Top Python Interview Questions And Answers (2023 Updated)

By Archer Charles 03-May-2023
Top Python Interview Questions And Answers (2023 Updated)

Table of Content

1. Top Python Interview Questions and Answers Asked in Interview

2. Python Interview Questions and Answers for Beginners

3. Python Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals

Test Your Knowledge with Our Top Python Interview Questions and Answers Asked in Interviews

Q 1. State the difference between lists and tuples in Python programming

Q 2. Explain why Python is an Interpreted Language

Q 3. How does Python handle memory?

Q 4. Python's ternary operators: how do they work?

Q 5. How is Python's multithreading implemented?

Where you able to answer some? If not, then check the answers below.

Python Interview Questions for Beginners

Python is one of the most popular and frequently used programming languages. Free and open source, it also has a primary and clean syntax. As a result, it is easier for engineers to learn and complete the python course. While Python is for general-purpose programming, it also supports object-oriented programming (OOP).

Here are the questions you could prepare for when taking an interview for a job involving Python.

Q 1. State the difference between lists and tuples in Python programming.

It is one of the basic Python interview questions. Here are the differences between the two.

List in Python.

Tuples in Python.

Lists are editable, which is mutable.

A tuple is a list that cannot be altered, which is immutable.



Syntax Example: list_1 = [10, ‘Chelsea’, 20]

Syntax Example: tup_1 = (10, ‘Chelsea’ , 20)

Q 2. Explain why Python is an Interpreted Language

Interpreted programming languages are those that are not machine-level code before execution. Python is designed as an interpretive language.

Q 3. How does Python handle memory?

Python manages its memory by these methods.

  • When it comes to memory management, it is all down to Python's private heap area. In a private heap, all Python objects and data structures are stored. There is no method for the coder to access this private heap. Instead, the python interpreter handles this.
  • Python's memory manager allocates heap space for Python objects. The core API gives the programmer access to some tools for coding.
  • An inbuilt garbage collector is also included, which recycles all unneeded memory to make it available to the heap.

As a Python interview question, memory management is a crucial aspect.

Q 4. Python's ternary operators: how do they work?

Conditions are shown using the ternary operator. An evaluation statement is attached to each of the actual or false values.

Q 5. How is Python's multithreading implemented?

As a Python interviews question, each candidate should be able to answer this core concept.

  • Utilizing Python's multithreading package is not recommended if you wish to multi-thread your code to speed it up.
  • Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is a Python concept. The GIL will block one of your 'threading' processes. When a thread gains GIL, it performs a small amount of work before passing GIL on to the following thread.
  • It happens quickly, so to the human eye, it may appear as your threads are running in parallel, but in reality, they are only taking turns using the same CPU core to perform their tasks.
  • All of this GIL passing contributes to the execution's time overhead. When making your code run quicker, using the threading package is not always the best option.

Q 6. What exactly are Python libraries? List a few.

Python libraries are a grouping of Python packages. A few of the most popular python libraries are Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, and many other tools.

Q 7. Explain Python's concept of Inheritance?

Here is an advanced Python interview question that focuses on the OOPs concept. A class can extend its functionality by inheriting all the members (such as attributes and methods) from another class. Because inheritance allows code reuse, it is easier to design and maintain an application because of its inheritance.

Python supports many distinct types of inheritance:

  • Single Inheritance refers to when a derived class inherits all the members of a single superclass.
  • Multi-level inheritance: The derived class d1 is inherited from the base class base1, and the derived class d2 is inherited from base2.
  • Hierarchical inheritance allows you to inherit an unlimited number of child classes from a single base class.
  • Multiple inheritances occur when a derived class inherits from multiple base classes.

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Q 8. Python map function - what is it used for?

The map function runs the first parameter on all items of the iterable. The number of arguments the function accepts multiplies the number of iterables.

Q 9. Is it possible to generate a random number using Python?

Python's random module is used here to come up with a random.

Consider some of the following: An integer number in the range of 1 to 0.

import random

n = random.random()

print (n)

To generate an integer in between a certain range (say from a to b):

import random

n = random.randint(a,b)


As a Python interview question, the panelists can ask you to write a basic program like this one in Python.

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Q 10. Positive indices: what are they, and why do they exist?

Lists, tuples, and strings with negative indexes are at the end of the list.

Arr[-1] is the last element of array Arr[]. As well, prepare a sample.

Q 11. What is Python's lambda structure?

In addition, you can be asked about advanced Python in a job interview. The lambda catch is used to create small, erratic, cryptic expendable capacity.

Q 12. What are the functions split(), sub(), and subn() used for?

Split() divides any provided string into a created rundown using a typical example.

Sub() It will look for all the substrings that match this typical example and replace the string.

Subn() is similar to sub() in that it restores the new string along with the number of substitutions.

Q 13. What is the difference between Java and Python?

It is a common python interview question to check whether you know the differences. Python uses a dynamically built information type, whereas Java uses a static information type.

Q 14. Recognize the differences between new and override modifiers.

The new modifier tells the compiler that the new implementation should be used instead of the base class function. Within a child class, the override modifier can be used to override a base class function.

Q 15. In Python, distinguish between a package and a module.

This is a fundamental question in python interview questions. A single python file makes up the module. Other modules (python files) can be imported as objects by a module. On the other hand, a package is a folder or directory that contains many sub-packages and modules.

Q 16. What is the difference between pickling and unpicking in Python?

This is an important topic, and you can anticipate it to come up as another Python interview question. The pickling process converts the Python objects to binary. Unpickling, on the other hand, converts binary data into Python objects. Pickled objects are used to store data on drives or in external memory. Unpickled objects are used to return data as python objects, which may then be processed in Python.

Q 17. Make the distinction between deep and shallow copies.

This can also be asked as one of the Python interview questions. Shallow copy is used to create new objects while preserving references to original pieces.

Deep copy generates an independent and new copy of an object and recursively copies all of the original element's nested objects.

Q 18. How does Python check if all the characters in a string are alphanumeric?

It's accomplished using the isalnum() method, which returns true if the string contains solely alphanumeric characters.

Q 19. Explain the various file processing modes available in Python.

Questions based on file processing are essential during the Python interview.

Read-only(r), write-only(w), read-write(rw), and append(a) are the three file processing modes in Python. The previous models are renamed "rt" for read-only, "wt" for write, etc. Similarly, a binary file can be opened by preceding it with "b" and the file accessing flags ("r", "w", "rw", and "a").

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Q 20. What should I do to get ready for a Python interview?

To prepare for a Python interview, you must know syntax, keywords, functions and classes, data types, basic coding, and exception handling. You must establish that you can write clean production code and that you are familiar with the necessary libraries and tools.

Q 21. What are Python's key features?

  • Python is dynamically typed. 
  • Python doesn't need to be compiled before its run, meaning it is an interpreted language.
  • Functions are first-class objects in Python. They can be returned from functions, passed onto other functions, and assigned to variables.
  • Python suits object-based programming very well.
  • You can use Python in various domains such as automation, scientific modelling, and web applications.
  • Python code can be written quickly but running it can get slow sometimes.

Q 22. Is Python a programming or scripting language?

Python is considered a general-purpose programming language. However, it is capable of scripting.

Q 23. How is Split Function used in Python?

Syntax - string.split(delimiter, max), where,

Max: maximum number of splits

Delimiter: Character-based on which the string is split.

The Split function thus splits a string into several strings based on a particular delimiter.

Q 24. How can you achieve Multithreading in Python?

You can achieve multithreading in Python via switching content. The Global Interpreter Lock in Python doesn't allow more than one thread to hold the interpreter at a specific time. It is very different from multiprocessing.

Q 25. What does PEP 8 stand for?

PEP is also known as Python Enhancement Proposal. It consists of rules that specify how to format Python code for maximum readability. 

Q 26. What is Django Architecture?

Django is a web service, and its architecture is discussed as follows:

  • The front end of the web page is the Template.
  • Data is stored at the back end, known as Model.
  • Django serves pages to the user.
  • View interacts with the Template and Model. View maps it back to the URL.​ 

Q 27. What are decorators in Python?

You can use decorators to add design patterns to a function without changing its structure. Following are the steps to apply a decorator:

  • Define Decorator Function.
  • Write the function it is applied to.
  • Add the decorator function above the function it needs to be applied to.
  •  Use the @ symbol before the decorator carries out the 3rd step.

Q 28. What are namespaces in Python?

In Python, namespace is the name assigned to each object - variables and functions. There are 4 types of namespaces in Python:

  • Global Namespace
  • Built-in Namespace
  • Local Namespace
  • Enclosing Namespace

Q 29. What is the difference between Arrays and Matrices?

Arrays: A sequence of objects of similar data types. An array with another array forms a matrix.

Matrices: Two-dimensional representation of data. It consists of a robust mathematical operation set that lets you manipulate data in many ways.

Q 30. How can random numbers be generated in Python?

  • Import the random module.

  • The random() function creates a random float value between 0 and 1.

> random.random()

  • The randrange() function creates a random number within a given range.

Syntax: randrange(beginning, end, step)

An example is, random.randrange(1,10,2)

Q 31. What can the 'is' operator do?

The 'is' operator can compare the id of the two objects. 




list1 == list2 - True

list1 is list2 - False

list1 is list3 - True

Q 32. Why do you use a break statement? 

You can use the break statement to terminate the current loop's execution. 

Q 33. How can you create a Unicode string in Python?

The "str" type has replaced the old Unicode type in Python 3. By default, the string is treated as Unicode. By using the art.title.encode("utf-8") function, you can create a string in Unicode.

Q 34. What is the pass statement?

When there's syntactic, the pass statement is used. It is not used when there's an operational requirement. 

Q 35. What is a Numpy array?

It is a grid of values, which are the same types. A tuple of non-negative integers records it. 

Q 36. How can you remove all the leading whitespace in a string? 

I strip(), an inbuilt function in Python removes all leading spaces from a string. 

>> "Python" .lstrip

Output: Python

Python Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals

Q 1. What is the difference between .pyc and .py?

The .pyc files store the bytecode of Python files. For the source code files in Python, you need the .py files. 

Q 2. Explain keywords in Python?

In Python, keywords are used for a specific function. These are reserved words that are used to state the type of variables. 

  • In
  • Is
  • Nonlocal
  • None
  • Raise
  • And
  • Or
  • Not
  • For 
  • Else
  • Yield

Q 3. What are global and local variables in Python?

Global variables are variables declared in a global space outside of a function. If within a function, you declare a variable, then it is a local variable.

Q 4. What is the lambda function in Python?

It is a type of anonymous function and can take just one statement but as many parameters as you want. It is used when an anonymous function is needed for a short while. 

Q 5. How can you copy an object in Python?

The copy module makes copies of an object in Python. The copy module gives two options to make copies of an object:

  • Deep copy
  • Shallow copy

Q 6. What are **kwargs and *args?

**kwargs: a special syntax for passing variable-length keyworded arguments - a variable passed to a function - to functions.

*args: it is used to pass variable-length parameters. "args" in the common name, and * denotes variable length.

Q 7. What are iterators in Python?

Iterators are things that can be traversed or iterated through.

Q 8. What is monkey patching in Python?

Monkey patches are utilised to run-time dynamics to a class or module.

Q 9. How do you send an email in the Python language?

The smtplib and email libraries are used to send emails. You can import these modules into the newly created mail script. It is then sent to users who are authenticated. 

Q 10. What is a classifier?

These are hypotheses that assign labels to data items depending on their classification. A classifier predicts any data point's class. 

Q 12. Construct a program that checks if all of the numbers are unique in a sequence.

def check_distinct(data_list):

if len(data_list) == len(set(data_list)):

   return True


   return False;

print(check_distinct([1,6,5,8])) #Prints True

print(check_distinct([2,2,5,5,7,8])) #Prints False


Having a Python certification will be highly beneficial for your career. You can work in various dimensions and be a desired candidate by many MNCs. You can simply and efficiently understand and learn Python to boost your career. The Python questions above will facilitate your training and help you ace job interviews.

Python certification popularity is increasing due to its simplicity and ability to achieve various capabilities with fewer lines of code. Due to its capacity to handle sophisticated computations employing strong libraries, Python is widely used in web development, web scraping, and many other areas. Due to this, Python developers are in high demand in India and around the world. Companies are eager to provide these developers with a wide range of bonuses and incentives.

Here is the list of python development trends for 2022-23:

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Archer Charles

Archer Charles has top education industry knowledge with 4 years of experience. Being a passionate blogger also does blogging on the technology niche.