    C) <p>To route messages from publishers to subscribers</p>
    <p>All of the above</p>